He has never worked for AA and hasn't worked for US Air in several years. All he offers are insults and slanted "Facts" intended to disrupt any sharing of pertinent ideas or opinions. He has no constructive input therefore I choose to ignore him and his warped sense of reality. He also has insulted my craft, yet he is neither qualified to perform any kind of maintenance on an aircraft or engine and would never be allowed to. This of course is bait to cause someone to insult his former work group that in turn would cause more trouble and distract everyone from the issues that are important. If you want to read the idiotic, slanted, asinine comments he posts be my guest. I choose to ignore him and I suggest everyone else to also. Maybe you think insults and lies are good amusement but this message board was not started for amusement. If the majority chooses to allow people like him to destroy this message board then so be it. I happen to believe the majority agrees with me. He has the right to insult anyone and revise history and post any kind of garbage he wants. I have the right to ignore him for any reason I like. I happen to have 3 reasons. #1 is he doesn't and has never worked for AA. #2 is he hasn't worked for US Air in several years. #3 is he is offensive.