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TWU/IAM Association Poll

Are you for or against the proposed TWU/IAM Association?

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My next list will be about all the things I'm tired of. That should take up at least a whole page and there will pretty much never be one thing I'll be able to scratch off from it.

Again life sucks.

But at least we still have Rock and Roll.


Are you seriously saying that Absouloutly no response from the twu does not concern you?

If that's the case your a fool or an International stooge.
NYer said:
And before NYer comes on here to go after me for some reason yet again.

Yes I believe the Association is a better idea than duking it out. --But you support them "duking" out. 

Uh NO. Guess that's your perception?

Yes I think the IAM should agree to modify the terms of the agreement in the spirit of unity. --The original agreement was agreed to in the spirit of unity.

Yea sure. Tell that to everyone who was excluded from that spirit of unity.  
Yes I believe the first letter by the TWU should not have came out publicly --But you defended the contents of the letter.

Still do.

Yes I believe that first letter caused a cascade of problems. --Finally. But you're late to the party.

Guess some people may have been desperate?
Yes I think the IAM did not want to talk to the TWU about addressing their concerns after Harry Lombardo WON the election. --The IAM and TWU already had an agreement by the time Harry Lombardo moved from the 2nd chair to the 1st chair.

Maybe the guy who signed it partly got chucked out on his arse because that agreement wasn't very popular? CWA, IBT, IAM? Everyone it seemed except the TWU the guy had the most interest in. Over 60% loss of funds in his tenure and sooooo many people earning those bucks and given promises for even more chairs until the well was bone dry. Lot's of chairs in that organization. 
Yes I believe the TWU did the right and honorable thing by waiting for and supporting the IAM get their standalone contracts. --Just as it was the right and honorable thing while the IAM had to wait until their company finished negotiating with a group they didn't even have as part of their company.

Who was it that said over and over that they should abandon those talks and join us? Hmmm?
Yes I believe the IAM could have agreed to the "preferential hiring" before they got their CBA Yes, because this call for "unity" that you mention means the TWU gets everything they want and the members of the IAM just have to shut up and wait their turn to get a contract from THEIR company.

Who was it that said over and over that they should abandon those talks and join us? Hmmm?

Yes I believe Jim Little wrote out the agreement in a shady underhanded way and kept most people out of the loop for what he was doing. --And the International Executive Committee did absolutely nothing about that? Really? That's your position.

Can you tell me who was on that committee and who is on it now?

Yes I believe the people who knew didn't care because they had their golden parachutes all set. Or were promised positions. (Life sucks, get over it) --Does that include current IEC Members that were in similar positions at that time? (and doesn't your "life sucks, get over it" comment extend to the Association agreement itself....I believe some of the IAM Officers are muttering the same thoughts....unless that little tag line is only useful for the TWU)

Oh no. Life sucks for everyone who didn't get what they want out of it, including myself. But hey you pull up your britches and keep on moving.
Yes the TWU should name their negotiators. --You said we need to be patient.

Looks like we still have to be don't we?
Yes the TWU should join their Brothers and Sisters in the IAM to "Prepare" --You said we need to be patient.

Looks like we still have to be don't we?

Yes the TWU should put out that info and have told all of us "Happy New Year" --You said we need to be patient.

Looks like we still have to be don't we? B)
Yes I believe we should have our negotiations done before the company files for SCS --Not happening, that time is passing us by everyday this whole process is held hostage. They will certainly complain that we can't be rushed or pressured into a JCBA...that equals a slow moving train.

Glass half empty?

Yes I believe we would still get a very decent contract even if we are not done before SCS --Not likely, but we'll see.

You really can be a Negative Nellie you know.
Yes I'm worried about the negotiators emotions on BOTH sides. (Why I said they should talk about music on day 1) --Shall we go back to those letters that were made public and was just a poke in the eye for the IAM. Funny how we didn't hear much before that or after that. Strange, isn't it?
Actually no not at all. Some people use the phone you know. (202) 555-????
Yes I feel the company wants labor peace and is willing to pay a premium to get it. Labor peace won't be bought, and it won't go anywhere if the two unions engage in public fueding. The Leadership is supposed to lead by example. So far, that's not been to our collective best interests.

Hopefully that changes soon? Or maybe their idea of leadership just doesn't live up to your expectations?

Yes we have to wait for the NMB and it's driving ALL of us crazy in the meantime. --Wait until the Members are told we need to wait for them to get ready for negotiations, after they get the SCS.

