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TWU - Fear Based Union Leadership and Intimidation

La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I thought I made that pretty clear.
I support private sector UNIONS the way they used to be before they got so entrenched in politics.
I do not support TWU because they have an abysmal record. They have had too many concessions and too many under the table deals over the years. 
I do not support public sector UNIONS in any way.
You either support unions or you don't. It is quite apparent, like many the feel as you do, as long as you reap benefits from a union then you're fine. Unfortunately, it is difficult to have a conversation about this with you because you will just repeat the same nonsense conservative talking heads spew.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I thought I made that pretty clear.
I support private sector UNIONS the way they used to be before they got so entrenched in politics.
I do not support TWU because they have an abysmal record. They have had too many concessions and too many under the table deals over the years. 
I do not support public sector UNIONS in any way.
Oh I get it. Since YOU are in the private sector it's ok to have unions but you don't think the public sector should be afforded the same rights or protections. Whatever the public decides these people should make that's it.

What a load of BS.
WeAAsles said:
Oh I get it. Since YOU are in the private sector it's ok to have unions but you don't think the public sector should be afforded the same rights or protections. Whatever the public decides these people should make that's it.

What a load of BS.
Now this is a load of BS...
The public pays for those contracts with their taxes.
My taxes pay help pay for some of the highest paid teachers and cops in the nation....I don't ever recall receiving a ballot to vote on their salary and benefits.
WeAAsles said:
So you're telling me that you want to be an "At Will" employee who possibly lives in a "Right To Work" State?

Ok then go and find out what that really feels like then. Walk into your managers office, pull down your pants and bend over. Oh but make sure your shirt is still tucked in or he may fire you for not adhering to the new dress code.

This is not a fair example as the TWU has helped bend us over for years.
MetalMover said:
Now this is a load of BS...
The public pays for those contracts with their taxes.
My taxes pay help pay for some of the highest paid teachers and cops in the nation....I don't ever recall receiving a ballot to vote on their salary and benefits.
I get what you're saying, but theoretically, the voters could vote out the politicians who are generous with Other People's Money and vote in more frugal tightwads.    That doesn't solve the problem of the generous contracts already signed.   
Of course, that's what they did in Wisconsin, but the newly elected went one step further and outlawed public employee collective bargaining.   
MetalMover said:
Now this is a load of BS...
The public pays for those contracts with their taxes.
My taxes pay help pay for some of the highest paid teachers and cops in the nation....I don't ever recall receiving a ballot to vote on their salary and benefits.
You don't think public workers pay taxes?
Unfreakinbelievable. Union workers complaining about what other union members make because THEY have to pay them.

Don't you think that the flying public thinks the same thing about us?
Bob Owens said:
but what they want us to do is to really agree to an Association not between workers, but between two Unions that strips the members of democracy and accountability. It locks Stores and Title II out of negotiations completely and forces us to split up line maintenance in a completely jumbled manner. This deal is completely unacceptable.
So according to the Association does it force the split up of class and craft and allows the vote to be carry out separate therefore different out comes
Mechanic and Related will have their own vote as well as Fleet, as they are two different bargaining units and certifications under the RLA.
With the CWA/IBT you were all the same class and craft.
And Bob, you arent being truthful, there is no Title II at US, GSE, Stores and Plant MTC are all under the M&R CBA.
No one is locked out of negotiations.
WeAAsles said:

Maybe you don't know what it's like to work for a large corporation without a Union behind you? I do. Let me tell you something. I'll be damned if I'm going back to that.
I know what it's like to work for a large corporation with a union behind THEM.
blue collar said:
You don't think public workers pay taxes?
Of course public workers pay taxes...SO WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BET THEY WILL ALWAYS VOTE YES? You know, so they get more for their tax dollars than those who aren't public workers.
FWAAA said:
I get what you're saying, but theoretically, the voters could vote out the politicians who are generous with Other People's Money and vote in more frugal tightwads.    That doesn't solve the problem of the generous contracts already signed.   
Of course, that's what they did in Wisconsin, but the newly elected went one step further and outlawed public employee collective bargaining.   
Yes voters have that power. But in this case the governor went overboard with their collective bargaining rights.
Hey' there's always the bankruptcy option. More will follow Detroit.
WeAAsles said:
You don't want the alliance because it's NEW to you. People really don't like change otherwise (honestly) you guys would have gotten in AMFA 15 years ago. The merger itself is coming with a ton of changes whether we like them or not.

I'm really wondering how many people who don't want this have even really thought about it? I mean at least even looked at the IAM website. Picked up the phone and called one of their offices to ask questions?

Sometimes this really sounds like the kid who hates asparagus before he even tasted it.
I don't want the alliance because the TWU and IAM have done a lousy job of representing their memberships by themselves.  Logic tells me they would do no better and in fact most likely be worse in the alliance.  I never tried a $hit sandwich either but I know I wouldn't like it.  I also know what it is like to be the lowest paid with the worst benefits in the industry.  I don't like that either.  I would love to see change.  Making two inept unions into an association is not change at all.  Quit drinking all that Koolaid and wake up!
OldGuy@AA said:
I don't want the alliance because the TWU and IAM have done a lousy job of representing their memberships by themselves.  Logic tells me they would do no better and in fact most likely be worse in the alliance.  I never tried a #### sandwich either but I know I wouldn't like it.  I also know what it is like to be the lowest paid with the worst benefits in the industry.  I don't like that either.  I would love to see change.  Making two inept unions into an association is not change at all.  Quit drinking all that Koolaid and wake up!
You do realize EVERY union took it in the shorts during the Bankruptcy era, do you realize US filed Chapter 11 in 2002 and we were forced into two rounds of concessions or face chapter 7.
In 2004 they filed again and we never reached an agreement and our CBA was abrogated.
ALPA, AFA, CWA, IAM, IBT, TWU and every other union in the business took it in the shorts, as the laws favor the company and creditors, not the employees.
Until Congress becomes labor friendly nothing will change. 

Vote on economic issues, not gun control, abortion, gay marriage etc....
Those issues dont put food my table or money in my wallet.

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