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Twu Lies

Bob Owens said:
Why do they fear having the members vote directly for them?

Clearly because they fear being held accountable for the lousy job they have done.
C'mon now Bob, the TWU held you accountable for the lousy job you had been performing. Tell me I'm wrong again Bob, I get so hot when you lie to me...HAHAHA
Nightwatch said:
C'mon now Bob, the TWU held you accountable for the lousy job you had been performing.
Shouldnt the members who elected me make that determination?

Once again I think you are confusing your experiences (your failures as a steward and supervisor)with my situation.

Once again you try and divert the topic. You dont even bother to challenge the issues since you know they are true.
LIE # 1.

"The members have the right to vote on contracts, its written in the Constitution."

Despite the language we do not have this right. The TWU argued in court, citing other cases where Unions were allowed to impose contracts without a vote, that the language guaranteeing our right to vote is open to interpretation by the International. The TWU testified that that language only applies to completely new contracts, not amended contracts. Since under the RLA contracts are only amendable under most conditions then as long as the members who were on payroll back in the 1940s got to vote on the first "completely new" contract, the TWU has satified that Constitutional right to "the members".

LIE #2

"You dont need to vote for the International Officers who represent the TWU to the company because the Presidents council has control over everything they do."

The fact is that the Presidents council has no Constitutional, enforcable decision making powers. Basically its a fascade, it exists to make the members, and many Presidents, feel that they really have some input. Over the years the International has gotten very good at ensuring that the council eventually comes to the conclusion that the International desires. However back in 1999 the International did not get its way. The International wanted seperate Locals. The Presidents could not be swayed, so Sonny imposed it on them. I'm told that ORD President Joy Calloway cursed out Sonny Hall. In retaliation Sonny Hall illegally interfered in the next election at ORD and may have had a hand in the termination of another ORD Local union official. They sued, and both reportedly walked away with out of court settlements.

Sonnys vindicive heavy handedness has cost Union members money. Depite losing lawsuits, being convicted of violating members rights and costly out of court settlements Sonny has not changed his ways. He is being sued for various transgressions against the former militant Local 501 board. Some of whom were terminated during an election in what appears to be a case of company-union collusion to rid Sonny Hall of rivals. Several of those victimized by this apparent conspiracy ran against Sonny Hall in the last Convention. I nominated one of thoose officers, Jack Sullivan to run against John Kerrigan who also had a part in my removal.

Faced with the examples of Joy Calloway, Local 234(where Sonny interfered with elections), the officers of Local 501, and the officers of Local 562, all vocal opponents of Sonny Hall, who were subsequently removed by Sonny Hall, any President who opposes Sonny does so at the risk of at the very least removal from office, a significant pay cut and possible termination from the company.

The fact is the Presidents have no power. According to the International, their oath dictates that all local officers must put the Internationals interests ahead of the members. This was clearly stated by the International in the document they sent to me describing their reasons for removing me from office.

LIE #3

"The Locals are autonomous."

While they may be "on their own" they most certainly are not self governing or independant of the laws of another. The laws of the local, in other words the bylaws are subject to the approval of the International. If you can not make your own rules, if another body determines what rules you can have, then you are not autonomous.

The Constitution of the TWU clearly gives the International total control over the Local Union. From approving its bylawsa and reviewing its finances to control over its charter. It even gives them the right to eliminate the entire Local. Clearly with such broad powers over them Local unions are not "autonomous". The International simply allows them enough of a leash so long as they dont do anything to annoy the International. Any Local that dares to annoy the International shall soon experience how short the International can make that leash.

Several of the previuos examples, Joy Calloway, Local 501 and Local 562 all reveal how "autonomous" the locals are. Once again, this brings us back to Sonny Halls interpretation of the Oath of office.An oath that according to the International pledges Loyalty to the International ahead of the members.

Lie #4 from the TWU;

"The membership is the Ultimate authority"

This is a lie. The Constition is clear that the members are only the supreme authority of the local "at meetings", but then goes on to say that the Local E board-who by virtue of the Oath of office have been determined to be subordinate to the International- "shall have the power and authority to administer the affairs of the Local Union.

