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TWA Flt. 800

MCI, with all due respect I think it's a bit too soon.  I'm all for dark humor, and beleive me we use it a lot to cope, but as much as I want to chuckle at that I just can't, sorry.
MCI:  It is time to move on.  I have done so, and it was very difficult, as I had been on 19119 many times and even had seen it undergoing an overhaul on one of my trips to the TW maintainence facility.  My wife and I were in England at the time, and the London press had many reports of a missile streaming toward that aircraft.  We had full confidence in the TW staff that they had done a superb job looking after their aircraft far better than any other airline could, and I suspect you feel the same way.  That morning we boarded 17134 on our way back to LAX in full confidence that we would not have a mechanical.
I am surprised that Kirkpatrick said that the only TW aircraft that had were the SPs, as I have talked to him a few times when I had the opportunity to talk with him about TW aircraft, the last time being his first day back at AA a number of years ago.  Of the original TW aircraft, 17 747s that had 3 windows upstairs, and 2 that had 12 windows upstairs,  Boeing changed their specifications on a747-100s at line number 152 and 17118 and 17119, both which had been ordered originally by Eastern had 12 windows each side as 17118 was #152 and 17119 was number #153.  To make all their 747s look similar, TW had 9 of the windows covered over on each side.  I could not verify this as I had never been on 17118, as it was sold to Iran (as was 17119, but TW ended buying it back).  It certainly is good to hear that KP is back flying, as he always has had pride in his job of looking after passengers. 
I once few on a MD-80 from DFW to LGA piloted by a former TW captain who had been one of the TW reps on the panel who looked after TW's interest on the governmental investigation panel.  
JAFA said:
MCI, with all due respect I think it's a bit too soon.  I'm all for dark humor, and beleive me we use it a lot to cope, but as much as I want to chuckle at that I just can't, sorry.
JAFA said:
MCI, with all due respect I think it's a bit too soon.  I'm all for dark humor, and beleive me we use it a lot to cope, but as much as I want to chuckle at that I just can't, sorry.
You may be right! And I do apologize! I was trying to  point out the parallels of the two, but as you pointed out, it was way to soon!----- And no humor intended! I don't believe there is anything funny about ether tragedy!
Life_Platinum said:
MCI:  It is time to move on.  I have done so, and it was very difficult, as I had been on 19119 many times and even had seen it undergoing an overhaul on one of my trips to the TW maintainence facility.  My wife and I were in England at the time, and the London press had many reports of a missile streaming toward that aircraft.  We had full confidence in the TW staff that they had done a superb job looking after their aircraft far better than any other airline could, and I suspect you feel the same way.  That morning we boarded 17134 on our way back to LAX in full confidence that we would not have a mechanical.
I am surprised that Kirkpatrick said that the only TW aircraft that had were the SPs, as I have talked to him a few times when I had the opportunity to talk with him about TW aircraft, the last time being his first day back at AA a number of years ago.  Of the original TW aircraft, 17 747s that had 3 windows upstairs, and 2 that had 12 windows upstairs,  Boeing changed their specifications on a747-100s at line number 152 and 17118 and 17119, both which had been ordered originally by Eastern had 12 windows each side as 17118 was #152 and 17119 was number #153.  To make all their 747s look similar, TW had 9 of the windows covered over on each side.  I could not verify this as I had never been on 17118, as it was sold to Iran (as was 17119, but TW ended buying it back).  It certainly is good to hear that KP is back flying, as he always has had pride in his job of looking after passengers. 
I once few on a MD-80 from DFW to LGA piloted by a former TW captain who had been one of the TW reps on the panel who looked after TW's interest on the governmental investigation panel.  
That most have been quit a conversation! ----- Life, I'd love to just "move on" but if there was a coverup of what happened to TWA Flt.800, it would have had to have been orchestrated from the vary top.------ And I'm afraid the specter of tragedies past still haunts us today! The one person who may  know for sure what happened years ago to flt.800, may be running for top office in 2016!!! 
MCI:  It has been hard for both you and me as I knew a number of people on that flight, but as my wife continually tells me, it is similar to the shooting in Dallas where President Kennedy was shot.  One has to honestly weigh all the evidence, and based on this evidence come to a decision.  I continually hope that something will be discovered which will change this outcome, as evidenced by why I continue to read posts about TW 17119.  However, I have concluded that if someone had additional info, including those you suspect may know what happened, they would have come forward by now.  I am sure that you know far more about 17119's fuel tanks than I ever will, but the experts that have evaluated the information on our behalf have made reasonable and honest conclusions.  How could so many people be duped?  If I can help you with this in any way, please let me know. 
Best regards, LP.
And yet, one of the key players in this tragedy, may be ruining for the top office of the United States in 2016. ------ Think twice before you cast that vote  people!!!! Remember, like MA17, over 200 people were killed on TWA Flt.800!!!!

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