Oh yea!!!!! If that happens all HELL breaks loose.
No I don't believe the company would talk to us before they know WHO is going to be representing us. --I guess the MOU's that were negotiated with the TWU was anomaly, the seniority integration or even the Preferential Hiring. Aside from all that, the company won't talk to us?

Neither violates or steps on each others CBA. No I don't believe they would negotiate a JCBA without clarity for who the representative will be?

dfw gen said:
My next list will be about all the things I'm tired of. That should take up at least a whole page and there will pretty much never be one thing I'll be able to scratch off from it.

Again life sucks.

But at least we still have Rock and Roll.


Are you seriously saying that Absouloutly no response from the twu does not concern you?

Nope it doesn't. I'll be more concerned if I don't hear something right after the NMB makes it's decision.

If that's the case your a fool or an International stooge.

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do.
Benjamin Franklin

NYer I asked this question of Bob Owens back on Jan 3 and never got a reply and he's been absent ever since?

"Bob I guess this is as good a time as any to ask you a question that was on my mind? It has now been one full year since the new administration has been in office at the TWU. So what is your assessment or grade of how Harry Lombardo, John Samuelsen and Alex Garcia are doing so far? Do you think the TWU as an organization is headed in the right or wrong direction?

If you had a ballot in front of you today who would you chose? AMFA, IAM or TWU?

Obviously I already know very well your thoughts on the Association so there's no point in asking that question."

Modifying it just a little let me get your take on the TWU and these guys? Taking out how you feel about what's going on with the Association and all that, how do you think they're doing in the area of Organizing, Politics, and trying to shore up the TWU finances after such an incredibly long decline? 

I know someone was putting out a ton of stuff on these guys and how horrible they were as human beings. Harry being a drunk. Alex an adulterer and John Samuelsen, my GOD I'm shocked beyond belief after all that was put out about him that he's not in the electric chair. How the hell did these horrible horrible human beings win an election?

They agreed to your 'association' without a membership vote much less a discussion.
Your unions screwed you and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.
B) xUT
WeAAsles said:

And before NYer comes on here to go after me for some reason yet again.

Yes I believe the Association is a better idea than duking it out. --But you support them "duking" out. 

Uh NO. Guess that's your perception?
--That's not perception. You keep saying they need time to fix issues with the Association. You defend the fact they have stopped moving forward with the negotiations preparations until they get these "minor" issues fixed. That's support.
Yes I think the IAM should agree to modify the terms of the agreement in the spirit of unity. --The original agreement was agreed to in the spirit of unity.

Yea sure. Tell that to everyone who was excluded from that spirit of unity.   --Oh, you mean the TWU is only one covered by "spirit of unity." If the BOS guys go TWU instead of IAM, after an agreement has already been made then THEY have to be good soldiers and take on for the team? The problem with changing the agreement after the fact is that it doesn't fix the situation. It creates another issue for someone else. The deal is done, you say you support the Association so it's time to go to the next phase. Get ready for negotiations.
If you want to continue to try and make changes or add onto the agreement then nothing stops those conversations from continuing, but it shouldn't be at the cost of getting ready for negotiations and getting a JCBA. On the TWU side, there are other Members that are affected by not having a JCBA and they're just as important as whomever you think should be protected from the Association agreement. They deserve this process moving forward.
Yes I believe the first letter by the TWU should not have came out publicly --But you defended the contents of the letter.

Still do. --That's pretty handy, you can support everybody and all their positions at the same time. Nifty.

Yes I believe that first letter caused a cascade of problems. --Finally. But you're late to the party.

Guess some people may have been desperate? --You have been, but I wasn't going to bring that up.
Yes I think the IAM did not want to talk to the TWU about addressing their concerns after Harry Lombardo WON the election. --The IAM and TWU already had an agreement by the time Harry Lombardo moved from the 2nd chair to the 1st chair.

