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TWU gets 4.8% equity


You would think a good union would have been on top of that the minute it was put in writing. But I am telling you the TWU will keep the E.S. for themselves, nothing for the members. Some of you need to inquire exactly what they plan to do with it. Flood the international with phone calls, emails and texts. Be overwhelmiong (but proffesional) about it. When they ignore you or beat around the bush, tell them you want it in writing, when they refuse to put it in writing turn and rum and fill out an AMFA card. The TWU is fixin to put the screw to it's members. And more than you guys have anticipated. BTW-- Thanx for getting this thread back on topic with your question. All the other BS needs to stay out or in another thread.
Yes we do, and if it pisses them off that makes it even more fun. The nastier and more personal they get the more fustrated they are.

As long as you keep a sense of humor when someone informs you that your "Me Too" clause dropped dead yesterday 😉
any word on what we are getting in this equity stake. i.e. how is it going to worf?
As long as you keep a sense of humor when someone informs you that your "Me Too" clause dropped dead yesterday 😉

What choice do I have?

I dont expect anything to materialize from the ME TOO unless performance deteriorates so badly thats its the only way management figures they can right this sinking ship and save face.

Next time you fly into the Northeast remember 96% of us voted NO. On average across the line 3 out of 4 voted NO, so the odds are pretty good no matter where you land in the US you will come across mechanics that are pretty pissed off. If you want to increase the odds of seeing Happy Mechanics you will have to go to Tulsa, but you better hurry, that could change real soon.
Good for the TWU and APFA for negotiating an equity stake and persuading their members that it was in their best interest to approve it. Because guess what: it was.

The APA has uttlerly and totally failed to serve its membership by perpetuating this fantasy that it would somehow be better for the pilots to reject the 13.5% stake and take whatever AA decides to give them in a term sheet.

The cold, hard truth is that the pilots lost out BIG TIME by voting no to the consensual deal. The APA boosters want to suppress that fact with propaganda, but the basic question remains: Are the pilots better off with the term sheet or with AA's deal and equity stake?

The answer is obvious. The pilots who voted no didn't just screw themselves, they cost the "yes" minoritiy a LOT of money.
Good for the TWU and APFA for negotiating an equity stake and persuading their members that it was in their best interest to approve it. Because guess what: it was.

The APA has uttlerly and totally failed to serve its membership by perpetuating this fantasy that it would somehow be better for the pilots to reject the 13.5% stake and take whatever AA decides to give them in a term sheet.

The cold, hard truth is that the pilots lost out BIG TIME by voting no to the consensual deal. The APA boosters want to suppress that fact with propaganda, but the basic question remains: Are the pilots better off with the term sheet or with AA's deal and equity stake?

The answer is obvious. The pilots who voted no didn't just screw themselves, they cost the "yes" minoritiy a LOT of money.

Heard to today that of the 4.8 equity that the TWU is receiving, the members will get 3.1 and the international will keep
1.7 to help pay for attorneys. (on top of the 5 million AA will pay). Just the latest rumor to be floating around!

I guess you missed the hard fact that the majority APA leadership, along with it's hired experts at the base briefings, push the LBFO more than a Trump time share.

The rank and file membership, more than a few with graduate degrees in finance and accounting saw it differently and voted no.

Thanks for playing.😉

I guess you missed the hard fact that the majority APA leadership, along with it's hired experts at the base briefings, push the LBFO more than a Trump time share.

The rank and file membership, more than a few with graduate degrees in finance and accounting saw it differently and voted no.

Thanks for playing. 😉

Maybe some of those guys with the sheepskins should run for office?
Heard to today that of the 4.8 equity that the TWU is receiving, the members will get 3.1 and the international will keep
1.7 to help pay for attorneys. (on top of the 5 million AA will pay). Just the latest rumor to be floating around!

That's outrageous...isn't that what the blessed dues are for? The International should not claim anything for their coffer.

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