Vortilon said:
NYer, How is it you can type so much, and still fail to answer OldGuy's question?
We have all experienced how the TWU defends itself for it's terrible track record - it blames the membership!
In the case of the AMFA's track record, at least the membership made the choice through a vote!
The TWU doesn't allow observers at negotiations - Why? I think we all know
AMFA allows observers at negotiations - nothing to hide! Bam!
Point is, AA AMTs will be stuck in the suck for many more years to come with the JCBA or the TWU!
As Bob has pointed out many times, the way the negotiation committee is structured for the M&R group - the majority of presidents would be from fleet service locals.
These locals presidents will take from the TWU pie "communist style". You know, at the expense of the AMTs.
For the above reason, and many others - it is imparitive that AAs AMTs move on to the AMFA!
What you just explained to NY'er is what we have told so may here at AA but yet no matter what the TWU has done to our class and craft and what will be done when this association goes thru it will not change the FACT that the AMT'S at AA just don't care enough to even talk about what is going on within the confines of your break room, do they?
Everything we discuss here is just among the few who visit and put things here for others to read. The same group of Organizers have told us all at AA what will happen with the TWU and AA going forward and most of it has come true.
The Line guys which support AMFA are still the only group which will sign cards no matter what. The base workers won't sign since they still drink the coolaid that the TWU peddles. So has title 2, been a group that won't support yours or my position.
We have talked about being transparent and the ability to sit in on NEG, and the fact that we can remove officers that don't work toward the memberships benefit, and still they don't sign cards. ( WHY)?
You must know someone who knows the Lead AMFA guys have they or any of the organizers themselves told you what the Plan is when the NMB rules?
How about what is the number of cards we have signed? How many cards did we turn in last time? What is the total combined work force?
There has been little to Zero chatter from the organizers why?
We are at the end of the campaign shouldn't there be a BIG and final push to make it happen?
Just how much is talked about in your work area?
Why haven't we seen a statement from AMFA's leaders? Where do they stand in all of this? I know this drive is and always has been a grass roots thing but at what point does AMFA National step in?
Is AMFA National ready to do what is necessary to complete the filing on time if the NMB gives us a ruling in the very near future?
Just what stations have any of the AMFA NEC visited this drive do you know?
This is the Time we all need to become organizers, get what ever cards we can.
If it does not happen this time around then we will be at the mercy of the TWU.
This will show them that NO Matter what they do to US, we will just take it.
It's a sickening thought isn't it?