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Twu Survey-do Not Discard


"Why will you not participate and have your voice heard?"

I did try to participate and have my voice heard back when NWA AMTs were fighting for ALL AMTs when they were facing some of the worse management people in the airlines & a PEB. But it was YOUR unelected leader, jim little, that told me that was not "our" fight.

"You have displayed your cowardice in the lack of participation in this important survey."

Cowardice? Ah, a subject you are finely able to speak about from first hand experience. But alas, you are wrong in this assumed application. It is not cowardice that I will not fill out this survey given to us. It is the track record of the twu that enables me to know that my reply will mean nothing. The twu can not and will not change. Oh, they may appear to change, like creating seperate locals from ramp and AMTs. But it is the same unelected international puppet masters pulling strings. The twu already knows what is wanted but they will not change.

" One must be willing to face challenges that you may not believe supports you as an individual, but may be nessesary to support the represented body of the membership."

Challenges that I don't believe in? Do you possibly mean like in-sourcing shop work to osm. Or the ability of the twu to allow other non-A&P people to do AMT work, such as the ramp doing push backs, deicing, airstarts? Or perhaps the challenges of not being able to elect international officers? Maybe you mean your unelected leader's, jim little, ability to accept a contract without ratification by the membership? Could it be the challenge of the twu using my dues money to purchase a coffin and parade it up and down the street in Tulsa at a offered debate that self appointed loud mouths like kirk wells were to afraid to attend?

"I hope that we as a labor force are never faced with your type of representation."

You prefer the representation offered by an industrial union that does not care who performs the work as long as it is a twu represented member? Or the type of representation offered by a union that does not allow the membership to elect who should be voted into the international? I know you prefer the type of representation where the only supporters of that union are too afraid to state their identity.

Sounds like the twu is exactly your type of representation you are looking for. Perfect for a coward like yourself.
Ken MacTiernan said:

"Why will you not participate and have your voice heard?"

I did try to participate and have my voice heard back when NWA AMTs were fighting for ALL AMTs when they were facing some of the worse management people in the airlines & a PEB. But it was YOUR unelected leader, jim little, that told me that was not "our" fight.

"You have displayed your cowardice in the lack of participation in this important survey."

Cowardice? Ah, a subject you are finely able to speak about from first hand experience. But alas, you are wrong in this assumed application. It is not cowardice that I will not fill out this survey given to us. It is the track record of the twu that enables me to know that my reply will mean nothing. The twu can not and will not change. Oh, they may appear to change, like creating seperate locals from ramp and AMTs. But it is the same unelected international puppet masters pulling strings. The twu already knows what is wanted but they will not change.

" One must be willing to face challenges that you may not believe supports you as an individual, but may be nessesary to support the represented body of the membership."
Challenges that I don't believe in? Do you possibly mean like in-sourcing shop work to osm. Or the ability of the twu to allow other non-A&P people to do AMT work, such as the ramp doing push backs, deicing, airstarts? Or perhaps the challenges of not being able to elect international officers? Maybe you mean your unelected leader's, jim little, ability to accept a contract without ratification by the membership? Could it be the challenge of the twu using my dues money to purchase a coffin and parade it up and down the street in Tulsa at a offered debate that self appointed loud mouths like kirk wells were to afraid to attend?

"I hope that we as a labor force are never faced with your type of representation."

You prefer the representation offered by an industrial union that does not care who performs the work as long as it is a twu represented member? Or the type of representation offered by a union that does not allow the membership to elect who should be voted into the international? I know you prefer the type of representation where the only supporters of that union are too afraid to state their identity.

Sounds like the twu is exactly your type of representation you are looking for. Perfect for a coward like yourself.

Ken, With your post it further solidifies your position that it is "all about Ken"...! You alone have had the undivided attention of the TWU-ATD directer Jim Little, and he again reaches out to you to ask for your input on what your beliefs are and you again reject the offer. What kind of world do you live in? Does it revolve around you, and your beliefs alone? You know there are more represented by the TWU than you Ken, and if you haven't noticed lately "Majority Rule"...!!! So if change is what you seek. I suggest you participate, fill out your survey, or quit your crying....!!!!!!!

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
High Speed Steel said:
Ken, With your post it further solidifies your position that it is "all about Ken"...! You alone have had the undivided attention of the TWU-ATD directer Jim Little, and he again reaches out to you to ask for your input on what your beliefs are and you again reject the offer. What kind of world do you live in? Does it revolve around you, and your beliefs alone? You know there are more represented by the TWU than you Ken, and if you haven't noticed lately "Majority Rule"...!!! So if change is what you seek. I suggest you participate, fill out your survey, or quit your crying....!!!!!!!


