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TWU plans demonstrations to coincide with Super Bowl weekend

You would think that our local leadership would be all over the base posting this info that was emailed to subscibers of 567. Nothing posted outside the glass of the twu bb, and no E board or shop stewards relaying the info. Pathetic..

Super Bowl Party
Friday, February 4th, 8AM to 6PM, Terminal A, C and D
Handbilling Only, No Picketing
Saturday, February 5th, 8AM to 6PM, Terminal A, C and D
Handbilling Only, No Picketing
Monday, February 7th, 7AM to 6PM Terminal A, C and D
Demonstration and Picketing
Spare as much time as you can, nobody is expected to be thee all the time, every body is expected to be there some of the time.
Attend on your own time
Do not attend during lunch or breaks
The local will NOT reimburse or authorize lost time
Park in DFW terminal
The local will NOT reimburse parking
Do NOT bring your own signs, signs will be provided
Do NOT interfere with passengers
Do NOT block traffic
Do NOT block entrances/exits
Do call protest coordinator Mark Gray at 817-657-5347 to find out when/where you are most needed
Protest Agenda
Friday and Saturday February 4th and 5th from 8am-6pm, we will be distributing Informational Fliers at Terminals A, C, and D.

Monday, February 7th We will be conducting a HUGE PROTEST against the continued Corporate Greed of American Airlines!

Friday and Saturday we will be functioning as a welcome committee to Dallas, handing out a flier with the player roster on one side and our message on the other.

Monday will be our main Demonstration and that's the day we need EVERYONE to participate!!!

“We have strategically chosen the day after the Super Bowl for several reasons. First and foremost, from now until Super Bowl Sunday, the media and public have just one thing on their mind... football!! Furthermore, from now until the game is over fans will be trickling into DFW, and the media will be scattered all across the Metroplex. However, on Monday the game will be over, all the fans will be headed to the airport, and the media will have but one thing to cover...US! Our message will be the last thing the passengers hear as they leave Dallas, and we must tell our story loud and clear!”

We have the full support of the APFA (Flight Attendants), and the NFPLA (NFL Players Union).

Presidents from across the Nation will be here on Monday, and will bring their Board Members as well. There are members flying in, as well as busing in from stations across the Nation as well. We will be on camera across the Nation, so please dress and act professionally. Wear your best Union Shirts, or your Company Uniform. YOU MUST BE OFF THE CLOCK TO PARTICIPATE!

Signs are printed and ready!!!
For Josh:

Do not pretend to know what are FA min FAA staffing levels are. You have no idea. For the record, it's 8 for a 777. Yes, operate those lucrative routes. With no feed what so ever from non-hubs, good luck making $$ on it. You can't run an airline with roughly 16,000 Fa's with 3000 SCABS! Go away please!

Whether AA needs 5 or 8 FAs to legally operate a 777 is beside the point. Point is AA could garner enough support from management volunteers, FAs who cross, and ex-TWA FAs. AAs lucrative routes like JFK-LHR, LAX-NRT, MIA-EZE as a few examples could operate as many of the passengers are local O&D. Additionally, flights feeding those routes on both ends are operated by partner airlines and/or American Eagle. AA could re-accomodate pax on non-union B6 or DL or other carriers and still operate the flights. I'm not denying that action by APFA or TWU wouldn't cause a disruption in service but only one union can shut the airline down and that's APA not TWU or APFA. Any pay increase or benefits the FAs receive come AFTER the pilots. They are the professionals in your industry and need to be compensated accordingly.

Monday will be our main Demonstration and that's the day we need EVERYONE to participate!!!

“We have strategically chosen the day after the Super Bowl for several reasons. First and foremost, from now until Super Bowl Sunday, the media and public have just one thing on their mind... football!! Furthermore, from now until the game is over fans will be trickling into DFW, and the media will be scattered all across the Metroplex. However, on Monday the game will be over, all the fans will be headed to the airport, and the media will have but one thing to cover...US! Our message will be the last thing the passengers hear as they leave Dallas, and we must tell our story loud and clear!”


Presidents from across the Nation will be here on Monday, and will bring their Board Members as well. There are members flying in, as well as busing in from stations across the Nation as well. We will be on camera across the Nation, so please dress and act professionally. Wear your best Union Shirts, or your Company Uniform. YOU MUST BE OFF THE CLOCK TO PARTICIPATE!

Signs are printed and ready!!!

Wow. So the union leadership still plans to hold this event for three (3) days after by their admission a) do not anticipate their message to be well received by the travelers and B) consider it unlikely they will receive media coverage until the final day? Sounds like a constructive use of time to me.

Interesting the union mentions members must be off the clock to participate. Wouldn't the company's hands be tied if the workers spread negative propaganda against their employer while on the clock?

