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TWU/IAM Association Poll

Are you for or against the proposed TWU/IAM Association?

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Oh yea....The IAM contract says "this", the TWU contract says "that." They each have things I am sure they want to keep in the contract and at the same time contradict each other. 
This could take years....look at UA/CO....
But then again, the association is supposed to be a great big group hug kumbaya event.
WeAAsles said:
That's a cop out from what I suggested you do and you know it.
The whole issue is that we don't get information and the solution is to "demand" information? That's pretty silly.
MetalMover said:
Oh yea....The IAM contract says "this", the TWU contract says "that." They each have things I am sure they want to keep in the contract and at the same time contradict each other. 
This could take years....look at UA/CO....
But then again, the association is supposed to be a great big group hug kumbaya event.
Whether there is an Association or not, if both groups aren't willing to talk about their issues, compromise and plan on how to move forward, this whole thing could take a long time.
The APFA, AFA, APA and USAPA all worked together and the CWA/IBT has started their negotiations. If the sides are unwilling to work together, despite whether it's the Association , the TWU or the IAM....we'll be in for the long haul.
NYer said:
Whether there is an Association or not, if both groups aren't willing to talk about their issues, compromise and plan on how to move forward, this whole thing could take a long time.
The APFA, AFA, APA and USAPA all worked together and the CWA/IBT has started their negotiations. If the sides are unwilling to work together, despite whether it's the Association , the TWU or the IAM....we'll be in for the long haul.
You're forgetting one thing.....they agreed on ONE union to represent them...None of this "sharing" crap.
NYer said:
The whole issue is that we don't get information and the solution is to "demand" information? That's pretty silly.
Alright let me see if I have this straight? You want information and you have the ability to go and speak to your Local President to maybe get some information or to ask why you aren't getting information and you consider the notion of asking directly to be silly? That President could very well be a part of the negotiation committee in regards to an issue that directly affects you and many others, a JCBA. I would think you would be very keen on knowing how that person is preparing if he is preparing at all?

Silly? <_<
The CSA and RES are NOT represented by one union, they are represented by two.
East of the Mississippi are CWA, West of the Mississippi are IBT.
NYer said:
Whether there is an Association or not, if both groups aren't willing to talk about their issues, compromise and plan on how to move forward, this whole thing could take a long time.
The APFA, AFA, APA and USAPA all worked together and the CWA/IBT has started their negotiations. If the sides are unwilling to work together, despite whether it's the Association , the TWU or the IAM....we'll be in for the long haul.
All IAM leaders have said that they will uphold the Association agreement, which is legally binding with no way out for the TWU.   IMO, TWU members will suffer a lot as they will stay under a bankrupt agreement indefinitely.  US AIRWAYS members are in better shape since none of its stations can be outsourced.  The TWU members have a "Drop Dead" scope clause that snaps back to higher activity which can wipe out several more stations. It's time that Lombardo get his head out of his ass and stop being anti union and playing into management's hands.
Tim Nelson said:
All IAM leaders have said that they will uphold the Association agreement, which is legally binding with no way out for the TWU.   IMO, TWU members will suffer a lot as they will stay under a bankrupt agreement indefinitely.  US AIRWAYS members are in better shape since none of its stations can be outsourced.  The TWU members have a "Drop Dead" scope clause that snaps back to higher activity which can wipe out several more stations. It's time that Lombardo get his head out of his ass and stop being anti union and playing into management's hands.
Agree with your Lombardo comment. But whatever hurts TWU members will ultimately end up hurting IAM members as well.
Tim Nelson said:
All IAM leaders have said that they will uphold the Association agreement, which is legally binding with no way out for the TWU.   IMO, TWU members will suffer a lot as they will stay under a bankrupt agreement indefinitely.  US AIRWAYS members are in better shape since none of its stations can be outsourced.  The TWU members have a "Drop Dead" scope clause that snaps back to higher activity which can wipe out several more stations. It's time that Lombardo get his head out of his ass and stop being anti union and playing into management's hands.
Not totally disagreeing , but really , it's time the NMB gave us a ballot so the membership can decide who we want to represent us, just like it has ALWAYS been done in the past.

There is nothing legally binding about the Association If it doesn't win the representation vote.
Tim Nelson said:
All IAM leaders have said that they will uphold the Association agreement, which is legally binding with no way out for the TWU.

Correct. But if your future bride were unhappy wouldn't you at least try to make some adjustments to make her more happy to have a better long term successful marriage where she might not resent you for the rest of your lives? 

"System Ratios"

IMO, TWU members will suffer a lot as they will stay under a bankrupt agreement indefinitely.

I doubt it will be as long as some people might believe to get to a JCBA? (Note Question mark thank you)

US AIRWAYS members are in better shape since none of its stations can be outsourced.  The TWU members have a "Drop Dead" scope clause that snaps back to higher activity which can wipe out several more stations.

With the airlines current growth I doubt they will close any stations until they have a JCBA if all they might have to do is open them up again in the future. Doesn't make good business sense.

 It's time that Lombardo get his head out of his ass and stop being anti union and playing into management's hands.

NOTHING has been said about what is going on behind the scenes? All people are currently drawing on is hearsay, rumor and innuendo. My Mother was the first one to tell me to always get it in writing or don't believe it. And we haven't seen ANYTHING in writing yet.

And before NYer comes on here to go after me for some reason yet again.