Maybe the guy who signed it partly got chucked out on his arse because that agreement wasn't very popular? CWA, IBT, IAM? --So the CWA, the IAM, the AFL-CIO and the "guy" that signed it were wrong because unions getting together is not popular? Hardly, but that's a pretty broad brush you stroke. It's also funny that you say you support the Association but then you make a point that it isn't very popular and give it as a reason the "guy" that signed it is gone.
Everyone it seemed except the TWU the guy had the most interest in. Over 60% loss of funds in his tenure and sooooo many people earning those bucks and given promises for even more chairs until the well was bone dry. Lot's of chairs in that organization. --I guess it doesn't matter that the 2005 strike held by Local 100 resulted in a penalty of losing check-off for tens of thousands of Members, including a $2.5M accessed by Court order. The check-off lasted a couple of years, but there are still thousands not paying their dues in Local 100. Then came what? Oh yes, the 2008 Mortgage Meltdown which decimated the stock market and the investments that relied on that mechanism. If you look at the LM-2's, which is apparent you have not, you will that expenditures have fallen which mirrored the loss in income. The value lost was in the assets or investments held by the union. As a matter of fact, those assets have continue to fall even as the past Administration has been replaced. Go figure.
If you want to check, notice the asset levels of the CWA, IBT and IAM also take a dip during those years, but maybe it's that "guys" fault too.
Yes I believe the TWU did the right and honorable thing by waiting for and supporting the IAM get their standalone contracts. --Just as it was the right and honorable thing while the IAM had to wait until their company finished negotiating with a group they didn't even have as part of their company.

Who was it that said over and over that they should abandon those talks and join us? Hmmm? --Don't know who would say that but I told Tim Nelson over and over that they should get the pay rates and we can move onto the JCBA together and not waste anymore time. But if you want to imply, go ahead, it's your credibility.
Yes I believe the IAM could have agreed to the "preferential hiring" before they got their CBA Yes, because this call for "unity" that you mention means the TWU gets everything they want and the members of the IAM just have to shut up and wait their turn to get a contract from THEIR company.

Who was it that said over and over that they should abandon those talks and join us? Hmmm?

Yes I believe Jim Little wrote out the agreement in a shady underhanded way and kept most people out of the loop for what he was doing. --And the International Executive Committee did absolutely nothing about that? Really? That's your position.

Can you tell me who was on that committee and who is on it now?
Really. You're making arguments and you don't have a piece of basic information such as that. Again, that speaks towards your ability to make your arguments as opposed to just repeating what you hear.
Yes I believe the people who knew didn't care because they had their golden parachutes all set. Or were promised positions. (Life sucks, get over it) --Does that include current IEC Members that were in similar positions at that time? (and doesn't your "life sucks, get over it" comment extend to the Association agreement itself....I believe some of the IAM Officers are muttering the same thoughts....unless that little tag line is only useful for the TWU)

Oh no. Life sucks for everyone who didn't get what they want out of it, including myself. But hey you pull up your britches and keep on moving.
Yes the TWU should name their negotiators. --You said we need to be patient.

Looks like we still have to be don't we? --Have to be, no.
Yes the TWU should join their Brothers and Sisters in the IAM to "Prepare" --You said we need to be patient.

Looks like we still have to be don't we?
--Have to be, no.
Yes the TWU should put out that info and have told all of us "Happy New Year" --You said we need to be patient.

Looks like we still have to be don't we? B) --Have to be, no.
Yes I believe we should have our negotiations done before the company files for SCS --Not happening, that time is passing us by everyday this whole process is held hostage. They will certainly complain that we can't be rushed or pressured into a JCBA...that equals a slow moving train.

Glass half empty?
It's pretty much completely empty at this point.
Yes I believe we would still get a very decent contract even if we are not done before SCS --Not likely, but we'll see.

You really can be a Negative Nellie you know. If you say so.
Yes I'm worried about the negotiators emotions on BOTH sides. (Why I said they should talk about music on day 1) --Shall we go back to those letters that were made public and was just a poke in the eye for the IAM. Funny how we didn't hear much before that or after that. Strange, isn't it?
Actually no not at all. Some people use the phone you know. (202) 555-???? --We elect our leaders so we can have someone in an office answer the phone for us? Condoning the lack of information being shared. Maybe if these guys were upset at the "guy" not telling them anything it's because they didn't pick up a phone and called him to find out what was happening.
Yes I feel the company wants labor peace and is willing to pay a premium to get it. Labor peace won't be bought, and it won't go anywhere if the two unions engage in public feuding. The Leadership is supposed to lead by example. So far, that's not been to our collective best interests.

Hopefully that changes soon? Or maybe their idea of leadership just doesn't live up to your expectations?
More patience. We have to wait for leadership and their schedule for when to show up. Great. My expectations are not as low as yours, apparently.
Yes we have to wait for the NMB and it's driving ALL of us crazy in the meantime. --Wait until the Members are told we need to wait for them to get ready for negotiations, after they get the SCS.

Oh yea!!!!! If that happens all HELL breaks loose.
No I don't believe the company would talk to us before they know WHO is going to be representing us. --I guess the MOU's that were negotiated with the TWU was anomaly, the seniority integration or even the Preferential Hiring. Aside from all that, the company won't talk to us?