From what I am hearing the ATD (Gary Drummond,Bobby Gless,Don Videtich and others at the ATD) do not think that this is the right time to picket. They have refused to partcipate in any way including financialy. Is'nt this what we pay our 30% extortion money to the international for ? If the international is not going to listen to the membership why do we need them? I was always told by the twu faithful that the membership was in control of this union. That does not seem so in this case. This union is being run on the same communist principals that it was founded on(Hammer and Sickle). Afterall Mike Quill was a card carrying comi. I also read today on Bizjounal.com that the company mouth piece(Missy Latham) was doing her best to spin or lie (however you want to look at it)to the public about what is going on in negotiations. She actually had the nads to say that the company was negotiating in good faith and that the company was dissappointed that the twu were going to picket at this time. To me it sounded like the company and the twu international are saying the same thing. Do you think this is a coincidence?
From what I am hearing the ATD (Gary Drummond,Bobby Gless,Don Videtich and others at the ATD) do not think that this is the right time to picket. They have refused to partcipate in any way including financialy. Is'nt this what we pay our 30% extortion money to the international for ? If the international is not going to listen to the membership why do we need them? I was always told by the twu faithful that the membership was in control of this union. That does not seem so in this case. This union is being run on the same communist principals that it was founded on(Hammer and Sickle). Afterall Mike Quill was a card carrying comi. I also read today on Bizjounal.com that the company mouth piece(Missy Latham) was doing her best to spin or lie (however you want to look at it)to the public about what is going on in negotiations. She actually had the nads to say that the company was negotiating in good faith and that the company was dissappointed that the twu were going to picket at this time. To me it sounded like the company and the twu international are saying the same thing. Do you think this is a coincidence?

Why should Gary, Bobby, Don or any of the other APPOINTED reps care about letting the membership have a voice concerning their frustrations with negotiations? It's not like they have to worry about running for office. The int. will not financially participate? Why should they? It's not like it is the membership's money... it's the INTERNATIONAL'S money. For those who have not signed an AMP card your beliefs are holding out. Don't worry the twu will tell you what to believe and when to believe it.
From what I am hearing the ATD (Gary Drummond,Bobby Gless,Don Videtich and others at the ATD) do not think that this is the right time to picket. They have refused to partcipate in any way including financialy. Is'nt this what we pay our 30% extortion money to the international for ? If the international is not going to listen to the membership why do we need them? I was always told by the twu faithful that the membership was in control of this union. That does not seem so in this case. This union is being run on the same communist principals that it was founded on(Hammer and Sickle). Afterall Mike Quill was a card carrying comi. I also read today on Bizjounal.com that the company mouth piece(Missy Latham) was doing her best to spin or lie (however you want to look at it)to the public about what is going on in negotiations. She actually had the nads to say that the company was negotiating in good faith and that the company was dissappointed that the twu were going to picket at this time. To me it sounded like the company and the twu international are saying the same thing. Do you think this is a coincidence?
So, let me get this straight.....AA mouth piece expresses disappointment that the TWU is planning to picket at DFW and not one of our international officer's supports this......what a joke! No other words can be said. Just pathetic!
From what I am hearing the ATD (Gary Drummond,Bobby Gless,Don Videtich and others at the ATD) do not think that this is the right time to picket. They have refused to partcipate in any way including financialy. Is'nt this what we pay our 30% extortion money to the international for ? If the international is not going to listen to the membership why do we need them? I was always told by the twu faithful that the membership was in control of this union. That does not seem so in this case. This union is being run on the same communist principals that it was founded on(Hammer and Sickle). Afterall Mike Quill was a card carrying comi. I also read today on Bizjounal.com that the company mouth piece(Missy Latham) was doing her best to spin or lie (however you want to look at it)to the public about what is going on in negotiations. She actually had the nads to say that the company was negotiating in good faith and that the company was dissappointed that the twu were going to picket at this time. To me it sounded like the company and the twu international are saying the same thing. Do you think this is a coincidence?
Coincidence the twu international will not participate in the Super bowl demonstration? I think NOT. This weekend is the premier of "Chicken Run."
Sisco and Elbert give it two middle fingers up. "This is the funniest movie I've ever seen, better than "The Jerk."
So, I see where the NFLPA came out in support of the TWU picket operation @ DFW airport. Nice, but can you imagine if the TWU could pull off a picket around Jerry`s world. The players refuse to cross. Now that would be EPIC. before you guys /gals flame me just think for a second the impact that would have. AH, a guy can dream. Now back to your normal bickering....
Why should Gary, Bobby, Don or any of the other APPOINTED reps care about letting the membership have a voice concerning their frustrations with negotiations? It's not like they have to worry about running for office. The int. will not financially participate? Why should they? It's not like it is the membership's money... it's the INTERNATIONAL'S money. For those who have not signed an AMP card your beliefs are holding out. Don't worry the twu will tell you what to believe and when to believe it.
The NFLPA supports us and OUR OWN INTERNATIONAL UNION DOES NOT ! Funny and sad at the same time.
So, I see where the NFLPA came out in support of the TWU picket operation @ DFW airport. Nice, but can you imagine if the TWU could pull off a picket around Jerry`s world. The players refuse to cross. Now that would be EPIC. before you guys /gals flame me just think for a second the impact that would have. AH, a guy can dream. Now back to your normal bickering....

You don't need to picket the stadium. Just find out what hotels they're staying at. Much smaller footprint, and probably surrounded by public sidewalks & right of way, unlike Jerry's Palace.
The storms this week have delayed some fans on their way to DFW for the big game, including at least 500 in PIT:

Wow, what an excellent use of dues money.

Looks like you guys have another item to add to those TWU International salaries. What a waste.
No doubt this will cause a great change in AA Management and they will now give us a contract this week. (Satire of Course)

Pfffttt, probabaly just pissed them off and were looking at another 6 months to a year now.

WTG TWU great idea.
Put the management personnel and their sympathizers on ignore as I have - it'll do wonders for your blood pressure.
Happened to look in Dallas Morning News & Dallas Star-Telegram this morning for articles covering the TWU's DFW Picketing.....natta, zilch, zippo, ain't gonna happen, forget about it, goose egg.....yep money well spent!

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