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TWA 800 Investigation (very long)

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Did you see your old buddy John Goglia say that he could never be part of any cover up. And he also said that as a member of the board with all the facts, the missile theory was discounted.

IMHO, the crux of these issues is trust in the gooberment.
Yes, we all know Reagan didn't know of the Iran Contra and swapping missiles for hostages.
Just to name one!
Maybe when the gooberment can be 100% trusted, things would change.
Long way to go on that, regardless of the political party.
B) xUT
Did you see your old buddy John Goglia say that he could never be part of any cover up. And he also said that as a member of the board with all the facts, the missile theory was discounted.

I hear you, but are you sure he didn't see that vid you posted ?
Remember the one ??
Very interesting show. FBI made it about the fuel tank. You would be surprised at the corruption documented in this show. Once again, media and the government in cahoots.
Did you see your old buddy John Goglia say that he could never be part of any cover up. And he also said that as a member of the board with all the facts, the missile theory was discounted.

An excellent new documentary, which examines evidence that makes the case that TWA Flight 800 was brought down by missiles, a crime or accident that has been covered up for 17 years, is set to premier Wednesday night. The film is titled, simply, “TWA Flight 800,” and it will air on EPIX, a cable network available on many cable systems, tonight, July 17[sup]th[/sup], at 8 p.m. ET. Today is the 17[sup]th[/sup] anniversary of that tragic event.
Veteran newsman and columnist Wes Vernon wrote an excellent review of the documentary last month, and said, “I have viewed a pre-screening of the film, and urge you to make it a point to see it and tell your friends about it. It will make your blood boil when you see people in high and respected places uttering lie after lie after lie and threats against eyewitnesses telling them in effect, ‘You didn’t see what you saw.’”
But if you don’t have that network on your cable system, or you want to watch it at a different time on your computer, you can see the trailer or the whole film here through a free trial offer by EPIX.
The documentary was written and directed by Kristina Borjesson, who was an award-winning producer for CBS News. She was assigned to the TWA 800 story, and quickly came to believe that the official story wasn’t true, though she wasn’t allowed, in the end, to report on what she had discovered. Now, Borjesson and her associate in this project, Tom Stalcup, a physicist who has been investigating this case for many years, have brought together a number of people involved at the time in the investigation, including some from within the NTSB and TWA itself, to talk about what was covered up and how it was done. For example, Hank Hughes, an NTSB investigator who headed up the reassembly of the wreckage in a hangar in Calverton, New York, had been telling what he knew since early in the investigation. He told a Senate committee in 1997 that he witnessed evidence being tampered with, and some being destroyed.
Tonite on EPIX2 on Dish.....free...8pm  and 12:50am Tues.
Just remember who was running for re-election at the time. Monica's boy friend! And who's going to run in 2016? And is trying to cover up Benghazi, The wife of Monica's boy friend! ------ Oh! I was watching the news on TV this mourning. Had this idiot retired NTSB official on saying one one thing that could have bought down that missing 777 would be a short in a fuel tank! -------  R-I-G-H-T!!!? Here we go again!
Fixer, you seem to have a head on your shoulders. Right now you can't see the forest for the trees. Did you see the NTSB's/ CIA's animation? They claim after the forward section of the 747 fell away from the rest of the aircraft, what remained went into a step climb! Think about it!------ What happens to the center of gravity (CG) when the fuselage, just  forward of the wing, separates from the rest of the aircraft?------- It moves aft! ------- Now tell me again about a step climb! https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=AozkN3AfOOg6yuWhYCJZ9BCbvZx4?fr=yfp-t-325-s&toggle=1&fp=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&p=twa%20800%20animation%20video
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