My "leather chair" was already burned and yes I'm Ok with that. The fact is that no matter how hard I tried 562 could not make enough of a difference. Despite all my efforts my peers are no better off financially than they were before, they may be better informed but that doesn't help them pay their bills. Even when all five line Locals Presidents were more or less on the same page, (ORD was a little weak, refused to take a position or take part in the Video), it still wasn't enough. So what we had wasn't working, things were not getting better so yes the leather chairs have to be sacrificed for the good of everyone else. If they aren't willing to do that then they don't belong there. Immediate Self interest has to be put aside in a Union to advance things that will benefit all of us. By doing so, acting for collective advancement your own self interests are better served-if we had SWA wages at AA I would be earning more in 40 than I earn being Treasurer, which has been consuming a lot, lot, more than 40, so my self interests are better served by having an effective structure that gets us good contracts than by having a position in an ineffective one. My wage as a mechanic on the floor, which is my chosen career, would be higher than what I'm making as Treasurer, so its in my best interests to do whatever it takes to get a better structure.
I'll make this one simple. You should have went to work for UPS instead of getting involved in the Airline Industry after it was deregulated. You filled out the wrong application.
Immediate self interests is part of the problem we have still, Fleet Locals are not willing to let their Title II guys decide where they want to be, its not for me to say but I do think they should be with us because they are in our contract. Either way the question should be put before them, either all go with Fleet, and get their own contract, go with their own Local , and get their own contract, or all come with us and stay in our contract. The Fleet Presidents aren't keeping these guys out of concern for the Title II guys, and they aren't looking to put them in their contract either, they are keeping them to preserve their finances(so they won't have to restructure and can keep their leather chairs) , to buttress up their silos, to weaken M&R and to have seats in our negotiations even though we don't have a seat in theirs. The International isn't pushing it from my best guess for several reasons,
1-everyone at the International is from Fleet, so they probably feel its in their best interests to keep us as weak as possible
Yes there should be a maintenance rep in there. Absolutely. Who would you pick? The guy who has a lawsuit going against the union, lol. You? You got any team players in your group or just a bunch of mavericks? But again yes there should be a mechanic in there.
2-because of 1 those in the International not from AA only hear the fleet or Tulsa side of the story, and the last thing Fleet, or Tulsa wants is to see Local 591 become 500 members bigger than 514 because they feel that 591 is an AMFA Local, oddly enough, even the Stores guys are branded as AMFA.
They listen to your wants and needs and get you a decent contract and the AMFA noise will die down (Not wanting to get into an AMFA discussion)
3-by keeping Title II Fleet gets to have votes at the table in M&R negotiations.
I think most in Title II trust Fleet more to look out for their interests than M&R IMO. They probably wouldn't tell you but that's what I've heard from many of them. Sorry.
4-and finally, the Lombardo team pledged at the Convention they would not interfere in Local Union structures. Sad, but it means that Fleet will never get fixed either.
We'll see?