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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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NYer said:
The TWU has more Members, but if the IAM were able to get a couple of thousand cards from current TWU, they could apply for a vote with the NMB, it wouldn't be an automatic takeover.

The process of getting those cards and preparing for a vote would have both unions and Memberships going at each others throats. Let's say the TWU prevails after that (which would push negotiations further down the road), how long would it take before the former IAM Members begin another campaign to unseat the TWU in order to regain their Pension accruals and medical plans? We would be fighting each other for years.... just like the AMFA fiasco, but including ALL groups.

With the Association can avoid all that and have a better chance to maintain what we value and gain what we crave.                                    
The IAM would not be able to collect cards to challenge a fellow union of the AFL-CIO would they?
737823 said:
Who cares about the IAMNPF? --Those that already have and have invested their time into the Plan, they care a great deal.
 Despite the IAM's fear mongering tactics the USAIR members will not lose their vested benefits. --Won't lose their benefits, but won't accrue either.
 Based on what the IAM has delivered at USAIR I seriously doubt many AA mechanics or fleet would sign an IAM card, sure a few would but they would not have many takers. --That's funny. We're on a blog that delivers anti-TWU sentiments on a minute by minute basis, but you don't believe anyone would sign a card for the IAM.
 To the TWU's credit they have proven they can negotiate industry leading contracts for fleet service like they did at WN, the IAM hasn't delivered industry leading agreements for either of the groups they represent at USAIR. 
Again at TWA the IAM knew their place and walked away without a fight. In 2001 the IAM was in a much stronger financial position and while it was a loss, losing those dues payers didn't have significant implications for their international district lodges.  This time around they are in a much weaker position having lost many manufacturing jobs, been de-certified at CO and NW.  There is a reason the IAM doesn't support industry consolidation, unlike other unions they have lost dues payers every single time, except absorbing a few passenger service agents from AirTran.
toroshark said:
The IAM would not be able to collect cards to challenge a fellow union of the AFL-CIO would they?
Of course they would. They tried getting cards signed before the Association was announced. 
The TWU has its deficiencies-I am not disagreeing there but to me its vastly preferable to the IAM.  The TWU at least is somewhat connected and in touch with transportation, the IAM barely has a foot in the airline industry and is a catchall industrial union.  Again I just don't understand why Jim Little gave away the TWU's rights and is allowing the IAM to come in and take over (the IAM is calling the shots for the first several years, at least).
The AA TWU fleet agreement is vastly superior to the USAIR IAM agreement.  Yes the TWU has 17 stations and the IAM has many more, but the IAM gave away the store to make it viable for the company to keep their people in so many locations. Same thing with catering.
NYer said:
Of course they would. They tried getting cards signed before the Association was announced.
you really are clueless as much as we hate the TWU nobody wants the IAM
Hey NYer
no conspiracy theory just passing on info that came out of a conversation with the twu's retirement guy. If the twu or iam have no desire to grab our pension trust then why haven't they put out a letter stating that? You can't tell me that they don't realize its a concern for the twu membership. All is quite on this issue so why don't you ask the international to put out a letter stating that under no circumstances will our pension trust be moved. I expect to see something posted on the union boards by the end of the week,
thanks in advance
Vortilon said:
NYer,  I would like you to come into any maintenance ready room here at DFW and try to sell your point of view.   You would be laughed at - at the very least.  More than likely - just run out of the room period.  Of course you already know this, which explains why we never see any d-bags from the international show their mugs around here..
You post about the AMFA card drives at AA as if the card drives were some sort of failed corporate takeover.   Truth be known, all the drives were started and ran by AA AMTs in their spare time.  A "grass roots" effort.  So, you want to insult some AMTs who are trying to better our union representation?  Are you suggesting there is something wrong with attempting to better our pay and benefits by getting better representation? 
You can't defend what the TWU has done to the M&R at AA.  Especially the line AMTs.  Don't piss on our legs and tell us it's raining.
If AMFA had widespread support it would at the very least been able to get enough cards to call for a vote, but it hasn't. That being the case, spare the theatrics.
iluvaa said:
you really are clueless as much as we hate the TWU nobody wants the IAM
That's pretty funny. There has been a campaign against the TWU for the last two decades and now that there is a conversation about kicking the TEU to the curb, suddenly there is not interest to follow through with a change. Quite amusing.
737823 said:
The TWU has its deficiencies-I am not disagreeing there but to me its vastly preferable to the IAM.  The TWU at least is somewhat connected and in touch with transportation, the IAM barely has a foot in the airline industry and is a catchall industrial union.  Again I just don't understand why Jim Little gave away the TWU's rights and is allowing the IAM to come in and take over (the IAM is calling the shots for the first several years, at least).
The AA TWU fleet agreement is vastly superior to the USAIR IAM agreement.  Yes the TWU has 17 stations and the IAM has many more, but the IAM gave away the store to make it viable for the company to keep their people in so many locations. Same thing with catering.
No one has complete control. The Association Constitution is written so that all decisions need to be approved by both the TWU and IAM, if there is a point of disagreement then it could be decided by a third party.
NYer said:
No one has complete control. The Association Constitution is written so that all decisions need to be approved by both the TWU and IAM, if there is a point of disagreement then it could be decided by a third party.
But again the TWU has a track record of delivering better agreements, why are they allowing the IAM to takeover?

scorpion 2 said:
Hey NYer
no conspiracy theory just passing on info that came out of a conversation with the twu's retirement guy. If the twu or iam have no desire to grab our pension trust then why haven't they put out a letter stating that? You can't tell me that they don't realize its a concern for the twu membership. All is quite on this issue so why don't you ask the international to put out a letter stating that under no circumstances will our pension trust be moved. I expect to see something posted on the union boards by the end of the week,
thanks in advance
So Scorpion, a letter will prove to you that there is no intention to take over the or "grab" the pension then I guess you have a letter to prove they will, as you seem to believe. You spoke to the "TWU retirement guy," which must have been a conversation held at least a year ago since the TWU doesn't have a "retirement guy" since the changes from the last Convention.
737823 said:
But again the TWU has a track record of delivering better agreements, why are they allowing the IAM to takeover?
It's not a takeover.

It's a partnership for collective bargaining and national issues.

Why? Because it's better to come together as Brothers and Sisters than to fight for the next few years. And even if the TWU wins, which is not a sure bet, we'd still have thousands fighting to bring back the IAM and others continuing their ill fated AMFA campaign.

Is that really a better option?
NYer said:
No one has complete control. The Association Constitution is written so that all decisions need to be approved by both the TWU and IAM, if there is a point of disagreement then it could be decided by a third party.
And I'm betting the "third party" is NOT the members!
NYer said:
It's not a takeover.
It's a partnership for collective bargaining and national issues.
Why? Because it's better to come together as Brothers and Sisters than to fight for the next few years. And even if the TWU wins, which is not a sure bet, we'd still have thousands fighting to bring back the IAM and others continuing their ill fated AMFA campaign.
Is that really a better option?
There should be no fight. The TWU is the larger group. The TWU walked away at America West when they merged with USAIR in 2005. This time the IAM should man up and do the same. Again why did they walk away without a fight in 2001'from TWA? It's clear they don't want to lose dues payers, nothing more nothing less.

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