After seeing the attitudes in Tulsa (I've been here 27 years) I can't blame the line guys for wanting to separate. Did you forget that the 2010 offer gave the line $2.55 per hour while payin O/H a lump sum that amounted to about 1.5%? The line voted that one down too because it wasn't right. Sam Cirri, a fleet service clerk who's pay scale is at the top of the industry, has got you scared stupid and stupid is what stupid does. Whatever you do, don't accuse anyone else of selling out. You have sold out your entire profession with a yes vote. You are telling AA it is ok to pay us squat and deny us the benefits that other airlines enjoy. Heck we are denied benefits that fleet service and stores enjoy!!! It is wrong no matter which way you look. You stil have time to change your vote. Do it before it's too late Dan. I promise you will regret this if you vote yes and it passes. Me? I am stuck here until I am too old to get out of bed. 53 years old and college loans for three kids to pay off. That and social security when I am almost 68 (if it is still there). There are many more like me in the same situation. I would love to leave but the only company that hires old men seems to be AA. You will be forced to the hangar along with me and I hope you enjoy working afternoons for three months at a time and forced rotation. Lots more work rule changes that will destroy us. You have all the information right here. I challenge anyone to prove that I am not telling the truth. Sam Cirri and all other fleet service clerks have already grabbed their ankles and taken the deal. If he had any class at all he would not be telling you how to vote. What does he know about what we need as AMTs? I am not going to waste my time trying to convince you that you are making a mistake. Turn your back on your fellow AMTs, destroy our way of life, but don't try to justify your actions. I should have big out of Tulsa years ago. Too many short sighted people here. They are also easily scared and manipulated by the TWU. Bobby Gless, who never even graduated high school, tells us that we should vote yes. So he couldn't handle Algebra, but I am supposed to trust his judgement on a contract? I have spent way too much time arguing with you and I am going to stop now. You know deep down what the right thing to do is.