If you read the TWU Constitution it makes clear over and over again that the International is supreme over all Locals. Who is in charge of the International? Its not the members. Article VIII, Section 2 states "the International Executive Council shall be the supreme authority in the International Union (pg 16).

In fact when you read the TWU Constitution its very clear that the power of the Union is confined to the top levels of the union, none of which face electoral accountability from the members. While the Constition clearly designates what powers the International has it is silent as to what powers the members actually have other than at the Local level. As stated already the locals are subordinate to the International. Article XIII(pg 34) makes clear that the membership is subordinate to the International union. With the TWU we are paying to have a second boss. All you need to do is read the Article.

Sect 1 "Any person seeking membership shall be required,,,"

Sect 2 "An applicant shall not be accepted for membership until,,,"

Sect 3 "Any member who fails to pay his/her dues before the 15th day of each month shall be in bad standing."

Sect 4 "Any member in bad standing shall be inelligible to attend union meetings,,,"

Sect 5 "It shall be the duty of each member to pay,,,"

Sect 6-Grants the international power to extendtime limitations for the payment of fines.

Sect 7 "A member shall be required to advise the Local Financial secretary,,,,"

The remaining sections cover transfers, layoffs etc, none of them grant the membership rights to have input into the affairs or direction of the TWU.

It is clear from this article, in fact from the whole document that the membership has duties and obligations to the TWU but the TWU has no duties or obligations to the members.

In direct contrast to Article XIII, which states what the members shall do for the TWU, Articles V through X apply specific and broad powers to the International.After reading the Constitution it is clear that the TWU is not a membership run organization. The Constitution only applies duties and responsibilities upon the members to finance and support the organization but does not grant them any rights to 'participate" in determining the direction of the organization.

So while the Constitution is clear, when taken as a whole, that the membership is not in control, proponents of the TWU, obviously with the hope that no one will actually research the facts behind the statement, claim over and over again that the "membership is the ultimate authority". As long as people actually believe this, its easy for the next TWU lie that "its all the memberships fault" to be believed.
Did the members who elected you give you an oath to swear by? And no Bob, I am not the one confused here, you still are the one confused and the one who thinks I am Connell. BTW, he was an excellent steward Bob, unlike yourself, he was dedicated to the union he served. You were a money maggot, plain and simple.
Did the members who elected you give you an oath to swear by?

No, they did not. The International did.

And no Bob, I am not the one confused here, you still are the one confused and the one who thinks I am Connell. BTW, he was an excellent steward Bob, unlike yourself, he was dedicated to the union he served. You were a money maggot, plain and simple.

Did I say that you were Connell? Is Connell the only person in MCI who has failed at both being a steward and supervisor? By the way you are the only person who has ever posted that Connell was a good steward. Why is that?

By the way you are off topic again.
NW, by the way, here is the topic again;

Lies from the TWU

LIE # 1.

"The members have the right to vote on contracts, its written in the Constitution."

Despite the language we do not have this right. The TWU argued in court, citing other cases where Unions were allowed to impose contracts without a vote, that the language guaranteeing our right to vote is open to interpretation by the International. The TWU testified that that language only applies to completely new contracts, not amended contracts. Since under the RLA contracts are only amendable under most conditions then as long as the members who were on payroll back in the 1940s got to vote on the first "completely new" contract, the TWU has satified that Constitutional right to "the members".

LIE #2

"You dont need to vote for the International Officers who represent the TWU to the company because the Presidents council has control over everything they do."

The fact is that the Presidents council has no Constitutional, enforcable decision making powers. Basically its a fascade, it exists to make the members, and many Presidents, feel that they really have some input. Over the years the International has gotten very good at ensuring that the council eventually comes to the conclusion that the International desires. However back in 1999 the International did not get its way. The International wanted seperate Locals. The Presidents could not be swayed, so Sonny imposed it on them. I'm told that ORD President Joy Calloway cursed out Sonny Hall. In retaliation Sonny Hall illegally interfered in the next election at ORD and may have had a hand in the termination of another ORD Local union official. They sued, and both reportedly walked away with out of court settlements.

