usairways_vote_NO said:
Single Carrier and Single Transportation are used interchangeably by the NMB. The term Single Carrier might not be mentioned in the Representation Manual but it sure is in NMB determinations. The FAA determines Single operating Certification
And again I am not saying there will not be a vote and the Association may have requested one in their application but the NMB clearly has exclusive jurisdiction over representational disputes (yes single carrier application turn into representation disputes, look at NMB language in their determinations of single carrier applications)
The courts "consistently have refused to review NMB decisions which are based upon a facet of a representation case within the discretion of the Board, such as the sufficiency of a showing of interest, voter eligibility, voting procedures, or the decision whether or not to conduct and investigation. Indeed, courts have held that even the NMB failure to follow it own rules is not grounds for judicial review"
All those screaming for a lawsuit if they don't get their way can forget it. You will not overturn the coming NMB ruling no matter what they rule.
So, Single Carrier and Single Transportation are used interchangeably by the NMB?
Okay, I'm game - here again is the link to the NMB website, just point out where they use Single carrier Status "interchangeably"
As for the rest of your opinion & quote, Yes I've read the Paul,Hastings Introduction to the RLA too.
And while I freely admit it is rare for the NMB to be overturned, it has, in point of fact, happened. Something clearly pointed out in the Paul,Hastings piece you quoted from.
Take the ibt/CWA association at US - The NMB cited, at length, the measures each union went to in polling their respective memberships
prior to their filing. The NMB cites this in their determination. You have the same situation occurring with the AA/US merger, if the NMB ignores the lack of membership buy in, and certifies the alliance, that would stand in direct contradiction to their previous stance with the ibt/CWA.
If it happens, maybe they wont be able to overturn it, but with the turmoil displayed thus far from the Mechanic ranks, I certainly think someone will try.
You only miss 100% of the shots you never take.