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TWU - Fear Based Union Leadership and Intimidation

700UW said:
And you do realize that the IAM was in Negotiations with US, not AA, and had been for several years?
And six months of profits isnt long term success.
And after the merger was announced and then the raid, the IAM NC told the members the IAM was seeking a three year bridge agreement, as they knew they were going into JCBA talks as soon as Section 6 negotiations come to a conclusion.
Dont let the facts get in your way.
US Air was not in BK when theis contract was negotiated.  Parker made it a point to say the the profits at US Air were higher than AA.  AA was in BK and your beloved IAM settled for the AA pay scale that was forced on us in BK  Fact - TWU was in negotiations with AA who was in BK.  Fact- IAM was in negotiations with US Air who was not in BK.  Fact- IAM demanded the AA pay scale that was the result of BK while negotiating with US Air who was not only in BK but reported profits.  Your boys settled for a concessionary contract.  They sold out.  These are the facts and they are obviously getting in your way.
Better check your facts.
AA exited chapter 11 on December 9th, 2013, US and the IAM didnt reach a TA till July of 2014.
US and AA are still two separate companies, you do realize this right?
Actually the IAM asked for more than the AA payscale, due to your Chapter 11 wages, US wouldnt budge and said wait till the JCBA talks.
But hey you were in negotiations for the IAM right so you know more than the actually negotiating committee.
And please show the board where Parker stated that.
And lets see who has better scope, vacation, sick time, pension, holidays and OT?
That would be the US/IAM CBA, not the AA/TWU CBA.
Your argument is that the IAM doesn't suck as bad as the TWU suck.

That is a winner there...especially for an alliance of grand suckness.
700UW said:
US wouldnt budge and said wait till the JCBA talks.

Why didn't the IAM push for a release? Could it be they didn't trust the TWU to have their back? Thats what we have to look forward to with this Alliance. I said you guys have the perfect opportunity to show us how the Alliance could work,,,, and you did.
Bob Owens said:

Why didn't the IAM push for a release? Could it be they didn't trust the TWU to have their back? Thats what we have to look forward to with this Alliance. I said you guys have the perfect opportunity to show us how the Alliance could work,,,, and you did.
Bob what is with the lies?
You know darn well the IAM pushed numerous times for a release.
Why are you omitting that fact?
700UW said:
Bob what is with the lies?
You know darn well the IAM pushed numerous times for a release.
Why are you omitting that fact?
They postured for a release.

We saw Videtich do the same thing, told the mediator we really didn't want to be released.
Funny I the PDGC from 142 and the GLR and the whole committee while in CLT expressed it quite clear to the members that they sought the release on many channels.
The Raid prevented the board from releasing them, then when Jerry Glass came into negotiations the company moved off their positions.
But hey you know more than anyone, even more than the US NC and leadership.
Excuses excuses, this Alliance is built for just that excuses , not results. The IAM will blame the TWU and the TWU will blame the IAM.

One Union. IAM needs to step back like ALPA and the AFA.
Why dont you e-mail Linda Puchala and get the facts Bob?
Oh wait you wont, as its easier to BS and blame the unions instead of using the facts.
The fact is the IAM made very little noise about getting released. Did they picket the NMB? Did they picket at LGA and JFK? No, they picketed in Charlotte, yea thats going to draw a lot of attention. No ads in the paper, nothing, the IAM with all their resources and all they could do was set up a couple pickets in secondary cities. You could have had TWU guys picket in the cities where US didn't have much of a presence, but you guys never even tried. like I said, you did just enough to claim you tried, no more.
Little noise?
Letters to the NMB and informational picketing at all the hubs.
Yep the IAM did nothing.
With each post you distort the reality of what happened.\
CLT, DCA, PHX, PHL, BOS and a few other cities, US doesnt have a big presence in LGA or JFK.
Keep up the misinformation Bob, I will call you out every single time.

Shall I post the pics of the picketing?
It made the news, and the papers.
But hey the reality doesnt fit your posts, so just ignore it and lie about it.
how do you put someone on ignore? really between 700 world traveler reality check its like listening to Sybil!
dfw gen said:
how do you put someone on ignore? really between 700 world traveler reality check weaasles overspun its like listening to Sybil and her 27 different personalities don't forget Josh 700's alternate personality........
To ignore someone, click on your profile (your username in the upper left of the page and then click on "Manage Ignore Prefs" and you can add the losernames you want to ignore.    

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