Sonnys vindicive heavy handedness has cost Union members money. Depite losing lawsuits, being convicted of violating members rights and costly out of court settlements Sonny has not changed his ways. He is being sued for various transgressions against the former militant Local 501 board. Some of whom were terminated during an election in what appears to be a case of company-union collusion to rid Sonny Hall of rivals. Several of those victimized by this apparent conspiracy ran against Sonny Hall in the last Convention. I nominated one of thoose officers, Jack Sullivan to run against John Kerrigan who also had a part in my removal.

Faced with the examples of Joy Calloway, Local 234(where Sonny interfered with elections), the officers of Local 501, and the officers of Local 562, all vocal opponents of Sonny Hall, who were subsequently removed by Sonny Hall, any President who opposes Sonny does so at the risk of at the very least removal from office, a significant pay cut and possible termination from the company.

The fact is the Presidents have no power. According to the International, their oath dictates that all local officers must put the Internationals interests ahead of the members. This was clearly stated by the International in the document they sent to me describing their reasons for removing me from office.

LIE #3

"The Locals are autonomous."

While they may be "on their own" they most certainly are not self governing or independant of the laws of another. The laws of the local, in other words the bylaws are subject to the approval of the International. If you can not make your own rules, if another body determines what rules you can have, then you are not autonomous.

The Constitution of the TWU clearly gives the International total control over the Local Union. From approving its bylawsa and reviewing its finances to control over its charter. It even gives them the right to eliminate the entire Local. Clearly with such broad powers over them Local unions are not "autonomous". The International simply allows them enough of a leash so long as they dont do anything to annoy the International. Any Local that dares to annoy the International shall soon experience how short the International can make that leash.

Several of the previuos examples, Joy Calloway, Local 501 and Local 562 all reveal how "autonomous" the locals are. Once again, this brings us back to Sonny Halls interpretation of the Oath of office.An oath that according to the International pledges Loyalty to the International ahead of the members.

Lie #4 from the TWU;

"The membership is the Ultimate authority"

This is a lie. The Constition is clear that the members are only the supreme authority of the local "at meetings", but then goes on to say that the Local E board-who by virtue of the Oath of office have been determined to be subordinate to the International- "shall have the power and authority to administer the affairs of the Local Union.

If you read the TWU Constitution it makes clear over and over again that the International is supreme over all Locals. Who is in charge of the International? Its not the members. Article VIII, Section 2 states "the International Executive Council shall be the supreme authority in the International Union (pg 16).

In fact when you read the TWU Constitution its very clear that the power of the Union is confined to the top levels of the union, none of which face electoral accountability from the members. While the Constition clearly designates what powers the International has it is silent as to what powers the members actually have other than at the Local level. As stated already the locals are subordinate to the International. Article XIII(pg 34) makes clear that the membership is subordinate to the International union. With the TWU we are paying to have a second boss. All you need to do is read the Article.

Sect 1 "Any person seeking membership shall be required,,,"

Sect 2 "An applicant shall not be accepted for membership until,,,"

Sect 3 "Any member who fails to pay his/her dues before the 15th day of each month shall be in bad standing."

Sect 4 "Any member in bad standing shall be inelligible to attend union meetings,,,"

Sect 5 "It shall be the duty of each member to pay,,,"

Sect 6-Grants the international power to extendtime limitations for the payment of fines.

Sect 7 "A member shall be required to advise the Local Financial secretary,,,,"

The remaining sections cover transfers, layoffs etc, none of them grant the membership rights to have input into the affairs or direction of the TWU.

It is clear from this article, in fact from the whole document that the membership has duties and obligations to the TWU but the TWU has no duties or obligations to the members.

In direct contrast to Article XIII, which states what the members shall do for the TWU, Articles V through X apply specific and broad powers to the International.After reading the Constitution it is clear that the TWU is not a membership run organization. The Constitution only applies duties and responsibilities upon the members to finance and support the organization but does not grant them any rights to 'participate" in determining the direction of the organization.