HighSS, the ATD has been around how many years??? Many have tried and failed to change from within. Even local 514 president Burchette at one time went in trying to change from within, he went to the International and turned on a dime and sold the membership out for perks and money. There are no more chances for the twu, They burned them up. The membership is going to change from within with totality. The membership is going to change unions. It's not that big a deal to change, just fire the one you have and hire a better one like AMFA. The twu had the burden of proof that it could and would change for the last thirty years, the twu squandered those opportunities and instead withdrew into itself making even more difficult to change. The twu now has the burden of proof that it has changed, not that it will, if we will hold on another thirty years. The problem there is they have not changed and it is very easy to see that. There is no choice now, the twu is fired. Perhaps they can come back in thirty years like a shinny new nickle and say we did it but I seriously doubt it. Most likely they will continue to shrink and or be able to organize those that have no idea what unionism is about or can't read English well enough to understand the twu Constitution.
High Speed Steel said:
I too have received my survey in the mail today. I have completed my survey and recommend that we as members of the TWU return our surveys to get the "honest pulse" of this membership...! I do look forward to the final analysis of the data obtained.

Thanx...HSS :up:

And what makes you think that you are entitled to it? What if the "analysis" states what Little does not want? Do you think that you will see the full report? Or, will certain responses be used to justify what the International wants to do? You elect Local representatives to tell the International what you want, they dont want to listen so instead they create "surveys", like the one just prior to the 1995 contract to justify what they want to do.

From the survey it looks to me like the International is going to reorganize the locals, some will likely dissapear. Divide and conquer will be the objective, same as always.
The ONLY real meanigful change would have to be within the legally enforceable TWU Constitution.

This document is where the entire legal debate regarding the "without further ratification" sellout was placed.

All one has to do is read the TWU CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION PROCEEDINGS from 1989, 1993, 1997, and 2001 to see what happens when meaningful change and legally enforceable change is attempted.

These TWU printed documents spell it out. These are not AMFA supporter documents. These are not line mechanic documents. These are not biased reports and surveys. The TWU CONVENTION MINUTES are pure unaltered TRUTH. Printed by an independent source.

At once one pulls the head out and reads these documents with an open mind, it is clear that CHANGING UNIONS is the only way to get a Membership empowered Constitution.

And it is not just outraged mechanics that seek member empowerment. Most of the proposed Constitutional Amendments of the past 20 years have come directly from Local 100 Transit Division members.



What part of "WE AREN'T BUYING THE BULL#### ANYMORE" don't you understand?
High Speed Steel said:
Ken, With your post it further solidifies your position that it is "all about Ken"...! You alone have had the undivided attention of the TWU-ATD directer Jim Little, and he again reaches out to you to ask for your input on what your beliefs are and you again reject the offer. What kind of world do you live in? Does it revolve around you, and your beliefs alone? You know there are more represented by the TWU than you Ken, and if you haven't noticed lately "Majority Rule"...!!! So if change is what you seek. I suggest you participate, fill out your survey, or quit your crying....!!!!!!!

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!

Hey coward. Where have I ever stated anything that implicates that everything is about me? How do I have your unelected leader's undivided attention? He is the one that said he would not reply to me till the AMFA drive is over. Per your unelected leader's words the drive is over. Where is your unelected leader's outreach? A survey? Please, come on. The twu international knows EXACTLY what is needed but will not do anything. Oh, they will make a sell out president like videtich the Line Maintenance Coordinator and Tulsa's best, kirk wells, Overhaul Communications Officer. Gee, that will solve all the problems the twu has swallowed the past 20 years.

There are more than myself represented in the twu? Yes I do know this coward. I am blessed to be represented alongside Bus Drivers and Casino Dealers. Now there's political power for you. But alas I am also represented alongside dead people and those not in my craft & class.

You know nothing about majority rule coward. The Line is overwhelmingly AMFA supporters. The majority of people in my craft & class have signed authorization cards but the twu fears an election. The majority of major airlines in the US have voted for AMFA. The majority of major airlines in the US do not even have enough interest to start a twu card drive. Aren't the majority of back shops in Tulsa are now OSM?

The majority of twu supporters on this BB are too afraid of even identifying themselves. Now that's fear. Now that's cowardice.
And I'm sure that same cowardice goes to all the amfa supporters on this BB that use an alias...why stop there? How about all the cowards on this entire forum structure?...You need a reach around Ken...calm down, have a mickey, give Stewart a call and tell him how important you are.
Bob Owens said:
And what makes you think that you are entitled to it? What if the "analysis" states what Little does not want? Do you think that you will see the full report? Or, will certain responses be used to justify what the International wants to do? You elect Local representatives to tell the International what you want, they dont want to listen so instead they create "surveys", like the one just prior to the 1995 contract to justify what they want to do.

From the survey it looks to me like the International is going to reorganize the locals, some will likely dissapear. Divide and conquer will be the objective, same as always.

