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Twu - Local 514 Lies Again!

So tell us Mr. TWU, er uh, Mr. I seek appointment to Union Office, how does that add up? I will refrain from calling you a fool, but you should come up with some answers to the questions above, so that you don't confirm your guilt in that matter.

....Dave, contrare to your belief I am not Mr. TWU, nor a fool. However feel free to further that discussion in person if you like. Your action of name calling and insinuations is a feeble attempt to cover your obvious ignorance in matters. I realize that AMFA can do no wrong and as you rep them neither can you. Peeps like yourself are the TWU's best defense against a ratification vote...keep up the good work and thanks for making my job easier.

...and I understand your inability to run for any office...kinda self explanatory....SC

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Hey all you TWU folks out there....have a great Labor Day week end. Don't forget to bring your families to all the festivities sponsored by the TWU at Labor Fest, Big Splash and Henrietta ( Labor Day parade). And for all you AMFA boys, don't let the toilet water suck you brains out when you flush!!! :shock: 😀 :up:

jake OUT!!!
Steve Connell said:
So tell us Mr. TWU, er uh, Mr. I seek appointment to Union Office, how does that add up? I will refrain from calling you a fool, but you should come up with some answers to the questions above, so that you don't confirm your guilt in that matter.

....Dave, contrare to your belief I am not Mr. TWU, nor a fool. However feel free to further that discussion in person if you like. Your action of name calling and insinuations is a feeble attempt to cover your obvious ignorance in matters. I realize that AMFA can do no wrong and as you rep them neither can you. Peeps like yourself are the TWU's best defense against a ratification vote...keep up the good work and thanks for making my job easier.

...and I understand your inability to run for any office...kinda self explanatory....SC
"Ignorance in matters"?

AA's proposal included 72.2 Million Dollars in savings for Medical and Dental Plan changes.

In relative terms, the loss of 5 Holidays and Holiday Workered pay reduction equaled 58.8 Million in savings.

If you are not about to get screwed on your medical, then how do explain 72.2 Millon in savings?

Now don't respond with more personal attacks and maybe you wont get subjected to the same.


Where does 72.2 Millon in Company Savings on Medical and Dental plans come from?

SHARE YOUR WISDOM and we will be thankful.
Members of The TWU at AA voted to ratify the contract! Upheld in the court's!

Get over it already! You are the one famous for giving out miss-information lies and distorting the facts!
Peeps like yourself are the TWU's best defense against a ratification vote...keep up the good work and thanks for making my job easier again Dave...need I say more? As C/O stated, let me get you a towel, you voted to concessions now go cry about other matters. You are not going to change anything for the better by crying here in this forum.

...and absolutely have a Great Labor Day!!!!
you all need to come to certain realizations.

1. both sides of this arugement lie, to better state their side of the arugement.

2. unless you are niave you should question everything, whether its TWU, AMFA, IAM, Government, Media, or whatever. A good rule of thumb is to take half of what ever you are told and somewhere in there lies the truth.

3. is TWU better than AMFA? Who knows its a matter of what you want to believe.

4. this is some what like aruging religon or politics, you usually will not convince the hardcore of the others belief, the battle seems to be for the fence sitters.

5. Stop all the rethoric and bashing it only makes you all look foolish and inane.

6. whatever the outcome is we are all in this together, the only one who wins when we are pitted aganist each other is the company.

7. We are not, nor should we be, led by the nose. We are not morons or mindless drones who belive the BS you guys on both sides put out.
This is my feeling. Any way you slice it after AA cuts benefits and wages it will not be worth working there anymore. What the hell are we fighting for anyway, missing our family life for years on end while working crappy days off, odd hours, and every holiday? They want us to sacrifice these things for poverty level wages. I say screw AA. Let them have their damn McAirline.

As far as unions. Do not expect them to help you too much because the federal government has stripped them of their power anyway (TWU, AMFA, IAM, does not matter they all have no teeth). We can't even strike unless the president allows it (he never will). Do not depend on the government for help (I am sure you all knew better anyway). The government deregulated airlines. They allowed these airlines to do maintenance over seas (or south of the border) where the FAA has no power (why even have an FAA). They have allowed foreign people (most likely illegal, so much for SECURITY) access to the interior of our aircraft (GLOBE).

You really want to fight American Airlines. Paint the public a picture of what goes on behind closed doors. How they work the ramp understaffed and don't care about the consequences to our passengers (or our workers for that matter), how they have our pilots and flight attendants working for free (like not paying the pilots until they pop the brake), how Horton got a 40 percent raise (while we are losing money mind you) last year (I have not confirmed this but have seen it referred to) while the front line workers have taken YEARS of losses, how the company supposedly cares about passenger safety yet gives a bunch of illegals (on what is supposed to be a federally secured area mind you) and foreigners (in the US and over seas) free reign on our aircraft. No my friends the best way to fight AMR is to tell everyone you know just how crappy they really are. Not only to us but to their "valued" customers as well. Show them just how "UnAmerican" American Airlines really is.
This is my feeling. Any way you slice it after AA cuts benefits and wages it will not be worth working there anymore. What the hell are we fighting for anyway, missing our family life for years on end while working crappy days off, odd hours, and every holiday? They want us to sacrifice these things for poverty level wages. I say screw AA. Let them have their damn McAirline.
And you are still employed by them ---- Why?
What difference would it make? 50% of the population that can vote, doesn't and a large percentage of the working class that do vote, vote against their best financial interests. Hate to get political but I feel politics has a lot to with these problems. I also feel that we put too much faith in our leaders. They are just people and are not perfect. Just look at the world these days. It's being ran by a bunch people with college degrees. These people are supposed to the best and brightest.... Right? So what's the problem?
With the 100+ other bankruptcy and TWU related threads alive, why on earth did you dig up a nine year old thread to respond to?....
And you are still employed by them ---- Why?

I am just waiting to get laid off honestly so I can attend school. Also, my benefits are not cut just yet..... (except pension)

I would also like to note that my wife works at AA as well. We are both going to lose our jobs. My family gets the pain of this "FACADE" times two.

You should ask yourself, how deep can they cut before its not worth it anymore. All we have done is lose for years. I can only see the airline worker losing in the foreseeable future. I am sorry to paint such a dark, depressing picture but that is what history and logic dictate to be an inevitability.

The union has proven its worthlessness. The only thing they accomplish is collecting dues, and they do that with clockwork efficiency. They have sold your benefits wholesale but managed to keep your pay up (according to the proposal i.e. backroom deal) only to keep their dues coming in. The union gave them everything but their money (your dues). Your paying into a worthless institution that serves no practical purpose. Don't get me wrong. I fully support the concept of a union. However, until the laws change and the unions get their teeth back they really serve no purpose other than to be the companies marionette.

A union is a neutered, mute dog with no teeth and a big appetite. Thank your government for that.

A union is a forced investment that never gives a return.

A union is privatized gains and socialized losses.

A union is is a "job tax".

A union is nothing but a legalized "protection racket".
Did anybody try to participate in the twu townhall phone call? I'm still waiting for them to call.... :-/