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TWU-IAM Finally Getting Ready for JCBA Negotiations

CMH_GSE said:
It's very plain for anybody to see.
My fear is, how is the NMB going to spin it the way NYer sees it.
This is such a simple read, it should have been done back at the end of August.
The amount of greed from both of these unions is epic.
I share the sentiment
I suspect that with everything that has already happened in the legal arena between AA Locals & ATD that someone if not many someones are already prepared to make a challenge should the NMB try to certify the Alliance without a vote. Add to the mix, you have a congress that would just love to stick it to a pair of unions, even more so armed with would what would be a clear deviation from the NMBs published rules concerning mergers. 
We'll have to wait and see
NYer said:
Under rule 19.601 they were able to use, "a seniority list, dues check-off list, [or] a current collective bargaining agreement."

The only problem is the twu is the only one with a list capable of 50 plus one. Like I said earlier how can they say the iam's coming with us because we are buds? What your saying is if a buddy union wants to tag along and form an ass with a bigger group and they only have 5 members they can do it?
ThirdSeatHero said:
You're confused about quite a bit.
First, it isn't Single Carrier Status. SCS is determined by the FAA - The NMB determines Single Transportation System or STS.
Second, a combined application wasn't required from both TWU and IAM either one could file alone per rule - filing together in no way obligates the NMB to allow the association
Single Carrier Status and Single Transportation System are interchangeable in this context. The FAA issues a Single Operators Certificate.
No filing obligates the NMB to allow anything. The joint filing for the Association was necessary to avoid other issues and shows the NMB both parties are in favor of the filing to be considered.
You can twist and turn it, but it is obvious the NMB is doing their due diligence in their consideration of the filing. It is was invalid, it would have been announced. This lengthy period shows they are scaling back the differences on the groups and the trying to figure out who is and who may not be included in the Single Transportation Determination.
ThirdSeatHero said:
They did not file as incumbents they filed as the association - which is not an incumbent
Good grief. The two unions aren't going anywhere. They filed as incumbents and the Association is for collective bargaining purposes. The other representational responsibilities remain the same. We still vote for TWU representatives and they vote for IAM representatives. It will be TWU Locals and IAM Lodges.
Some may not like it, but it is what is going to happen.
scorpion 2 said:
The only problem is the twu is the only one with a list capable of 50 plus one. Like I said earlier how can they say the iam's coming with us because we are buds? What your saying is if a buddy union wants to tag along and form an ass with a bigger group and they only have 5 members they can do it?
If both unions agree and remain as separate entities while forming a partnership, yes.
NYer said:
Good grief. The two unions aren't going anywhere. They filed as incumbents and the Association is for collective bargaining purposes. The other representational responsibilities remain the same. We still vote for TWU representatives and they vote for IAM representatives. It will be TWU Locals and IAM Lodges.
Some may not like it, but it is what is going to happen.
Yes, indeed - Good Grief
The alliance represents no one at this time therefore they are not incumbents.
The TWU is - The IAM is - The Alliance isn't.
NYer said:
Single Carrier Status and Single Transportation System are interchangeable in this context. The FAA issues a Single Operators Certificate.
No filing obligates the NMB to allow anything. The joint filing for the Association was necessary to avoid other issues and shows the NMB both parties are in favor of the filing to be considered.
You can twist and turn it, but it is obvious the NMB is doing their due diligence in their consideration of the filing. It is was invalid, it would have been announced. This lengthy period shows they are scaling back the differences on the groups and the trying to figure out who is and who may not be included in the Single Transportation Determination.
Whose twisting and turning? Whoever said the NMB wasn't doing their due diligence?  I merely stated my belief that if they deviate from their published procedures there will be a legal challenge.
BTW - Single Carrier Status and Single Transportation System are not interchangeable in this context - You won't find SCS anywhere in the NMB representational manual
NYer said:
If both unions agree and remain as separate entities while forming a partnership, yes.

