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TWA FLt.#800 can resume!

informer------ As always, you do have a way to bring all of us back on track. Let's see "if" this petion will gain any traction? The original investigation was mired in politics. There are serious questions that to this day, still have gone unansweered.---- Why did the FBI, and U.S.Navy, get so involved in this investgation when it was obviously in the NTSB's jurisdiction? Why was an Air Force plane sent to pick up our CEO, who was in Londen at the time? Where did that Air Force Aircraft take him? ------- Rumor had it that he had a meeting with Clinton prior to his statement on the crash. Etc.,etc.

To answer your question as to why the US Navy was involved it is rather obvious. There is no other organization in the world that has the underwater salvage capabilities that the USN has. Nor is there any other organization that can deploy it as quicly as they can. Know of any commercial salvage outfits that make a phone call and have a their gear picked up and moved by a C-5 within 24 hours?
To answer your question as to why the US Navy was involved it is rather obvious. There is no other organization in the world that has the underwater salvage capabilities that the USN has. Nor is there any other organization that can deploy it as quicly as they can. Know of any commercial salvage outfits that make a phone call and have a their gear picked up and moved by a C-5 within 24 hours?
I hate to burst your bubbel fixer, but there are some people out there who feel the US Navy may have been the cause of the downing of flt.800!
I was on the accident investigation team and in the war room the night of the crash. The truth will come out
some day. Of course it was a fuel tank explosion. The truth will reveal what caused that explosion. It is
important to the family members, friends and employees to know what really happened.
I hate to burst your bubbel fixer, but there are some people out there who feel the US Navy may have been the cause of the downing of flt.800!

You should know just as well as I do trying to get a ship full of sailors not to talk is an impossible task. Anyone who thinks the Navy did it is telling the world they have no idea what they are talking about.

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