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TWA Flt. 800

MCI transplant said:
I believe that 747 was brought down by two missiles. WHO FIRED THEM, I have no idea---------But, it wasn't what they say it was! I've been in 747 center fuel tanks, and know there is no way that could be the cause!
MCI, while I completely agree with you that there is no way this 1 particular 747 had the magic 1 fuel tank that blew on take off. I must respectfully disagree on the missile theory. I still remember that evening like it was yesterday and it was a beautiful warm summer afternoon and evening. I was just one of thousands out on the bay that night on our boats and jet skis. If even one missile had tracked across the sky that night it would not have been seen by only a couple of hundred people, it would have been seen by thousands of us. In fact I had, unknowningly, just turned back towards Lands End Marina in Sayville as she went down. I only know the timing that clearly becasue as I tied up at the dock my pager had already activated and the signal 100 on the 27 in E. Moriches (in suffolk county a signal 27 is a plane crash and a signal 100 is a disaster declared in a particular dvision) had just been getting called out. It took only the time to walk to the bar and call in for News12 to broadcast the first rumor that TWA had lost an aircraft out of JFK. Ask a friend to take care of the jetskis and the girlfriend and I are in her car, on Sunrise, and heading east somewhat faster than the 55MPH speed limit.

Neither of us saw any missiles, no one I know at either Windswept where I usually jetskied out of and we staged that night, nor anyone that knew that was at Lands End that night, nor anyone I spoke to at either staging area that night saw anything. As a result I must respectfully disagree on the missile. My gut has always been a bomb.

Hard to beleive it'll be 18 years Thursday. How much our world and industry have both changed? I've been lucky, I actually hadn't stopped to remember that night in a few years. To all that lost someone I am sorry I haven't given them their due, it's just, well, it still hurts to remember that night in great detail. Please know we tried, we didn't stop believing there would be survivors until that reality was forced upon us. RIP
JAFA said:
MCI, while I completely agree with you that there is no way this 1 particular 747 had the magic 1 fuel tank that blew on take off. I must respectfully disagree on the missile theory. I still remember that evening like it was yesterday and it was a beautiful warm summer afternoon and evening. I was just one of thousands out on the bay that night on our boats and jet skis. If even one missile had tracked across the sky that night it would not have been seen by only a couple of hundred people, it would have been seen by thousands of us. In fact I had, unknowningly, just turned back towards Lands End Marina in Sayville as she went down. I only know the timing that clearly becasue as I tied up at the dock my pager had already activated and the signal 100 on the 27 in E. Moriches (in suffolk county a signal 27 is a plane crash and a signal 100 is a disaster declared in a particular dvision) had just been getting called out. It took only the time to walk to the bar and call in for News12 to broadcast the first rumor that TWA had lost an aircraft out of JFK. Ask a friend to take care of the jetskis and the girlfriend and I are in her car, on Sunrise, and heading east somewhat faster than the 55MPH speed limit.

Neither of us saw any missiles, no one I know at either Windswept where I usually jetskied out of and we staged that night, nor anyone that knew that was at Lands End that night, nor anyone I spoke to at either staging area that night saw anything. As a result I must respectfully disagree on the missile. My gut has always been a bomb.

Hard to beleive it'll be 18 years Thursday. How much our world and industry have both changed? I've been lucky, I actually hadn't stopped to remember that night in a few years. To all that lost someone I am sorry I haven't given them their due, it's just, well, it still hurts to remember that night in great detail. Please know we tried, we didn't stop believing there would be survivors until that reality was forced upon us. RIP
JAFA----- I'm curious as to what this program tomorrow night is all about. Or if it's just a rehash of points all ready gone over numerous times. To learn what really happened, They have to dig deep! The devil is in the detail.  There are questions that are still unanswered, and events that are still unexplained! Such as why the Capt.'s angle of attach indicator on the left side of the forward Fuselage, well forward of the center fuel tank, went from a normal horizontal position, up to the 12:00 position, back down to horizontal, all within a fraction of a second, while the First Officer's on the right, stayed steady, at the time of the fuselage failure, as recorded by the black box. The logical conclusion would be that a shook wave, from some source, on the left side of the aircraft, flipped it up, then returned to normal. If it was from a center fuel tank explosion, both would have reacted! JAFA, you say you saw nothing? Yet there are those claim they did! An ex military Pilot, claims  what he saw looked the same as Sam's fired at him in Vietnam. And he was in the air at the time he claims he saw them hit Flt.800! ------ JAFA, Did you actually see TWA Flt.800 go down? If so, before it started down, or after? Or did you only become aware of it later? ------ If you didn't actually see Flt.800 go down, or seconds before, is it possible that you may have missed any other events that night? Did you try to contact the authorities as to what you saw, or didn't see? If so, what was their reaction? And who did you contact?
It's been reported that the Government interviewed a vary few who came forward as witnesses!
I could never say if I saw the aircraft or not. That time of day the sky is a highway of eastbound climbouts from JFK. I know I never saw the explosion and I never saw anything streaking up towards anything. My point is that while there were several hundred that believe they saw a missile, if there really had been one there would've been several thousand who would've seen it. I honestly believe based on the time from when I turned to shore to the activation of the 100 that I was facing straight into that climbout either at or just seconds before the explosion so I count myself as one of the thousands that would've seen soemthing streaking up towards a target at that moment.

