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TWA Flt. 800

MetalMover said:
For every article or video that supports one's claims, there are an equal amount of articles and videos that show the opposing view. Here's two,  you come back with more and i'll come back with more.
For all these theories of conspiracy, I again ask the question...Is there NOT ONE person involved in the cover up who has a conscience? Not ONE person willing to come forward and refute all the lies?
All that person has to do is go to a well known news station with a well known anchor before 300 million Americans and say "I WAS INVOLVED WITH THE COVER UP" HERE'S WHAT HAPPENED?
I have no doubt that you could provide more articles, If you find those articles more compelling, and if you choose not to believe thats of course entirely your decision.
JMHO - I find your question of "someone with a conscience" a bit simplistic -  CIA - FBI  all have proven beyond a doubt how little to know "conscience" they have - indeed in their jobs its not surprising they don't. And to be honest, while I'd never condone it, in the case of this conspiracy, I submit I would understand it -  The US has shot down one of its own airliners - the government would be liable for the deaths - the military would look inept - no upside.   Why let it leak if they could control the aftermath?
ThirdSeatHero said:
I have no doubt that you could provide more articles, If you find those articles more compelling, and if you choose not to believe thats of course entirely your decision.
JMHO - I find your question of "someone with a conscience" a bit simplistic -  CIA - FBI  all have proven beyond a doubt how little to know "conscience" they have - indeed in their jobs its not surprising they don't. And to be honest, while I'd never condone it, in the case of this conspiracy, I submit I would understand it -  The US has shot down one of its own airliners - the government would be liable for the deaths - the military would look inept - no upside.   Why let it leak if they could control the aftermath?
Well which is it? Terrorists' doing? Or our own military? Not one serviceman or officer has the conscience to come forward? You do realize the number of people involved who would be in the know to fire a missile? or three as theorized by some? 
Would YOU sit by and allow an atrocity to go unchallenged or unpunished?
It's not about who could produce more articles and videos supporting a particular view. There are those who believe the aircraft was brought down and those who believe the fuel tanks caused the tragedy.
But the conspiracy theories have varied beyond comprehension...One missile,,,then two,,,and then three.....Terrorists did it,,our military did it....Oh and don't forget the theory that EL AL was slated to take off in that slot, but they knew there would be a missile attack and delayed their departure......Oh and don't  forget that there's always a somebody who knew a guy who had a brother who's father in law saw the missile ...etc etc etc......
MetalMover said:
Well which is it? Terrorists' doing? Or our own military? Not one serviceman or officer has the conscience to come forward? You do realize the number of people involved who would be in the know to fire a missile? or three as theorized by some? 
Would YOU sit by and allow an atrocity to go unchallenged or unpunished?
It's not about who could produce more articles and videos supporting a particular view. There are those who believe the aircraft was brought down and those who believe the fuel tanks caused the tragedy.
But the conspiracy theories have varied beyond comprehension...One missile,,,then two,,,and then three.....Terrorists did it,,our military did it....Oh and don't forget the theory that EL AL was slated to take off in that slot, but they knew there would be a missile attack and delayed their departure......Oh and don't  forget that there's always a somebody who knew a guy who had a brother who's father in law saw the missile ...etc etc etc......
And its clearly obvious you've made up your mind on which part of the issue you believe happened, as I said in my previous post thats your decision
I do not believe the plane was brought down by a fuel tank explosion
Here is an account you may, or may not have heard!----- Directly after the downing of TWA Flt. 800. TWA., and the IAM ,sent a delegation of Inspectors, and Crew Chiefs, to New York from the overhaul base in MCI to observe, and assist, in the recovery of the wreckage. They were on the boats, and in the hanger where the wreckage was assembled. ------ Here is their report: http://twa800.com/iamaw/iamaw.htm
I just read that report mci. I still dont understand how cld the fuel tank just explode n bring down the 747? I read that book while back and found it interesting. Ive long thought a missile struck the plane. The cia verison of the broken plane climbing upwards is a joke. I did not knw a broken plane cld climb but cia says it can
MetalMover said:
 You do realize the number of people involved who would be in the know to fire a missile? or three as theorized by some? 
Would YOU sit by and allow an atrocity to go unchallenged or unpunished?
Do you realize how many companies own all the major newspapers and TV news networks?
If an editor kills a story it for the most part never sees the light of day regardless of whether it's true or not.  
Did the news media and Warren Commission lie about the JFK assassination?
MCI transplant said:
MetalMover, ------ I take it you may have worked in this  industry for a little while?------ Well tell me something, how many 747's were grounded after Flt.800 by the FAA to check center fuel tank wiring? ---Answer, none! How come?------ And what happens to an Aircraft, if it looses the forward third of it's fuselage? Does it go into a step climb, as protrude in the animation put out by the CIA? What happens to the center of gravity of that Aircraft, if that should happen? It would shift aft! And with it that far out of the box, could that Aircraft stay in the air, yet alone climb?------ And why did the CIA, FBI, U.S.Navy, get involved with this to begin with when it is clearly the NTSB's case?  Why is it that whenever you see a photo of the wreckage in the hanger, it's almost always of the right side? Is there something on the left they don't what us to see? And who was in charge when this all happened? -------- Monika's boyfriend! The same one who claims he didn't have sex with her!

