TWU plans demonstrations to coincide with Super Bowl weekend

Happened to look in Dallas Morning News & Dallas Star-Telegram this morning for articles covering the TWU's DFW Picketing.....natta, zilch, zippo, ain't gonna happen, forget about it, goose egg.....yep money well spent!
Isn't it going on right now? We might see something on the news tonight. I know most of 567 know's nothing about it, not one shop steward or e board member has said anything about it in the TEO building.
Happened to look in Dallas Morning News & Dallas Star-Telegram this morning for articles covering the TWU's DFW Picketing.....natta, zilch, zippo, ain't gonna happen, forget about it, goose egg.....yep money well spent!
Big business has done an excellent job of marginalizing anyone that actually works for a living and an even better job of trashing those in a labor union. The general public believes we are the scum of the earth and this damnfool union (I use the term loosely) thinks we will be appeased by handing out flyers - sounds more like an exercise more for the union members' benefit than to "educate" the flying public.

Rest assured, there wasn't a soul (or few if any at all) passing through the terminal on the high dollar Superbowl weekend in Dallas that might care one whit about a mechanic, pilot or FA, that is, unless they don't get to where they want to go - then we are even lower in status.
Happened to look in Dallas Morning News & Dallas Star-Telegram this morning for articles covering the TWU's DFW Picketing.....natta, zilch, zippo, ain't gonna happen, forget about it, goose egg.....yep money well spent!

In my opinion this "demonstration" was nothing more than exposure that the TWU is in a very insecure position at the bargaining table. A Union that is confident in their position, their membership support, and the willingness to strike would never have to resort to such tactics as this. The confident union would stare down the throat of management from across the table and not threaten with slogans, demonstrations, and leaflets but instead simply tell management time is ticking and more stalling will indeed lead to a major loss of revenue and chaos. A confident union wouldn't be withholding information from the membership and signing off on confidential agreements with management. The simple fact is, the type of actions we are witnessing actually expose a weakness at the bargaining table not strength or advancement. FOOLS! Too many times the TWU has used false threats and weak action to get by, now management scuffs and laughs and knows better. How embarrassing!

Isn't it obvious by now to everyone that Political Contributions, Sign Making, AFL_CIO Affiliation, T-Shirt Wearing, Hockey Tickets, Lies and Threats, Slogans, and Appointed Dicators that are Rich is not a valid or successful form of unionism?

The reason there are few media reports is because these TWU tactics are old news and worn out ideas and strategies. Thank God the media doesn't begin to report the TRUTH!
"A confident union wouldn't be withholding information from the membership and signing off on confidential agreements with management."

Does anyone know what was the result of this confidentially meeting? I know it was confidential and all, but nothing ever more was said about it after Bob Owens posted that it was going to take place.. Did the meeting even take place?
"A confident union wouldn't be withholding information from the membership and signing off on confidential agreements with management."

Does anyone know what was the result of this confidentially meeting? I know it was confidential and all, but nothing ever more was said about it after Bob Owens posted that it was going to take place.. Did the meeting even take place?
This exactly what the TWU wants you know......nothing! It's in their best interest that they keep you in the dark. How many times have we gone through the same old exercises when it comes to negotiations. I may bash the leadership of this union for being in the company's pocket, but I'm really embarrassed of being a member of this union because the membership allows these games and shannigans from their leadership. It's absolutely ridiculous how WE conduct ourselves in front of management No.1, and how WE allow our elected brothers and sisters to.... "walk all over us"....."keep us in the dark".....come around and tell US to find another job if you want to make more money"....I mean these are our co-workers that WE about holding their feet to the fire? These are the same guys voting to bring back more concessions on your behalf. How pathetic is that! We should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing these things to go on! It's nobody's fault but ours. That's because NO ONE CARES! We're the problem. We allow this Sh%$$t to go on. Let's wake up and get rid of the cancer(TWU) once and for all. Next time there's an election....throw all your buddies/bums out of office!
Well, it's 1530, and I suspect most of the Super Bowl fans are already on their way home.

Yet there's no mention of the picketing in either the Startlegram or the Dallas Boring News...

Looks like covered it, though. That's going to generate a lot of interest, I'm sure.
FANTASTIC.....Another TWU slogan has been added to the long list of others....

....Campaign for Justice

If they only really knew what others and their own dues paying members actually think of their sloganism. I have noticed over the years that these slogans always coincide with failure or lack of success.
This "Campaign for Justice" means, the company and International have a TA in place, that we will probably see before they show profits this Spring.
This "Campaign for Justice" means, the company and International have a TA in place, that we will probably see before they show profits this Spring.

I see you have some experience with TWU slogans yourself.
How about this "Out with the old, in with the new" AMP is the TRUE campaign for justice!

How did the picketing go today?

I agree, the only reason for this "dog and pony show" is so the international can say well we are bringing back contract # 2 because we did not have the support. They did not ask anything substantial except whinning to folks who could care less. No professional standards during work for whatever reason. This union sucks ass ! They only are concerned with their coffers and triple digit salaries.
Do you guys really think the traveling public has any sympathy? Usually passengers are not supportive of striking workers as they have the potential to both disrupt travel and prevent then from getting the cheapest fare possible. Of course, the unionists spin the public booking on other carriers in the event of a strike as "solidarity" when in reality most people couldn't care less and only want to get to their destination without disruption.

I was in MIA a couple of years ago when APFA did Pax4Pax and they didn't have too many interested passengers-people were more focused on making their connections or getting home.


It isn't passenger sympathy airline employees seek. We as airline employees have to take a stand to feed our families and if joe and jane passenger don't make it to their dream location because the airline is on strike, too bad! It could have all been avoided if management pulled a few coins from the treasurery. If the company won't share in the bounty, screw em. We didn't take a vow of poverty.
TWU has launched a Campaign for Justice which will involve union members from coast-to-coast in a new initiative to win a fair contract at American Airlines.

"We’re going to be creative, we’re going to be consistent and we’re going to put all the pressure we can on the executives of this company," said TWU Vice President Garry Drummond, director of the union’s Air Transport Division (ATD).

"Every year, they reward themselves with fat bonuses, while ignoring the passengers and employees who are vital to the company’s success." The five top officials at AMR, American’s parent company, have given themselves more than $300 million in bonus pay. A new round of bonuses is expected in April.

Gary Drummond has been getting raises for years, why is he so upset about bonus pay for AMR execs.?

By the way, he is a two time winner of the Genius of the week, this should give him a third !!!!!

Gary Drummond 09/06/10 Paid $181,869.00

In the Sept 6, 2010 Star-Telegram Blog newly appointed ATD Director (nobody really gets voted in) Garry Drummond says "our negotiating committees are canvassing our members to determine the exact reasons the tentative agreements were voted down. " Another college educated TWU appointee totally clueless with the needs of the membership. Perhaps he should spend little bit more time with the members he serves rather than reading Barrons. When asked to comment on the status of the Fleet Service negotiations after asking to be released and voting overwhelmingly to strike Drummond said "we are willing to resume discussions with the company in an effort to reach a fair and equitable agreement." So, you're going to ask the federal mediator to un-release the Fleet Service group??? I bet that will make management quiver.
Wow, all that money spent on signs generated two news articles:

Nothing in the national media that I could see.

I admit I don't follow football too closely outside of the Packers and their division rivals, but have never heard of Nolan Harrison, Ken Jolly, or Isiah Robertson. Looks to me like the best that the TWU could garner for support was a couple of washed out players. No name brands. But I did find it a little funny that some of the union guys were asking for autographs on the picket line...

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