Yes I believe the Association is a better idea than duking it out.
Yes I think the IAM should agree to modify the terms of the agreement in the spirit of unity.
Yes I believe the first letter by the TWU should not have came out publicly
Yes I believe that first letter caused a cascade of problems.
Yes I think the IAM did not want to talk to the TWU about addressing their concerns after Harry Lombardo WON the election.
Yes I believe the TWU did the right and honorable thing by waiting for and supporting the IAM get their standalone contracts.
Yes I believe the IAM could have agreed to the "preferential hiring" before they got their CBA
Yes I believe Jim Little wrote out the agreement in a shady underhanded way and kept most people out of the loop for what he was doing.
Yes I believe the people who knew didn't care because they had their golden parachutes all set. Or were promised positions. (Life sucks, get over it)
Yes the TWU should name their negotiators.
Yes the TWU should join their Brothers and Sisters in the IAM to "Prepare"
Yes the TWU should put out that info and have told all of us "Happy New Year"
Yes I believe we should have our negotiations done before the company files for SCS
Yes I believe we would still get a very decent contract even if we are not done before SCS
Yes I'm worried about the negotiators emotions on BOTH sides. (Why I said they should talk about music on day 1)
Yes I feel the company wants labor peace and is willing to pay a premium to get it.
Yes we have to wait for the NMB and it's driving ALL of us crazy in the meantime.
No I don't believe the company would talk to us before they know WHO is going to be representing us.

But all we have is silence. Or as usual back door deals.
lies and bulls*it. I'm tired of it.
dfw gen said:
But all we have is silence. Or as usual back door deals.
lies and bulls*it. I'm tired of it.
My next list will be about all the things I'm tired of. That should take up at least a whole page and there will pretty much never be one thing I'll be able to scratch off from it.

Again life sucks.

But at least we still have Rock and Roll.

700UW said:
The CSA and RES are NOT represented by one union, they are represented by two.
East of the Mississippi are CWA, West of the Mississippi are IBT.
Wrong, explain why MCI and STL are both CWA stations not IBT stations?
MCI: Kansas City International (Kansas City, MO), Local 1171
STL: Lambert-St. Louis International (St. Louis, MO), Local 1171
WeAAsles said:
And before NYer comes on here to go after me for some reason yet again.

Yes I believe the Association is a better idea than duking it out. --But you support them "duking" out. 
Yes I think the IAM should agree to modify the terms of the agreement in the spirit of unity. --The original agreement was agreed to in the spirit of unity.
Yes I believe the first letter by the TWU should not have came out publicly --But you defended the contents of the letter.
Yes I believe that first letter caused a cascade of problems. --Finally. But you're late to the party.
Yes I think the IAM did not want to talk to the TWU about addressing their concerns after Harry Lombardo WON the election. --The IAM and TWU already had an agreement by the time Harry Lombardo moved from the 2nd chair to the 1st chair.
Yes I believe the TWU did the right and honorable thing by waiting for and supporting the IAM get their standalone contracts. --Just as it was the right and honorable thing while the IAM had to wait until their company finished negotiating with a group they didn't even have as part of their company.
Yes I believe the IAM could have agreed to the "preferential hiring" before they got their CBA Yes, because this call for "unity" that you mention means the TWU gets everything they want and the members of the IAM just have to shut up and wait their turn to get a contract from THEIR company.
Yes I believe Jim Little wrote out the agreement in a shady underhanded way and kept most people out of the loop for what he was doing. --And the International Executive Committee did absolutely nothing about that? Really? That's your position.
Yes I believe the people who knew didn't care because they had their golden parachutes all set. Or were promised positions. (Life sucks, get over it) --Does that include current IEC Members that were in similar positions at that time? (and doesn't your "life sucks, get over it" comment extend to the Association agreement itself....I believe some of the IAM Officers are muttering the same thoughts....unless that little tag line is only useful for the TWU)
Yes the TWU should name their negotiators. --You said we need to be patient.
Yes the TWU should join their Brothers and Sisters in the IAM to "Prepare" --You said we need to be patient.
Yes the TWU should put out that info and have told all of us "Happy New Year" --You said we need to be patient.
Yes I believe we should have our negotiations done before the company files for SCS --Not happening, that time is passing us by everyday this whole process is held hostage. They will certainly complain that we can't be rushed or pressured into a JCBA...that equals a slow moving train.
Yes I believe we would still get a very decent contract even if we are not done before SCS --Not likely, but we'll see.
Yes I'm worried about the negotiators emotions on BOTH sides. (Why I said they should talk about music on day 1) --Shall we go back to those letters that were made public and was just a poke in the eye for the IAM. Funny how we didn't hear much before that or after that. Strange, isn't it?
Yes I feel the company wants labor peace and is willing to pay a premium to get it. Labor peace won't be bought, and it won't go anywhere if the two unions engage in public fueding. The Leadership is supposed to lead by example. So far, that's not been to our collective best interests.
Yes we have to wait for the NMB and it's driving ALL of us crazy in the meantime. --Wait until the Members are told we need to wait for them to get ready for negotiations, after they get the SCS.
No I don't believe the company would talk to us before they know WHO is going to be representing us. --I guess the MOU's that were negotiated with the TWU was anomaly, the seniority integration or even the Preferential Hiring. Aside from all that, the company won't talk to us?


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