Then either group is free to pursue a new bargaining agent independent of the other.
ThirdSeatHero said:
Yes, indeed - Good Grief
The alliance represents no one at this time therefore they are not incumbents.
The TWU is - The IAM is - The Alliance isn't.
And the submission was done by the TWU and the IAM for the Association.
"On August 6, 2014, the Transport Workers Union of America (TWU) and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (lAM) jointly filed an application as the Airline Mechanic and Related Employees Association TWU/IAM (TWU/IAM  Mechanics  Association)…" --Source NMB Letter to TWU and IAM.
ThirdSeatHero said:
Whose twisting and turning? Whoever said the NMB wasn't doing their due diligence?  I merely stated my belief that if they deviate from their published procedures there will be a legal challenge.
BTW - Single Carrier Status and Single Transportation System are not interchangeable in this context - You won't find SCS anywhere in the NMB representational manual
1--"Your APA leadership has received several inquiries from members regarding our filing of a petition for single-carrier status with the National Mediation Board (NMB) earlier this week." --APA
2--"Q — What is Single Carrier Status?"
"A — The following are some indications of a single carrier / single transportation system..." --IAM
3--"On January 18, 2011, AFA-CWA filed its “Application For Investigation of a Representation Dispute” with the National Mediation Board (NMB”) seeking a determination that United and Continental Airlines now constitute a “single transportation system” for purposes of Union representation under the Railway Labor Act. Investigation of a Single Carrier Status. To make that determination the NMB will examine a number of factors, such as whether the carriers have..." --AFA
4--"Today in Washington, D.C., APFA and AFA-CWA jointly petitioned the National Mediation Board for single carrier determination. The NMB now must review the petition, and we expect it to determine that the operations of American and US Airways are sufficiently combined to allow a single union to represent the craft and class of Flight Attendants at the new airline. " --APFA
5--"NMB Announces Single-Carrier Status For Continental, United Ramp Workers" --IBT
6--"The Teamsters announced Tuesday that the National Mediation Board (NMB) granted single-carrier status for Atlas Air and Polar Air." --Bloomberg
OK? Or do you need more?
scorpion 2 said:
Then either group is free to pursue a new bargaining agent independent of the other.
If they want to pursue a new bargaining agent then they have to go through the NMB process.
NYer said:
1--"Your APA leadership has received several inquiries from members regarding our filing of a petition for single-carrier status with the National Mediation Board (NMB) earlier this week." --APA
2--"Q — What is Single Carrier Status?"
"A — The following are some indications of a single carrier / single transportation system..." --IAM
3--"On January 18, 2011, AFA-CWA filed its “Application For Investigation of a Representation Dispute” with the National Mediation Board (NMB”) seeking a determination that United and Continental Airlines now constitute a “single transportation system” for purposes of Union representation under the Railway Labor Act. Investigation of a Single Carrier Status. To make that determination the NMB will examine a number of factors, such as whether the carriers have..." --AFA
4--"Today in Washington, D.C., APFA and AFA-CWA jointly petitioned the National Mediation Board for single carrier determination. The NMB now must review the petition, and we expect it to determine that the operations of American and US Airways are sufficiently combined to allow a single union to represent the craft and class of Flight Attendants at the new airline. " --APFA
5--"NMB Announces Single-Carrier Status For Continental, United Ramp Workers" --IBT
6--"The Teamsters announced Tuesday that the National Mediation Board (NMB) granted single-carrier status for Atlas Air and Polar Air." --Bloomberg
OK? Or do you need more?
So you list a slew of posters who made the same mistake as you? So what?
Here is a link to the NMB representational manual
Just show me where it lists SCS
scorpion 2 said:
Then either group is free to pursue a new bargaining agent independent of the other.

And that's the can of worms the NMB can't open.
NYer said:
If they want to pursue a new bargaining agent then they have to go through the NMB process.
And if the b
igger group is successful in booting their present agent and want no part of the ass then what? Do they just absorb the smaller group and make it go away? This isnt making any sense.