Neither violates or steps on each others CBA. No I don't believe they would negotiate a JCBA without clarity for who the representative will be? So all the negotiations they did to this point doesn't mean they're willing to negotiate any longer? That's a pretty bad way to try and defend or explain the current position we're in. Pretty bad.

WeAAsles said:
My next list will be about all the things I'm tired of. That should take up at least a whole page and there will pretty much never be one thing I'll be able to scratch off from it.

Again life sucks.

But at least we still have Rock and Roll.


Are you seriously saying that Absouloutly no response from the twu does not concern you?

Nope it doesn't. I'll be more concerned if I don't hear something right after the NMB makes it's decision.

If that's the case your a fool or an International stooge.

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do.
Benjamin Franklin
"To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing."
NYer said:


And before NYer comes on here to go after me for some reason yet again.

Yes I believe the Association is a better idea than duking it out. --But you support them "duking" out. 

Uh NO. Guess that's your perception?
--That's not perception. You keep saying they need time to fix issues with the Association. You defend the fact they have stopped moving forward with the negotiations preparations until they get these "minor" issues fixed. That's support.
Yes I think the IAM should agree to modify the terms of the agreement in the spirit of unity. --The original agreement was agreed to in the spirit of unity.

Yea sure. Tell that to everyone who was excluded from that spirit of unity.   --Oh, you mean the TWU is only one covered by "spirit of unity." If the BOS guys go TWU instead of IAM, after an agreement has already been made then THEY have to be good soldiers and take on for the team? The problem with changing the agreement after the fact is that it doesn't fix the situation. It creates another issue for someone else. The deal is done, you say you support the Association so it's time to go to the next phase. Get ready for negotiations.
If you want to continue to try and make changes or add onto the agreement then nothing stops those conversations from continuing, but it shouldn't be at the cost of getting ready for negotiations and getting a JCBA. On the TWU side, there are other Members that are affected by not having a JCBA and they're just as important as whomever you think should be protected from the Association agreement. They deserve this process moving forward.
Yes I believe the first letter by the TWU should not have came out publicly --But you defended the contents of the letter.

Still do. --That's pretty handy, you can support everybody and all their positions at the same time. Nifty.

Yes I believe that first letter caused a cascade of problems. --Finally. But you're late to the party.

Guess some people may have been desperate? --You have been, but I wasn't going to bring that up.
Yes I think the IAM did not want to talk to the TWU about addressing their concerns after Harry Lombardo WON the election. --The IAM and TWU already had an agreement by the time Harry Lombardo moved from the 2nd chair to the 1st chair.

Maybe the guy who signed it partly got chucked out on his arse because that agreement wasn't very popular? CWA, IBT, IAM? --So the CWA, the IAM, the AFL-CIO and the "guy" that signed it were wrong because unions getting together is not popular? Hardly, but that's a pretty broad brush you stroke. It's also funny that you say you support the Association but then you make a point that it isn't very popular and give it as a reason the "guy" that signed it is gone.
Everyone it seemed except the TWU the guy had the most interest in. Over 60% loss of funds in his tenure and sooooo many people earning those bucks and given promises for even more chairs until the well was bone dry. Lot's of chairs in that organization. --I guess it doesn't matter that the 2005 strike held by Local 100 resulted in a penalty of losing check-off for tens of thousands of Members, including a $2.5M accessed by Court order. The check-off lasted a couple of years, but there are still thousands not paying their dues in Local 100. Then came what? Oh yes, the 2008 Mortgage Meltdown which decimated the stock market and the investments that relied on that mechanism. If you look at the LM-2's, which is apparent you have not, you will that expenditures have fallen which mirrored the loss in income. The value lost was in the assets or investments held by the union. As a matter of fact, those assets have continue to fall even as the past Administration has been replaced. Go figure.
If you want to check, notice the asset levels of the CWA, IBT and IAM also take a dip during those years, but maybe it's that "guys" fault too.
Yes I believe the TWU did the right and honorable thing by waiting for and supporting the IAM get their standalone contracts. --Just as it was the right and honorable thing while the IAM had to wait until their company finished negotiating with a group they didn't even have as part of their company.

Who was it that said over and over that they should abandon those talks and join us? Hmmm? --Don't know who would say that but I told Tim Nelson over and over that they should get the pay rates and we can move onto the JCBA together and not waste anymore time. But if you want to imply, go ahead, it's your credibility.
Yes I believe the IAM could have agreed to the "preferential hiring" before they got their CBA Yes, because this call for "unity" that you mention means the TWU gets everything they want and the members of the IAM just have to shut up and wait their turn to get a contract from THEIR company.

