You should be sorry, and the reason I say that is most guys Don't look at the title 2 guys when they are talking about mechanics. They are just looking at their peers.
But as an AMFA organizer I have to look at them since they are part of the class and craft that I want a better union for.
You see man this is where things disturb me. At least you are honest by saying that most in your group, and you did use the word most. Do not consider these guys mechanics or really want to consider them at all. You and I talked about this once and you agreed with me. Now look at the way you worded your next comment. You "Have To" look at them. Does that mean that you want or don't want to? Deep down inside and I really think you're probably a good guy, you know if they could be outsourced from your group you would have those fantastic wages. You can't honestly tell me that you don't think about that?
I have asked these guys for the 16 yrs I have been at this here at AA and they just want to listen to all the rhedoric that the TWU and others like your self and the IBT/IAM spew. You don't tell them that the reason they got bumped was they were on one seniority list. You don't tell them that we have two title groups here at AA and it works different, due to two lists. That unless you have time in that title group you can't bump into it.
You tell them that AMFA does not want them but you don't tell them that the SWA facilities/auto guys make $4.00 more an hr than I do even with my A&P Lic pay.
I think we all should be making SWA wages and then some. But to make those wages ignores many things as to why they make what they do. It's not fair of you guys to ignore and leave that out.
I know your comment was meant to be a smart a$$ comment, But you don't consider that you are trashing the points we are trying to get across to our class and craft workers, and if it hurts our drive then so be it. Thats ok that we feel slighted by the TWU as long you protect the TWU. At OUR Class and craft expense.
You call yourself a true Union GUY?
Just your UNION, mine does not count is that right??????????
No I want you to get so much that it's beyond ridiculous. But that should not come at the possible expense of others or at the expense of the truth for selling your organization. If your organization is sound and it's something people truly believe in it shouldn't be having any struggles in becoming a reality for you.
I do call myself a Union guy. We just have a different take on what that means and the things some of your guys have been spouting are just not truthful and you know that. You shouldn't want to win any contest with lies should you?