I think I've been clear, I will not vote in favor of the Association, they need to offer us a Union, not split up Title groups between two Unions.
What happens if the majority doesn't vote for either? Are you leaving out important facts? Deception through omission?
What are you talking about? How can there not be a majority unless 6487 vote for the association and 6487 vote no union. Do you think it's going to be a tie?
Didn't the pilots at US remain in separate contracts in separate Unions under US until they opted for the APA? Why couldnt we?
Because your leaders and the leaders of the IAM opted to have an association rather than fighting with each other over members. Some of which may have proffered not to. Speaking on the IAM side of those members maybe they don't want there pension frozen if it went to the TWU? Ever think about that side of things Bob? Maybe some people are smartening up and realizing that unions need to stop fighting each other and get on the same page?
For me the risk of not having a Union is far greater than most as I would no doubt have a huge target on my back by management. For most of my peers though the No Union option may get them more than this BS Association. They may actually financially do better for the same reason that Delta workers earn a lot more than we do, get more sick time and have more Vacation than we do-to keep the Unions out.
Nice to see a strong union man such as yourself touting up the benefits of being non union. What the hell happened to you?
Yes I have worked Non-Union, I prefer Union. But I can say that even with the Non-union jobs I got more Holidays and if I did work it was never for half pay. We have Unions, they are offering us an Association, not a single voice for our class and craft, its not a union, its the spawn of business Unionism, it is not about whats best for the members, its about what is best for them.
Listen to yourself, you are rationalizing accepting this in the same way people rationalize accepting concessions from the company.Your support is driven by fear. You admit you don't want it but will accept it because they are saying take it or risk having no union. Do you really want to pay someone to treat you the same way the company treats you-"Do as I say, for my benefit not yours, or you wont like what comes next"? You are supporting this out of fear, not conviction. Arent Unions supposed to empower people and help them combat being ruled by fear?
No Bob you DO NOT know me at all! I never said that I didn't want this, those are words you're putting in my mouth. I said that I thought originally we should have voted on this. As far as supporting it I do now. But that came from LEARNING. I started to make contacts within the IAM right after the association was announced. I opened my mind to the possibilities. Something maybe you should try? I started to be educated on their structure, make friends, ask tons of questions and still do.
I'm not supporting this out of fear. I'm supporting this because I have a brain in my head. I 100% believe that together we will be a lot stronger than standing apart from our Union counterparts. The IAM is NOT my enemy Bob. Do you have any clue who your real enemies are?
As it is now we can expect that this "association" will take at least a year to figure out what they want from the two worst deals in the industry. The IAMs complete failure to even get UAL pay rates from a company that just posted $1.5 billion in profits for one quarter means that management will be more than willing to sit on these deals and kick the can down the road till 2017 when real negotiations begin. If the guys vote No Union they will likely face a year of hell, guys such as myself would probably be terminated, but after that year they would likely bring everything up to Delta rates to prevent another Union from coming back. So for those who were never activists more than likely they would do about as well as Delta, or in a year have a new union with something to prove and section 6 negotiations in place.
No problem there Bob. Go ahead and offer yourself up on a sword as a martyr for the cause to not be represented. Ridiculous. And maybe you want to offer yourself as a sacrificial lamb but why don't you take a poll among your members and see how many of them feel the same? Yea I'm quite sure they'll be honest with you.
Lose everything? This contract already left most people at the whim of management. No system protection, in reality they can outsource more than they want, we get half pay for five holidays while their non-union get double time for eight, for the first 25 years they get a weeks more Vacation per year than we do. Our compensation and conditions are below non-union. we lost everything that made this a good job.
"Take it or leave it'? isnt that pretty much identical to what you are saying the TWU and IAM have put before us?
Show me any documentation, any case history that says a Union can decertify itself because the members chose not to agree to their plan to move them to an association.
Bob if there are only two choices on the ballot and the no union option is the one chosen you will no longer have a union or a CBA. Why is this so incredibly difficult to understand? If you vote it down they can not, shall not and will not threaten you with desertification because the members already threw them out.
Show me the documentation where either union is threatening to decertify if you say I will not accept this before you even vote?
This association is their choice, not ours, they can back out if they want. Let the IAM sue if they don't like it. If they force us into this they deserve to lose us. I will not vote in favor of the Association.
That's not up to you whether anyone tries to back out or not. That's way above your pay grade. And I love that idea, sue. Yea let's keep the wonderful union to union fighting going while Corporate America and their pocket Politicians keep kicking our asses. That's thinking with the old noodle.
So the answer is if they force this vote upon us, I will likely throw the ballott in the garbage in order to maintain the status quo.
Do what you want to do. No one is forcing your hand to that paper brother. I used to think you had an open mind. I guess I was wrong.