It help each side keep the process their familiar with, as an example the Grievance process will still be argued by those directly elected by the TWU...and the same time when it comes to collective barganing is also helps to have a united front going for an industry leading contract.
We should be United in one Union, not split between two, on system Boards the Association will determine who sits on the board, at present in Maint if its a line issue the board member comes from 591. If this deal was really for the members they would welcome a vote.
The IAM can keep their IAMNPF and the TWU can keep their 401K, if that's what they choose.
Nowhere in any document does it say that, in fact the Pension document explicitly says they will seek to put us all in the IAMNPF. Nowhere in there does it say that members can choose individually to either stay in the 401 K or go to the iAMNPF.
One thing that is obvious is that NYer is on a mission to sell this Association, to do so he will lie, make things up and when all is said and done
. --Funny, you've been arguing against the current process of negotiations and have blamed other Presidents, other Title groups and International Reps for the perceived interference in negotiations. Are you now saying you'd prefer the current system and process. If the TWU and/or the IAM process is not to your liking there is sufficient time to get enough cards to bring in a more palpable option of your choice.
No I'm showing that you are wrong and putting out misinformation.
Under the Association they can transfer members back and forth between unions at will. Wow. It's not "at will" there is a process and there is participation from both sides in that process.
Both "sides" but neither the membership or the Locals have any say in it.
. --The tie-breaker will not re-shuffle everyone as all the TWU Members will remain in their current positions relative to each other. The tie-breaker comes in when an IAM Member has the same Classification and Date of Hire as the TWU Member, in which case the SSN will used in to keep the IAM Members in their current positions are related to each other. The alternative is to not have an agreement and take out chances with an Arbitrator. How's that worked in recent times?
Show us where you see that. See you come here under an alias, make all sorts of claims, then when it turns out to be a lie simply change your alias.
Then getting to a JCBA should be the priority and not having union Members fighting each other. When the TWU was first formed and was part of the CIO, they partnered with the IAM and were included into the AFL. That partnership in the past was positive, there is no reason this partnership can't also be positive. Bob may want to bring the negative of everything done by the TWU, but he also cherishes the ability to represent his Members. With the Association he and his Members are guaranteed to be able to continue that partnership. Is it really favorable to take a change a lose that while at the same time letting the IAM take over. It doesn't seem logical, especially if you love Bob so much.
You keep harping on the chance that the IAM could win, with one third the members its likely they would not even be able to get a showing of interest to get on the ballot unless the TWU agreed to help them.
--And if the Association gives all Mechanics Industry Leading Wages, something that been sought after for so long, will you agree you were wrong. (of course, knowing your history there will certainly be something to rile against even if the number one issue is addressed)
yes and we know how you will define industry leading, you will get a $10 cola for the mechanics in Hawaii, the fact that we don't have mechanics in Hawaii wouldn't stop you from claiming that we have an industry leading contract. Its only industry leading if we all end up with industry leading.