So while the Constitution is clear, when taken as a whole, that the membership is not in control, proponents of the TWU, obviously with the hope that no one will actually research the facts behind the statement, claim over and over again that the "membership is the ultimate authority". As long as people actually believe this, its easy for the next TWU lie that "its all the memberships fault" to be believed.
Nightwatch said:
C'mon now Bob, the TWU held you accountable for the lousy job you had been performing. Tell me I'm wrong again Bob, I get so hot when you lie to me...HAHAHA
nw, uhm, coward, it was the twu INTERNATIONAL that removed Bob Owens & Chuck Schalk from office. NOT the membership. You are wrong. Again.
Ken MacTiernan said:
nw, uhm, coward, it was the twu INTERNATIONAL that removed Bob Owens & Chuck Schalk from office. NOT the membership. You are wrong. Again.

Ken, uhm, dummie, point being it was his lack of integrity that lost him the $800/mo. maggot bloodline he held. Now all he can do is cry and look for sympathy...POOR OLE BOOBY!!!!!...HAHAHA
Nightwatch said:
Ken, uhm, dummie, point being it was his lack of integrity that lost him the $800/mo. maggot bloodline he held. Now all he can do is cry and look for sympathy...POOR OLE BOOBY!!!!!...HAHAHA

The fact remains that it was not the members that removed Chuck and I, it was the International.
Nightwatch said:
Well Booby, it wasn't the members spot to delete your butt.

And thats one of the reasons why the TWU must go.

If they stopped the drive by inflating the numbers all they have done is delay the inevitable. Look at what happened at UAL. They just came back a year later and won. I've already spoken to several of those who have been added. They are willing to fill out both AMFA and AGW cards. They know the TWU must go also.

The sad fact is that many of todays unions have become businesses, on top of that they have become the worst type of businesses-Monopolies. Since most unions were affiliated they did not have to do a good job nor did they have to worry that another union would come in and get their members.

But it seems that things are changing. The fastest growing unions are not AFL-CIO member unions. Even the SEIU just lost a major decertification vote out in San Francisco, California. The workers there formed a new union. San Francisco has always been a militant union town, so this is not a sign that unionism is losing ground but rather that militant unionism is starting to take over. The old institutions are so mired in cronyism and led by leaders that espose "partnerships" with the companies and avoiding confrontation at any price that internal reform appears impossible. Its a shame because compared to the TWU the SEIU is much more militant, just not militant enough for those in San Francisco.
Nightwatch said:
Yeah Booby...lets.....not a real good history for amfa at UAL is it.
Well Nightbitch, AMFA did inherit a inferior iam contract after the iam "scorched the earth" at UAL, giving the company what ever they wanted because they were pissed for getting a boot in the ass.

Look at your beloved iam cult, almost done in the airline industry for M@R...US Air is all thats left. Gettin' kinda lonely for the poor 'ol iam, and the twu is right with them.

Then look at AMFA, 8 airlines and counting. Ever wonder why that is genius?

Punks, Drunks, COWARDS, Functional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs. The twu's finest.

At what point there Nuggett is AMFA going to take responsibility for it's ineptness? IAM did it, the IBT caused this, the TWU started it. That is all I ever hear you AMFA pukes state about delle's obvious lack of knowledge of the airline industry. At some point in time Nuggett the AMFA members will awaken from their sleep and realize you slipped them a Mickey.
Nightwatch said:
At what point there Nuggett is AMFA going to take responsibility for it's ineptness? IAM did it, the IBT caused this, the TWU started it. That is all I ever hear you AMFA pukes state about delle's obvious lack of knowledge of the airline industry. At some point in time Nuggett the AMFA members will awaken from their sleep and realize you slipped them a Mickey.
What "ineptness" Nightbitch? The truth is the industrail unions did start the outsourcing (iam). They did start the b-scale (twu). They did screw they're members over and over, contract after contract. This is why they are on the outside looking in at many airlines......and many more to come

Are those truths not sitting well with you boy? Sucks to be you.

So now you exspect, no.... you DEMAND, that AMFA stop all these losses NOW, or you label them inept. AMFA, who has been on the scene only a few years representationally, to suddenly stop, in ONE SINGLE CONTRACT, what was started years before by the failures and greed of the industrial unions?

I fail to see your moronic cultist union logic here .

If you ever awake from your deep twu coma Nightbitch, I think you'll find you'd like a "Mickey" instead of what has been slipped to (in) you by your beloved union.

Punks, Drunks, COWARDS, Functional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs. The twu's finest.
