Who cares about the IAMNPF? --Those that already have and have invested their time into the Plan, they care a great deal.
Despite the IAM's fear mongering tactics the USAIR members will not lose their vested benefits. --Won't lose their benefits, but won't accrue either.
Based on what the IAM has delivered at USAIR I seriously doubt many AA mechanics or fleet would sign an IAM card, sure a few would but they would not have many takers. --That's funny. We're on a blog that delivers anti-TWU sentiments on a minute by minute basis, but you don't believe anyone would sign a card for the IAM.
To the TWU's credit they have proven they can negotiate industry leading contracts for fleet service like they did at WN, the IAM hasn't delivered industry leading agreements for either of the groups they represent at USAIR.
Again at TWA the IAM knew their place and walked away without a fight. In 2001 the IAM was in a much stronger financial position and while it was a loss, losing those dues payers didn't have significant implications for their international district lodges. This time around they are in a much weaker position having lost many manufacturing jobs, been de-certified at CO and NW. There is a reason the IAM doesn't support industry consolidation, unlike other unions they have lost dues payers every single time, except absorbing a few passenger service agents from AirTran.