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TWU gets 4.8% equity

any word on what we are getting in this equity stake. i.e. how is it going to worf?

Funny how some people on this thread have avoided what the TWU is doing with the 4.8% stake. Bob Owens what says you sir??
I too find the 3.1 for the members and the remainder for the attorneys fees, when AA is paying 5 mil plus 2 more mil for asssociated fees with attorneys and BK proccess, to be BS as well. It's all a lie. TWU will be keeping all of it boys and girls, you all watch...
That's outrageous...isn't that what the blessed dues are for? The International should not claim anything for their coffer.

You are correct. But the TWU needs an excuss to keep the 4.8% ES for themselves. Why do you all think that the TWU, to this day, HAVE NOT announced what they will do with it??? Think about it.
Funny how some people on this thread have avoided what the TWU is doing with the 4.8% stake. Bob Owens what says you sir??
I too find the 3.1 for the members and the remainder for the attorneys fees, when AA is paying 5 mil plus 2 more mil for asssociated fees with attorneys and BK proccess, to be BS as well. It's all a lie. TWU will be keeping all of it boys and girls, you all watch...
Funny how some people on this thread have avoided what the TWU is doing with the 4.8% stake. Bob Owens what says you sir??
I too find the 3.1 for the members and the remainder for the attorneys fees, when AA is paying 5 mil plus 2 more mil for asssociated fees with attorneys and BK proccess, to be BS as well. It's all a lie. TWU will be keeping all of it boys and girls, you all watch...

Even the local 513 prez is confirming this. With a spin of course.

Even the local 513 prez is confirming this. With a spin of course.

Sorry in advance for using your post to toot my horn.

Told you Anomaly!! Now do you believe me??

AANOTOK, I would think the only way you guys could stop this is to file a suit "prior" to a new union taking over. You guys might even get ahold of Seham, he would just love to go head to head with the TWU...
Has anybody seen or heard how the TWU will distribute the 4.8% equity stake among the membership? The silence is deafening.
RE: http://aa.twu.org/home/tabid/1494/ctl/detail/mid/3063/itemid/607/letter-from-robert-gless.aspx

Has anyone seen anything from the TWU recently regarding how they intend to distribute the 4.8% equity stake to the membership?
In the link above to the Bobby Gless letter - we can see in paragraph 8 under "the 4.8%" heading, Mr Gless states "We will provide details of distribution over the next few weeks." As it turns out, here we are almost 6 months later, and where are the details?
RE: http://aa.twu.org/ho...bert-gless.aspx

Has anyone seen anything from the TWU recently regarding how they intend to distribute the 4.8% equity stake to the membership?
In the link above to the Bobby Gless letter - we can see in paragraph 8 under "the 4.8%" heading, Mr Gless states "We will provide details of distribution over the next few weeks." As it turns out, here we are almost 6 months later, and where are the details?
I’m glad to hear someone ask that question.. Vortilon. Recently the prez of our local, made a visit,
and made the claim that the TWU should get a cut of that 4.8%. To put some back into the TWU system.
This equity share is the property of the members and in no way should a cut of it be given to grease the palms of the TWU. I hope other locals read this, and share the disgust I felt when hearing this. So before the TWU gets anymore bright ideas, the whole membership should be aware that this fowl stench is in the air. Spread the word!!!
I’m glad to hear someone ask that question.. Vortilon. Recently the prez of our local, made a visit,
and made the claim that the TWU should get a cut of that 4.8%. To put some back into the TWU system.
This equity share is the property of the members and in no way should a cut of it be given to grease the palms of the TWU. I hope other locals read this, and share the disgust I felt when hearing this. So before the TWU gets anymore bright ideas, the whole membership should be aware that this fowl stench is in the air. Spread the word!!!
Our local prez said the same and defended it. Said roughly 1.7% could be going to the "system" leaving the members with 3.1%
Just another reason why you guys need to fire the worthless union NOW and replace it with AMFA. First they do a sorry ass job of "representing" you over the past 25+ years, continue that poor service during Ch 11 and now want to skim off a portion of your equity. Fire their sorry asses already.
AANOTOK and Bob@las-AA

Did you really expect the Prez of your locals to voice anything different than what they did?

How long have you been here at AA? Don't you realize that by now that the TWU gets theirs
and YOU get what they tell you.

That is why the TWU here at AA Needs to be shown the door. Out with the OLD-TWU and in with the NEW
American Airlines Run Amfa. Since we will have the voting numbers to place AA mechanics into AMFA's key positions, Unless the guys currently in office are doing such a great job we re-elect them.

That is what I said the leaders are elected not Appointed by the good ole boys club at the TWU/IBT/IAM

Sign an AMFA card today or help get the guys at your station to sign so we can shed the TWU..

I’m glad to hear someone ask that question.. Vortilon. Recently the prez of our local, made a visit,
and made the claim that the TWU should get a cut of that 4.8%. To put some back into the TWU system.
This equity share is the property of the members and in no way should a cut of it be given to grease the palms of the TWU. I hope other locals read this, and share the disgust I felt when hearing this. So before the TWU gets anymore bright ideas, the whole membership should be aware that this fowl stench is in the air. Spread the word!!!

What local do you belong to? I would fear for the life of any line maintenance local President for even uttering such filth. God help any international rep that even suggests anything remotely sounding like this. The international is already getting back $5 million from AA for negotiation costs that they didn't expect. Now, to even suggest further rape of the dues payers for their own personal use is beyond the pale.

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