Who was it that said over and over that they should abandon those talks and join us? Hmmm?

Yes I believe Jim Little wrote out the agreement in a shady underhanded way and kept most people out of the loop for what he was doing. --And the International Executive Committee did absolutely nothing about that? Really? That's your position.

Can you tell me who was on that committee and who is on it now?
Really. You're making arguments and you don't have a piece of basic information such as that. Again, that speaks towards your ability to make your arguments as opposed to just repeating what you hear.
Yes I believe the people who knew didn't care because they had their golden parachutes all set. Or were promised positions. (Life sucks, get over it) --Does that include current IEC Members that were in similar positions at that time? (and doesn't your "life sucks, get over it" comment extend to the Association agreement itself....I believe some of the IAM Officers are muttering the same thoughts....unless that little tag line is only useful for the TWU)

Oh no. Life sucks for everyone who didn't get what they want out of it, including myself. But hey you pull up your britches and keep on moving.
Yes the TWU should name their negotiators. --You said we need to be patient.

Looks like we still have to be don't we? --Have to be, no.
Yes the TWU should join their Brothers and Sisters in the IAM to "Prepare" --You said we need to be patient.

Looks like we still have to be don't we?
--Have to be, no.
Yes the TWU should put out that info and have told all of us "Happy New Year" --You said we need to be patient.

Looks like we still have to be don't we? B) --Have to be, no.
Yes I believe we should have our negotiations done before the company files for SCS --Not happening, that time is passing us by everyday this whole process is held hostage. They will certainly complain that we can't be rushed or pressured into a JCBA...that equals a slow moving train.

Glass half empty?
It's pretty much completely empty at this point.
Yes I believe we would still get a very decent contract even if we are not done before SCS --Not likely, but we'll see.

You really can be a Negative Nellie you know. If you say so.
Yes I'm worried about the negotiators emotions on BOTH sides. (Why I said they should talk about music on day 1) --Shall we go back to those letters that were made public and was just a poke in the eye for the IAM. Funny how we didn't hear much before that or after that. Strange, isn't it?
Actually no not at all. Some people use the phone you know. (202) 555-???? --We elect our leaders so we can have someone in an office answer the phone for us? Condoning the lack of information being shared. Maybe if these guys were upset at the "guy" not telling them anything it's because they didn't pick up a phone and called him to find out what was happening.
Yes I feel the company wants labor peace and is willing to pay a premium to get it. Labor peace won't be bought, and it won't go anywhere if the two unions engage in public feuding. The Leadership is supposed to lead by example. So far, that's not been to our collective best interests.

Hopefully that changes soon? Or maybe their idea of leadership just doesn't live up to your expectations?
More patience. We have to wait for leadership and their schedule for when to show up. Great. My expectations are not as low as yours, apparently.
Yes we have to wait for the NMB and it's driving ALL of us crazy in the meantime. --Wait until the Members are told we need to wait for them to get ready for negotiations, after they get the SCS.

Oh yea!!!!! If that happens all HELL breaks loose.
No I don't believe the company would talk to us before they know WHO is going to be representing us. --I guess the MOU's that were negotiated with the TWU was anomaly, the seniority integration or even the Preferential Hiring. Aside from all that, the company won't talk to us?

Neither violates or steps on each others CBA. No I don't believe they would negotiate a JCBA without clarity for who the representative will be? So all the negotiations they did to this point doesn't mean they're willing to negotiate any longer? That's a pretty bad way to try and defend or explain the current position we're in. Pretty bad.



Too much back and forth for me there tonight to waddle through and I want to go have me a nice few colds pints at a little watering hole.

But NYer can you give me a little insight on something here? I read an E-Mail from Sonny Hall to Jim Little where he basically was expressing his concern about us being sold to the CWA? That's the perception I got from reading that letter and he didn't seem like he was too keen on the idea?

Can you run down why the TWU is now in the CWA building in DC with a very expensive lease from what I've heard? The running joke seems to be that they want to sell the old joint in Brooklyn but can't get any takers? If the union was having such tremendous financial difficulty why would anyone sign a lease on a facility when they already have a perfectly well ok one to work in?

I just want to know what all this is about if you don't mind and you know about it?

Have a nice night.

WeAAsles said:
NYer I asked this question of Bob Owens back on Jan 3 and never got a reply and he's been absent ever since?

