700UW said:
In some areas they are and some they are not.
I think the IAM has done at good job at most airlines, I dont agree with everything they do or every union does but it is what it is, and likes I said, I would have voted NO on the M&R TA.
The laws and reality of situations make it difficult in the airlines environment especially since 9/11, SARS, the fuel crisis and chapter 11 bankruptcy cases.
Somethung every union including the IAM needs to do is to communicate more with the membership, also every union has to engage the members and get the solidarity back, this is the toughest challenge any union faces.
I think unions and its members need to take a hard line in negotiations and in the grievance procedure, time to play hard ball with the companies.
I think unions and I know most people dont like this need to get more politically involved and learn to educate its members on what is going on. We need to elect labor friendly candidates and the most important thing is to push for major changes in the Railway Labor Act. This law is the biggest hindrance to the labor movement in the Airlines and Railroads.
And there has to be another Bankruptcy law overhaul, if I lose my pension every damn executive needs to lose their also, we should be able to file motions in court to effect their compensation, and contracts like they have done and do to ours.
But like I said, getting members interested and active is the most important goal any union has at the moment.
I guess as long as you compare IAM failures to others failures then just like every other union the IAM could be called good. But why compare to failure?
AMFA took a hard line in negotiations at NWA, and the IAM and other unions sit on their hands and didn't support. Solidarity with unions in the US today is only there if the employee group tows a certain party line. Just because the AMT's at NWA decided by card signing and NMB vote to leave the AFL-CIO IAM union, then punishment had to be given. The stupid Unions are so undemocratic in their thinking that they blame "AMFA" for raiding the IAM, when in fact the AMT's at NWA organized the drive, signed the cards, and voted to change their representation. The IAM and the other AFL-CIO unions are so much in denial that they suck, that when the membership uses Federal Laws to leave, then the union blames the organization and discounts the fact that the membership decided to leave. So let's punish the worker for democratically signing cards to authorize an election and vote. Solidarity my ass!
And your opinion about political involvement is straight out of the AFL-CIO playbook. A playbook that has been in place since the merger of the AFL and the CIO. SO since the 1950's the same philosophy has been in place as the union strategy, and yet you admit the laws are still against us and instead of blaming labor you blame terrorist and crisis. Think about it, over 50 years of funding involvement in politics and the bankruptcy laws are against us, more states are now right-to-work states than ever, there are no restrictions in outsourcing American jobs, and Workmans Comp laws have reduced the benefits to injured workers. How much failure can you stand before you stop drinking the koolaid and demand a change in strategy instead of repeating the brain washing they gave you at their conventions?
Another failure in the political philosophy of the union is that they force the member to choose between moral issues and work issues. If the unions would stop pandering to the polticians and go back to using withholding of labor then maybe the alienation of membership based on political beliefs would end. I know many Christian minded members that the politics of the union alone has turned them against their own union and getting them to be involved in something they see as morally unfit.....well forget that possibility.
The bottom line is that the merger of the AFL and CIO combined with the wuss unionism of money for politics has been a complete disaster and nearly destroyed organized labor in the country and not only are the leaders refusing to change, but members like you keep egging on the ignorance.
It does no good to communicate to a member that is already alienated by politics, and the union has no credibility. You may as well force a democrat to listen to Rush Limbaugh.
You answered my question though and I respect that, but I fear you are nothing more than part of the problem and offer no real solution.