I'll second that comment. Tim, lol jeez louise.700UW said:You are truly clueless.
Are you sure you did not mean to say "Are you that stupid"?700UW said:You are truly clueless.
I'm sorry but if the guy is talking about Tim Nelson, either word is appropriate. Clueless, stupid or even NUTS just fits. :wacko:1AA said:Are you sure you did not mean to say "Are you that stupid"?
I think you are the one that doesnt get it.700UW said:TWU Informer,
You truly dont get it. Politics effects us all, so you dont want unions in politics, yet companies are, so you want the unions to just sit by and let companies have their way?
I sat in the courtroom in between negotiations and saw how the company used the law to screw us.
You might not like it, but politics and the laws effect everything we do.
You dont want to try and level the playing field?
If we had laws like Europe and Canada, companies couldnt hire scabs to replace us when we would go on strike.
So screw it, why dont we just go back to master and servant, or better yet just slavery.
And one think I will say for 700, at least he backs up his positions with more facts than OVERSPEED does.Zom JFK said:I will say this much for 700. Even though he and I have had disagreements in the past, at least he is a union man that supports the causes of working people. So he believes in the IAM. I would definitely take them over the twu in a heartbeat.
No we won't. What we can win (if we actually apply ourselves collectively) is the war of information, and the "who has the most numbers" battle. Just to be clear, I don't mean "strength in numbers" as we see it in its current form, but rather a mass of people all mobilized to move in the same positive direction.TWU informer said:Working class will never win the game of "who has the most money" for influence.
By design is right! And as you & I have discussed on here before, we've let capital atomize all of us into these little groups. That goes past unions themselves and out into US society as a whole.And the ballot box is so split up on single issues by design, that we wont ever unite there either.
Amen.If we had UNIONS like Canada and Europe we would have those laws you desire. They shut the country down when needed, laws or no laws, they show their force.
Kev3188 said:No we won't. What we can win (if we actually apply ourselves collectively) is the war of information, and the "who has the most numbers" battle. Just to be clear, I don't mean "strength in numbers" as we see it in its current form, but rather a mass of people all mobilized to move in the same positive direction.
By design is right! And as you & I have discussed on here before, we've let capital atomize all of us into these little groups. That goes past unions themselves and out into US society as a whole.
There's a been a push for organized labor to align more closely with other social justice groups, and other things that have been tagged with the term "alt-labor." IMO, this needs to happen, and where (I think??) you & I respectfully part ways. I don't see a union person as just union while on the clock. The issues facing all of us extend far beyond the airfield. Does labor leadership need an overhaul? No doubt. But at the same time, we need to build coalition with some of these social justice groups, so we can move forward together. We can learn a lot from some of these people/groups. Many of them are delivering tangible results right now- can the "legacy" unions all say the same?
You are wasting your breath explaining that to a socialist.TWU informer said:I think you are the one that doesnt get it.
Government in this country has evoloved to be controlled by money, not the people. Therefore it already is master and servant again, and that's why you witness the unequal use of the law.
Working class will never win the game of "who has the most money" for influence. And the ballot box is so split up on single issues by design, that we wont ever unite there either.
If we had UNIONS like Canada and Europe we would have those laws you desire. They shut the country down when needed, laws or no laws, they show their force.
Wow a cost neutral contract even AFTER giving everyone industry leading wages? My oh my...how can this be achieved??scorpion 2 said:The twu is already telling Tulsa to get ready for a cost neutral contract. If the US Air guys thought they were going to get a better deal in the next round of negotiations think again. The only synergy moving forward will be rearranging the deck but no new cards being shuffled in, so get ready,,,,, your about to get twscrewed! Look for Tulsa to be used one last time to get a feartract signed.
I disagree with you here Metal.MetalMover said:Wow a cost neutral contract even AFTER giving everyone industry leading wages? My oh my...how can this be achieved??
SOMETHING will have to be given up to attain those wages.
Like NYer pointed out a few days back we financed our own 3% reduction in concessions from 20% to !7% by giving up 10% of our profit sharing in 2012. A lot of good the me-too provision did us. Oh and we got me-too equity as part of our 4.8% equity allocation. The strange thing is the 4.8% never went up from day one but 8 months later when the road shows started we had me-too equity and the total equity was still 4.8%. How does that work. Try getting an answer from the international watch them dance and stutter trying to come up with a spin. Tulsa amt's take it in the shorts too the only thing that favors them is housing costs are cheaper here. When it gets right down to it everyone has a better deal than the east coast amt's but we all lose when it comes to benefits. Yes the E board has been saying from day one (1) that it would be a cost neutral contract. I hope the IAM is reading this so they can enjoy their missed opportunity they had in section 6 negotiations. The twu used them boys like rag after sex with this alliance crap. It was nothing but a ploy to keep from having a representation election which the twu knew they would lose. I agree the dynamic has changed with oil prices so even the twu will have trouble convincing Parker to give us a cost neutral deal!!!!!
Wow a cost neutral contract even AFTER giving everyone industry leading wages? My oh my...how can this be achieved??
SOMETHING will have to be given up to attain those wages.
Dynamics may not support a cost neutral contract. But the TWU will be willing to buy into it as always.CMH_GSE said:I disagree with you here Metal.
The price of oil on July 25th was $102 per barrel.
Today it closed at $53 and its dropping further.
The dynamics today don't support a cost neutral contract even if Elmer Fudd is negotiating for us, still, we want the best situation we can get.