"Bob I guess this is as good a time as any to ask you a question that was on my mind? It has now been one full year since the new administration has been in office at the TWU. So what is your assessment or grade of how Harry Lombardo, John Samuelsen and Alex Garcia are doing so far? Do you think the TWU as an organization is headed in the right or wrong direction?

If you had a ballot in front of you today who would you chose? AMFA, IAM or TWU?

Obviously I already know very well your thoughts on the Association so there's no point in asking that question."

Modifying it just a little let me get your take on the TWU and these guys? Taking out how you feel about what's going on with the Association and all that, how do you think they're doing in the area of Organizing, Politics, and trying to shore up the TWU finances after such an incredibly long decline? --What is an incredibly long decline? Anyway, I'll let you know when the decline stops,so give that some time. Haven't seen much in the politics department. They seem to be doing well in organizing in the Transit Division, the Airline Division looks like par for the course...they won some and lost some. 

I know someone was putting out a ton of stuff on these guys and how horrible they were as human beings. Harry being a drunk. Alex an adulterer and John Samuelsen, my GOD I'm shocked beyond belief after all that was put out about him that he's not in the electric chair. How the hell did these horrible horrible human beings win an election? --You're pretty naive on these things aren't you.

WeAAsles said:
Too much back and forth for me there tonight to waddle through and I want to go have me a nice few colds pints at a little watering hole.

But NYer can you give me a little insight on something here? I read an E-Mail from Sonny Hall to Jim Little where he basically was expressing his concern about us being sold to the CWA? That's the perception I got from reading that letter and he didn't seem like he was too keen on the idea?

Can you run down why the TWU is now in the CWA building in DC with a very expensive lease from what I've heard? --It's less than expenses in an Manhattan property, by several hundred of thousands. In 2013, Local 100 shows to have paid almost $1.4M in rent for the same property. They have since moved to a building in Brooklyn that cost $17M.
The running joke seems to be that they want to sell the old joint in Brooklyn but can't get any takers? --Local 100 just bought a joint in Brooklyn.
If the union was having such tremendous financial difficulty why would anyone sign a lease on a facility when they already have a perfectly well ok one to work in? --Because it's cheaper.

I just want to know what all this is about if you don't mind and you know about it? Check the Department of Labor, all those expenses have to be reported annually. It's easy to check.
Or, you can just go with the rhetoric.

Have a nice night.
 I sure hope someone isn't showing Members emails from TWU Officers to other TWU Officers, that would be a breach of privacy.
NYer said:
I sure hope someone isn't showing Members emails from TWU Officers to other TWU Officers, that would be a breach of privacy.
Well at one point it was on here as a thread starter. You can put it in as a search if you want. If you click on the link it's now dead but I did read and remember it before then.

Was the TWU going to be sold to the CWA? If so was the thought at the time that we were beyond repair?

And BTW I like the CWA. Strong Union who's been minting money.
CMH_GSE said:
Not totally disagreeing , but really , it's time the NMB gave us a ballot so the membership can decide who we want to represent us, just like it has ALWAYS been done in the past.

There is nothing legally binding about the Association If it doesn't win the representation vote.
Dude, you better hope you get to vote.  What if the NMB approves this association and has no election? Don't think that this cannot happen.  As long as the NMB is taking, and as long as they have spent time figuring out the groups, classes, and crafts, it would not shock me if they force this association onto you guys without any kind of a vote.  You guys better hope and pray you will get a vote on this association gig...
swamt said:
Dude, you better hope you get to vote.  What if the NMB approves this association and has no election? Don't think that this cannot happen.  As long as the NMB is taking, and as long as they have spent time figuring out the groups, classes, and crafts, it would not shock me if they force this association onto you guys without any kind of a vote.  You guys better hope and pray you will get a vote on this association gig...
So you think it's impossible for two sides that should share the same goals to eventually come to terms? If you really feel that way does it matter what labor organization you belong to if people as individuals can't see eye to eye on that basic premise that they should try to advance the collective?

If people can't see that then maybe I am naive like NYer keeps saying I am. That's really too bad.
WeAAsles said:
So you think it's impossible for two sides that should share the same goals to eventually come to terms? If you really feel that way does it matter what labor organization you belong to if people as individuals can't see eye to eye on that basic premise that they should try to advance the collective?

If people can't see that then maybe I am naive like NYer keeps saying I am. That's really too bad.
How many more times will you allow the TWU to force crap on its members?  Take the blinders off.  When it happens I do not want to hear you whining on here about it...

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