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TWU - Fear Based Union Leadership and Intimidation

This book is read my management and labor alike.
blue collar said:
That's a lie. Base rate is 32.05 on 9/14 for a topped out mechanic.
Edit- I see it's been pointed out.
That was already covered and the man admitted his mistake. You may want to read further on in the future before you post next time?

Edit: I see you noticed.
WeAAsles said:
That was already covered and the man admitted his mistake. You may want to read further on in the future before you post next time?
Dont you know they would rather attack and slam me instead of seeing I admitted I made a mistake?
700UW said:
This book is read my management and labor alike.
Most people don't, but I like change. It makes life more interesting and helps you to be able to pivot when needed.
700UW said:
Dont you know they would rather attack and slam me instead of seeing I admitted I made a mistake?
There was no attack, or slam. Just pointing out that it was the wrong wage. It would be nice if it was $38 for a base rate, but it's not.
2ndGENAMT said:
Don't really have to estimate anything as I just witnessed their resolve in a TA vote for being brought up to pay equity with the lowest in the industry!
Flying low said:
And how does that compare with AA and the REST of the INDUSTRY?
Looks like lowest in the industry (once we get past the sideshow of 700's $6/hr mistake).
Industrial Union shines like usual.   Lowest in the industry.   As low as AA's bankruptcy wages.   
Go along with the Industrial Unions' half-assed Alliance and this is your future.   Lowest in the industry.   
700UW said:
Dont you know they would rather attack and slam me instead of seeing I admitted I made a mistake?
Shoot I even gave Tim his props when he deserved it. Don't sweat it 700. Those attackers are just dinosaurs who can't accept how the world is changing around them. They're stuck in the tar pit and slowly going under. No ability to adapt or evolve.
700UW said:
Better check your facts.
AA exited chapter 11 on December 9th, 2013, US and the IAM didnt reach a TA till July of 2014.
US and AA are still two separate companies, you do realize this right?
Actually the IAM asked for more than the AA payscale, due to your Chapter 11 wages, US wouldnt budge and said wait till the JCBA talks.
But hey you were in negotiations for the IAM right so you know more than the actually negotiating committee.
And please show the board where Parker stated that.
And lets see who has better scope, vacation, sick time, pension, holidays and OT?
That would be the US/IAM CBA, not the AA/TWU CBA.
Parker made the statement at one of the town hall videos posted on jetnet.  He also made it at the town hall in Tulsa.  They are all on jetnet and you claim to be smarter than all of us so you go find them.  You distort facts like a snake oil salesman.  You hold others in contempt who actually applied themselves and sought education to get certified for a job that you are not qualified to do.  You waste space on these boards with your infantile banter and your swayed "Facts"  I stand by my statements that the IAM negotiated a concessionary TA with an airline that was not in BK and making profits.  It doesn't really matter what the IAM asked for it's what they settled for and they settled for the bottom of the industry.  Go on and say that is not true and tell me I have the facts wrong.  We all know you are completely full of crap.  You are not even associated with US Air or the IAM and you spend hours on this board spreading your warped, infantile points of view.  How sad that you have nothing better to do with your time than waste ours.  Run along now.  Grown ups are talking here.  I am putting you on ignore because you are a complete waste of time.
700UW said:
Better check your facts.
AA exited chapter 11 on December 9th, 2013, US and the IAM didnt reach a TA till July of 2014.
US and AA are still two separate companies, you do realize this right?
Actually the IAM asked for more than the AA payscale, due to your Chapter 11 wages, US wouldnt budge and said wait till the JCBA talks.
But hey you were in negotiations for the IAM right so you know more than the actually negotiating committee.
And please show the board where Parker stated that.
And lets see who has better scope, vacation, sick time, pension, holidays and OT?
That would be the US/IAM CBA, not the AA/TWU CBA.
You need to revisit those articles...
OldGuy@AA said:
We all know you are completely full of crap.  You are not even associated with US Air or the IAM and you spend hours on this board spreading your warped, infantile points of view.  How sad that you have nothing better to do with your time than waste ours. 
737823 said:
He has been separated from the company since 2005.
700UW has not even worked for US Airways since 2005? Interesting.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
You never answered my question, what did the IAM do for you to make you such a loyal follower
Again what kind of deal did they cut you?
Who are you trying to kid? You speak for them every day.
Anybody else doubt 700UW has something going behind the scenes with IAM? He has not worked at US Airways since 2005 yet he spends every day on here pushing an IAM agenda.
700UW I am going to take a shot in the dark here and guess you are on disability. Am I right? 
700UW said:
My bad, I was looking at MOC.
come on dude your the expert on all things usair and approaching expert status on aa. you wouldn't lie to us or try to pull the wool a little bit would you now? you were pretty damn adamant that you knew it all! thats kind of a pretty little "shucks guys I was mistaken"

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