Maybe I'm not clearly explaning this about the Great South Bay on a warm, clear, summer afternoon and evening. This is the body of water between Long Island and it's barrier beach Fire Island and on a day like that would have tens of thousands of people out on it on pleasure craft, jet skis, ferries, water taxis, fishing boats, and dinner cruise/party cruise charters. Aside from them Fire Island has several resort communites packed with waterside bars and resturants and beachfront houses. Lastly the western side of the Moriches Inlet, which is a break in the barrier beach, is Smith Point Beach, the largest county beach in Suffolk and besides the easily 2-3 thousand bathers on the beach it is the only beach permitting overnight camping and this time of year has several hundred people camping as well. In short even if only 1 in 10 saw this missile it would have been seen by at least a couple of thousand people, not a couple of hundred. I say this as someone who grew up, at the time lived, and is currently typing this not 12 miles from where main part of the wreckage hit.
JAFA said:
My point is that while there were several hundred that believe they saw a missile, if there really had been one there would've been several thousand who would've seen it. 
This is a leap that is totally illogical.  You yourself admit that you were in that area at the time, but did not see it.  How can you make an assertion like that?
Why didn't you see it?  (Because you weren't looking that direction.)
How can we assume that "thousands" in the area would happen to be looking that way?  Just because you think they were?
If you missed it, why couldn't they?
nycbusdriver said:
This is a leap that is totally illogical.  You yourself admit that you were in that area at the time, but did not see it.  How can you make an assertion like that?
Why didn't you see it?  (Because you weren't looking that direction.)
How can we assume that "thousands" in the area would happen to be looking that way?  Just because you think they were?
If you missed it, why couldn't they?
My logic is that planes flying overhead in the normal patterns to and from the NYC airports are so common that no, unless something out of the ordinary is seen I don't notice them. I do firmly beleive, and probably always will unless actual concrete proof to the contrary is offered, that a missile streaking up, at a much faster speed than any commerical aircraft in the area, would attract my attention. I guess I'm saying it's the same as my LIRR commute. Ask me if there was a particular described person on the train today and I have no clue whatsoever, I get on, I say hello to the regulars in my car, I put ear buds in, I set alarm, and I wake up just before Jamaica. Now a few months back a guy had a medical issue, train held, EMS called, and before all was said and done 3 of us ended up performing CPR until EMS arrives. Now, months later I can still tell you who was there, which conductor was at the door with us, what station we held at, and describe the patient as well. See the point, something out of the ordinary attracted my attention, but the normal drone of 300 thousand of us grinding out the daily commute is just a blur.
There will be conspiracy theories bout this forever.  There were reports of witnesses seeing a surface to air missile and there were reports that the U.S. Navy was conducting exercises in the area.  It would be logical for some to assume the Navy had one get away and it hit the jet.  Also I'm sure everyone can agree that the US Gov.  wrote the book on cover ups.  I can tell you that the excuse for the crash given by the authorities is not believable to many.  I would also think that MCI would have some knowledge about the specifics that none of us AA guys would since he personally knew guys who were involved in the investigation.  I'd tend to believe him before I believed the FAA.
This is the video I've been looking for. There are others I wish I could find of military personnel (USAF in particular) being interviewed just minutes after this incident claiming the same thing as this vet.
Have you noticed that some pictures of 800 have only a few Windows on the upper deck an other have many. Makes a person think a little.
Bubba, I noticed that when it first happened.  All our 747s except the SPs had just a few windows; I think it was three per side.  I thought maybe they had been plugged and the plugs removed.  800's airplane was the last of the 19 we took delivery of in 1970-71.
News flash!!!-------- Putin claims there is a real possibility that the Malaysian 777  was not shot down, but was the victim of a random spark in the center fuel tank which is an inherent defect in all Boeing Aircraft!
I thought I'd get a reaction out of that one! --------- But it makes just as much since as saying TWA Flt. 800 was downed by the same thing!!!!

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