The bank is 3 miles from my home. How is that inconvenient? No wonder you are in the financial sector. Being able to think and calculate doesn't seem to be a requirement. As far as BofA and Citibank...I've tried both. Both have their heads up their rear ends when it comes to customer service unless you have at least $1 mil on deposit.
BofA took money out of my account in error and it took me 6 months to get the money back. A "customer service" representative with Citibank--my name is Neeti, but you may call me Nadia (said in an Indian accent)--tried to convince me that the late charge I got for failure to pay a ZERO balance was within the terms of my credit card agreement. Her supervisor, allegedly named John, insisted that I needed to pay on time each month. When I asked him how did he propose that I pay a zero balance, he answered, "Sir, how you handle your financial affairs is not our concern."
It took me contacting a friend who is an executive with Citibank to get the bogus late charge taken off my account. (And, I hate imposing on friends for business reasons. Just as I am not thrilled when friends tell me about the problems they had on an AA flight that I was not working. Or, the acquaintances--I won't call them friends--who seem to think that I can get them free, or deeply discounted, tickets on AA.)