Because I have family still in the IAM.
I made many friends in the leadership role in the International, District, and Local, and they are close friends.
I worked the raid in the summer of 2013 when the IBT was raiding the IAM at US. (And yes I was paid from June of 2013 till September of 2013 for my work.)
Would I ever consider working for them again and being compensated, yes, and I also have no problem doing certain things for free as I have a passion for the labor movement.
I spent 20 years as a Shop Steward, Trustee, Recording Secretary, District Lodge 142 Communicator, held many various roles at the Local Level and District and was on many committee, bylaws, organizing etc...
I attended all the Leadership Classes at Placid Harbor, and various other classes there.
I was the Local Lodge Editor at CLT for over 10 years and won many awards for my work.
I was on the Negotiating Committee for US Airways Mechanic and Related in 2004/2005 and the CO IAM Flight Attendants in 2005.
Its a passion I have and I care about my friends, family and former coworkers.
If that bothers you that I post my opinions and facts, I am sorry if you dont like it, or care about it, but it is my choice and I will continue to support my family and friends.