Bob, I am on the same track. What will the twu do to screw us over from the information they receive from the survey? They will be able to say is our reasoning and or fault form the survey. What ever it is you can bet they all ready know what they are going to do long before the survey was taken.
good topic mojo & exlactly what you'd expecrt from a bunch of SCABS WHAAAAA/WHINE/BLA/BLA/YAK/YAK ETC....once a SCAB always a SCAB
O SCABmaster is gonna send a brick yippeee for him ..JERK!!! the difference being O SCABmaster is I/TWU people DIDNOT ask for that SCAB INFO TO my HOUSE I union DUES to TWU not agency fee to some SCAB outfit that sends people to the street......10,000 + !!!!!
kenny boy you are a coward. you were at the debates & stood out in the foyer with your hands in your pants playing with yourself. you wouldn't even go in & TRY to defend what you believe.
you all say the same BS over/over "i tried this/i tried that" all any of you ever done was run your nose up somebodies BUTT hoping you'd get to be somebody
you ain't NOBODY!!!!!!! PUNK & you to sackman. all you can you spin something into a LIE. go ahead send a brick who cares TWU is on the property & WILL be there for many years get this O SCABmaster>>>"what part of UNION don't you understand?" you SCABS are not a union , never will be, you don't what the word means. you are ASSOcation & thats what they have at walmart.
no mojo they won't send it in 'casue they are afraid that there may be some changes made & then what? i sent mine & told them to rid the airlines of amfa(PUKE) o yeah kenny boy line mechs hummmm let's you do ah uh ah
PS 0912's & uh uh "A" checks OOOOOOOO who ya gonna for REAL maintenance???? it gonna be NW is now? or ALT? get a grip jerk!!!! & check this
y'all do the spell check for me ok??? :lol:
scab scraper, you really should'nt drink so much before you post it just makes you look stupid! OR perhaps you just never made it past middle school. your rants sound more like a drunkard :huh:
scab scraper said:
good topic mojo & exlactly what you'd expecrt from a bunch of SCABS WHAAAAA/WHINE/BLA/BLA/YAK/YAK ETC....once a SCAB always a SCAB
O SCABmaster is gonna send a brick yippeee for him ..JERK!!! the difference being O SCABmaster is I/TWU people DIDNOT ask for that SCAB INFO TO my HOUSE I union DUES to TWU not agency fee to some SCAB outfit that sends people to the street......10,000 + !!!!!
kenny boy you are a coward. you were at the debates & stood out in the foyer with your hands in your pants playing with yourself. you wouldn't even go in & TRY to defend what you believe.
you all say the same BS over/over "i tried this/i tried that" all any of you ever done was run your nose up somebodies BUTT hoping you'd get to be somebody
you ain't NOBODY!!!!!!! PUNK & you to sackman. all you can you spin something into a LIE. go ahead send a brick who cares TWU is on the property & WILL be there for many years get this O SCABmaster>>>"what part of UNION don't you understand?" you SCABS are not a union , never will be, you don't what the word means. you are ASSOcation & thats what they have at walmart.
no mojo they won't send it in 'casue they are afraid that there may be some changes made & then what? i sent mine & told them to rid the airlines of amfa(PUKE) o yeah kenny boy line mechs hummmm let's you do ah uh ah
PS 0912's & uh uh "A" checks OOOOOOOO who ya gonna for REAL maintenance???? it gonna be NW is now? or ALT? get a grip jerk!!!! & check this
y'all do the spell check for me ok??? :lol:

Wow, are they going to appoint you to the International soon?

That impressive and worthwhile comment without a doubt takes the cake as the best defense of industrial unionism.

There is more name calling, fear, and anger in that post than most suicide notes left behind by those that have completely checked out.

Are you a product of the Tulsa Public School system? I would like to send a copy to the current Superintendant, so that he/she too can be proud of the results. Or did you just know Michael Jackson intimately as a child and learn that behavior from Neverland?
scab scraper said:
good topic mojo & exlactly what you'd expecrt from a bunch of SCABS WHAAAAA/WHINE/BLA/BLA/YAK/YAK ETC....once a SCAB always a SCAB
O SCABmaster is gonna send a brick yippeee for him ..JERK!!! the difference being O SCABmaster is I/TWU people DIDNOT ask for that SCAB INFO TO my HOUSE I union DUES to TWU not agency fee to some SCAB outfit that sends people to the street......10,000 + !!!!!
kenny boy you are a coward. you were at the debates & stood out in the foyer with your hands in your pants playing with yourself. you wouldn't even go in & TRY to defend what you believe.
you all say the same BS over/over "i tried this/i tried that" all any of you ever done was run your nose up somebodies BUTT hoping you'd get to be somebody
you ain't NOBODY!!!!!!! PUNK & you to sackman. all you can you spin something into a LIE. go ahead send a brick who cares TWU is on the property & WILL be there for many years get this O SCABmaster>>>"what part of UNION don't you understand?" you SCABS are not a union , never will be, you don't what the word means. you are ASSOcation & thats what they have at walmart.
no mojo they won't send it in 'casue they are afraid that there may be some changes made & then what? i sent mine & told them to rid the airlines of amfa(PUKE) o yeah kenny boy line mechs hummmm let's you do ah uh ah
PS 0912's & uh uh "A" checks OOOOOOOO who ya gonna for REAL maintenance???? it gonna be NW is now? or ALT? get a grip jerk!!!! & check this
y'all do the spell check for me ok??? :lol:
"you ain't NOBODY!!!!!!!" Well said..... has anyone checked you into the Betty Ford Clinic yet???? Y'all best git thar real quik.
Can he use your name for a reference? You might get a bird dog fee out of them!

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