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TWU - Fear Based Union Leadership and Intimidation

dfw gen said:
come on dude your the expert on all things usair and approaching expert status on aa. you wouldn't lie to us or try to pull the wool a little bit would you now? you were pretty damn adamant that you knew it all! thats kind of a pretty little "shucks guys I was mistaken"
You do have a brain and now how to use correct?
Why would I willingly post misinformation and then a link to the very said information?
Get away from your conspiracy theory and look at reality.
NYer said:
You need to revisit those articles...
You need to learn how to read the US/IAM CBA for Mechanic and Related.
Everything I have posted is verifiable by reading the CBA and comparing article to article.
Even Bob Owens has stated everything except pay was better in the US CBA, and that was even under the old CBA and not the newly ratified one, which clearly got improvements over the old CBA.
Even on ignore (for both) it looks like 700 and WT are taking some rather hard hits in the ring, LOL, gotta LUV this stuff man...
Anybody else doubt 700UW has something going behind the scenes with IAM?
Doubt it? Yes.

The man's made no secret of his continued volunteering here & there. Additionally, given his past holding of office (not a surprise to any long time reader), it's not unreasonable to expect that he is still close with local officers.

You can keep trying, but I just don't see any sort of "gotcha" happening here...
Kev3188 said:
it's not unreasonable to expect that he is still close with local officers.
Funny, when the wealthy do it it's called a  good ol' boy club.  I guess you can excuse anything if you try hard enough.
Can 700UW not answer questions put to him?
john john said:
I am going to take a shot in the dark here and guess you were an employee of the US government is some capacity. Am I right?
Why would you even ask that? Did I give you the impression I had a government job or was that your lame attempt to try and irritate me?
Funny, when the wealthy do it it's called a  good ol' boy club.  I guess you can excuse anything if you try hard enough.
That's not an excuse; that's reality. Heck, I haven't been an IAM member for a few years now, but I'm still friends (and work) with many of the Local Lodge officers. Still talk to people in my previous local as well, and haven't been there in quite some time.

That's not a good ole boy club, that's just keeping in touch.
Can 700UW not answer questions put to him?
Oh, I'm sure he can (and will)... I just wanted to offer some perspective.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Why would you even ask that? Did I give you the impression I had a government job or was that your lame attempt to try and irritate me?
Because of your moves around the country
Perhaps a parent ?
The topic is about the TWU and its leadership, not about 700UW, you are crossing the line about people's personal life which is a violation of the TOS.
I worked and represented my members for 20 years, 24/7, if needed too.
See when you work with and along side people you develop friendships, something I doubt you know about.
I maintain several good friendships with my former reps, district and international officers also.
I work for a living, I dont collect any disability from anyone, even if I did, its none on your business.  And I dont work for the IAM.  So get on topic, its not about me.  But you cant debate the topic so you have to make it personal and drag things into your posts that have nothing to do with this topic.
Go get back and topic and I will not answer anymore personal questions.
I am definitely no fan of 700 but for once I agree with him. (Probably never happen again lol)
iluvaa said:
I am definitely no fan of 700 but for once I agree with him. (Probably never happen again lol)
Hey even a broke clock it right twice a day, lol.
And I gave you +1 for that. Gave you one too John John.
700UW said:
Hey even a broke clock it right twice a day, lol.
And I gave you +1 for that. Gave you one too John John.
Let's try something different here.
All you ever post is how much experience. wisdom, and knowledge you have and defend the IAM.
Let me ask you some very specific questions.
Do you think Organized Labor is succeeding?
Do you think the IAM is succesful at representing Airline Employees?
What is your solution to improve the current status?