They did, they are called part time and Eagle/Envoy...we have also had a lot of our work outsourced as well.
For some reason, some of you guys fail to grasp that fleet has lost a lot as well. I know, I know, you guys have lost much more. But when you guys complain, you always seem to focus on how well fleet is doing (at your cost by some) and yet for some reason fail to mention how fleet has suffered some pretty significant loses as well. WE ALL have paid a pretty hefty price!
I never said you guys didn't suffer any losses.. But yet there are those like NYer who are still happy with the TWU...
But lets be honest here, mechanics have lost more work to fleet service AND outsourcing than any other work group. I understand full and well how the loss of cabin service affected your group. But yet NYer wants to stay with TWU.
The TWU gladly gave deicing, receive and dispatch to fleet service over thirty years ago. I don't recall fleet service saying..."HEY WE SHOULD BE GOOD UNION PEOPLE AND NOT DO THIS." But no, the TWU sold everyone a bill of good in 1983 and gladly took that work from maintenance. "hey better than outsourcing."
These TWU concessions occurred BEFORE any bankruptcy. SO spare me the WE HAD A GUN TO OUR HEADS" defense.
And as far as fleet service gaining at the expense of the mechanics...Let me give you a history lesson. And this is true of every legacy carrier....In the good old days, when there were no separate locals, mechanics were always the minority. With the exception of the maintenance base, mechanics could never get elected to any local president or vice president slot. Our voices were not heard, just ignored. So come negotiation time, we had either cabin service or line cargo people bargaining on our behalf....And you know how that turned out? When it came time to money....the response of these negotiators was "well we have to keep the MAJORITY happy. So mechanics lagged in the compensation department.
Prove me wrong.....I work with many mechanics from TWA, Eastern and PANAM...and that's the way it was there as well.
So true your work group suffered as well....But let's talk compensation now.....is your work group at or near top of industry? Mechanics are not..We are still at the bottom...lower than JetBlue now.....The TWU is responsible because they have managed to appease the large voting block of TUL and some at the line stations to give in to the threats of "THIS IS THE BEST YOU'RE GOING TO GET" and YOU MECHANICS NEED TO LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS."
Again prove me wrong.