[background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Realityck, why do you support the TWU? As an AMT, I’ve been through the struggle brought on by Deregulation that was introduced in 1978, whose full effect didn’t hit the airline unions until the early 1980’s. Although some members, as they do now, claimed it was all a farce and we should just strike and shut the company down, in 1983 the TWU’s membership in a +75% ratification vote, decided to deal realistically with the issues that threatened us all.[/background]
Hmm, and how much of a paycut did you take? Whats that, you didnt? Instead you sold out the newborn, changed the job, they would never have the same job you had, sure they would do the same work, just get paid less, have less vacation etc. Instead of a two year progression like you had the new guys would have a 12 year progression. Deal realistically you say? Thats not how everyone else in the industry did it even though what you guys did hurt their position at the table.
I firmly believe that the 2010 T/A which was recommended by the TWU, while not all we would have liked it to be, would have addressed some of the issues we needed corrected, and positioned us to fight another day.
Really, well tell us what would be the conditions under which you would fight? Look at what they are trying to take, if you wont fight now you will surely have an excuse next time as well. The fact is that we are at the bottom and they want more, more than any carrier gave in BK. BK is supposed to releive companies of "onerous" contracts that helped put the company in finincial distress. Do you beleieve that your bottom of the industry wages, bottom of the industry Vacation accrual, bottom of the industry sick accrual and bottom of the industry Holiday allowance caused AA finaicial distress? Do you feel that the fact that we only get time and a half while our peers can get doubletime put AA in financial distress? Do you feel that allowing the company to throw out all our OT rules will restore them to profitability? How about field trips, not only are we capped at time and a half, unlike UAL where they get 1.75 x for all hours away from station, but they want to be able to pull us off the clock for 7.5 hours and come back on straight time. hers how that works, lets say you report for work at 2pm and are told that they have an engine change field trip. (They want to be able to force as well) You fly there on straight time, and drop the engine with just two hours OT, so now its 12:30, but the new engine wont be there for a while, so they send you to a hotel, and tell you to come back 0930, even though your regular start time is 1400, you come back on straight time. OT, well they want to be able to call who ever they feel is "the most qualified for the job-direct quote from Evie. The 16 hour window is what they want, if they bypass you they get the right to bypass someone else by giving you the opportunity to work the OT within 60 days. They also want to be able to keep someone who started a job on the job for up to three hours and its not considered a bypass. Basically they can call who they want when they want. They want complete control of your lives, they want to run it like a non-unuion shop. they want to be able to pick who they train then require that you were trained in order to bid, a way around seniority. They can pick thier pets, give them training then arbitrarily require that training if you want to bid days or afternoons. Instead of simply posting the number of slots they need filled and then we bid where our seniority lands they would post bids that tell you what the qualifications are to bid such as : Days, 4 guys LMP on 777, 4 guys taxi on all fleets, etc etc. Read the language and then think about what they are really trying to do. You were here in 95, remember system attrition? That was nothing compared to what they are trying to do here.
Do I believe everything this or any other union does is above reproach, no. But neither do I believe jumping off a cliff just to prove you can, will do anything to enhance our careers and provide for the security of our families.
Jump off a cliff? You are already at the bottom of the industry, you already went off the cliff but you dont even realize it. Tell us how getting rid of System Protection, or in your case Station protection enhances security? If I were in ORD I'd be nervous because once the last guy with system protection leaves they can close the station, and lay off guys with system protection as well. Tell us how bottom of the industry pay and benefits and gutting our work rules will enhance your careers.
BTW, I walked the TWU picket line on the 21day strike in 69, and have been suspended for “alleged” job actions, so I have no problem with confrontations. What I do have a problem with is blindly following the pied pipers in our midst who preach the just say no theme without a clue as to how that’s going to drastically change the situation we’ve placed ourselves in by turning down the 2010 T/A.
Are you claiming that we would not be in BK if we had accepted the TA?
When we struck, since I was a machinist prior to working at American, I got a job the next day as a QC inspector for $4.25 per hr (same salary I got working as a Licensed A&P at AA). I picketed every day after my work shift because I had a family and 2 kids to feed.
From the sound of your comments, I doubt either one of you participated in the strike, did you? You're both tough guys right?
Was it possible you were still in kindergarten or grade school at the time?
Great, 40 years ago you did as you were told and followed guys on to the line, and youve probably been agreeable to give back for the last 30. Benidict Arnold once fought on the side of the Colonial Army, but its what he did later on that really counted. I suppose he too felt that he was dealing realistically with what was in front of him.
If management tells you to sign off an airplane that you do not feel is right you as an A&P mechanic are legally required to refuse, even if you are threatened with termination, if managment tells you to accept a contract that would damage the profession, as an A&P you are morally compelled to rejecty that offer as well. When we leave the profession we should try to leave it better than when we came in for the next guy. Voting in favor of degarding the profession is no different than being a scab. Dont you have any sense of pride and dignity in your profession?