Very true! The DC-10 fleet was grounded because of a hydraulic problem but not the 747 fleet?
ThirdSeatHero said:
And its clearly obvious you've made up your mind on which part of the issue you believe happened, as I said in my previous post thats your decision
I do not believe the plane was brought down by a fuel tank explosion

Some of you will disappear after the NSA reads this.
MCI transplant said:
Here is an account you may, or may not have heard!----- Directly after the downing of TWA Flt. 800. TWA., and the IAM ,sent a delegation of Inspectors, and Crew Chiefs, to New York from the overhaul base in MCI to observe, and assist, in the recovery of the wreckage. They were on the boats, and in the hanger where the wreckage was assembled. ------ Here is their report: http://twa800.com/iamaw/iamaw.htm
Oh TWA sent there own people....no bias on their part i'm sure. So every government agency is part of the cover up, but the TWA employees have all the info.....Yea, no emotion on their part to influence their opinions.
But for the last time, I ask!!!!!!  DOES NOT ONE PERSON WHO MAY HAVE BEEN INVOLVED IN THIS ALLEGED COVERUP HAVE A CONSCIENCE??????? Maybe that person could go to Russia and room with Snowden...The Russians will surely protect the whistleblower........
I'll give the pro conspiracy theorists here the last word because it is, after all, the AA discussion forum and you can't debate people with emotional attachments to an issue.
MetalMover said:
Consider that people can be effectively swayed by threat, be it physical or financial, made not only against them, but more effectively against those they love.
Another tack which can be added to any threat is the plea to be reasonable and think this through.  Would it be wise to go public over what amounts to a mistake by the military, and possibly "bring down the [fill in the blank, e.g. government, financial structure, etc.]"?  Will that bring back those who died?  What good would it do?
Finally, people with conscience may very well have already spoken up, but have been suppressed, or ridiculed (by YOU) for being conspiracy theorists.
MetalMover said:
Oh TWA sent there own people....no bias on their part i'm sure. So every government agency is part of the cover up, but the TWA employees have all the info.....Yea, no emotion on their part to influence their opinions.
But for the last time, I ask!!!!!!  DOES NOT ONE PERSON WHO MAY HAVE BEEN INVOLVED IN THIS ALLEGED COVERUP HAVE A CONSCIENCE??????? Maybe that person could go to Russia and room with Snowden...The Russians will surely protect the whistleblower........
I'll give the pro conspiracy theorists here the last word because it is, after all, the AA discussion forum and you can't debate people with emotional attachments to an issue.
Yes, we sent our own people.------We'd be damn fools not to!. I wasn't one of them, but have talked, and worked, with those that were. They were all top notch Inspectors, and Lead Specialty Technicians, with decades of Aircraft Maintenance experience behind them!  They told me they were told to keep their mouths shut about anything they saw, or would end up in the Federal Prison in Leavenworth! What I was told of parts coming up from the ocean floor, but never making it to the hanger, and parts turning up missing over night.-------- Believe what you will MetalMover, But that Aircraft did not come down due to the Center Fuel tank explosion! -------Yes, it did explode! But  that was a direct result of another event outside the aircraft, on it's left side, as stated in their report! And with 40 years of aircraft experience behind me, I believe this to be true!!! 
MCI transplant said:
Yes, we sent our own people.------We'd be damn fools not to!. I wasn't one of them, but have talked, and worked, with those that were. They were all top notch Inspectors, and Lead Specialty Technicians, with decades of Aircraft Maintenance experience behind them!  They told me they were told to keep their mouths shut about anything they saw, or would end up in the Federal Prison in Leavenworth! What I was told of parts coming up from the ocean floor, but never making it to the hanger, and parts turning up missing over night.-------- Believe what you will MetalMover, But that Aircraft did not come down due to the Center Fuel tank explosion! -------Yes, it did explode! But  that was a direct result of another event outside the aircraft, on it's left side, as stated in their report! And with 40 years of aircraft experience behind me, I believe this to be true!!! 
Yes, you are sleeping through life, maybes it time for you to wake up and grow up.
Kanas went bye bye a long time ago.
TWA 800 was shot down by a Navy missle accident and no, they are never going to admit it. 
MCI transplant said:
Why is it that whenever you see a photo of the wreckage in the hanger, it's almost always of the right side?
View attachment 10322

It took me about 30 seconds to find this one. I suppose it would only take a little bit of money to get one of the no doubt hundreds of secret keepers to come clean on the conspiracy they have been so dutifully hiding all these years. I know, this is the one time where everyone has been able to keep the real story secret.
Glenn Quagmire said:
 I know, this is the one time where everyone has been able to keep the real story secret.

So history of the world the real story has always come out?
I'm from the government, I'm here to help you, and I always tell the truth.

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