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TWA 800 Investigation (very long)

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Wasn't 9/11 a murder/suicide on a grander scale? The difference is that on Egypt Air, the majority were Muslim. The co-pilot didn't happen to lose it that day. There were reports that he let out the Muslim terrorists' rebel yell.

No he did'nt, just read the CVR transcript.
Say the same for the fuel tank......miss the part where the ME said the FBI confiscated shrapnel?

How do you know a missile was never found? And if it was, it would make somebody look very very bad in the eyes of the US populace, particularly right before a pres election.Might make it look like an administration doesn't have a handle on what goes on. (Say Benghazi)


There's a pretty nice looking impact spot on the right side fuselage where the red paint from recovered missing hull pieces is missing suggesting a high speed impact.

And if you notice on the upper deck, something left the aircraft creating bent out hull, and there's similar damage on the left side too. Explosion inside the aircraft?

And theres some nice pix on the NTSB site showing corresponding damage on the left side.

Tell you what when you come up with something better than a story written by a reporter that has a problem with basic fact checking and no supporting evidence get back to me.

P.S. I think an SM-2 wieghing 1500lbs with a proxfuse is going to do a whole lot of damage that is not going to be easily hid.
And just what do you think this particular discussion about? No missile found ?
Damn, you'd think if the FBI and Navy were covering something up, they would have at least left the missile sticking out of the aircraft !

Is your argument that lack of evidence is proof that it happened? Shall we apply the same logic to Roswell? Lock Ness? Aliens encounters? JFK? Princess Diana? Hell, in that case .... I'm the son of George Lucas.

Tell you what when you come up with something better than a story written by a reporter that has a problem with basic fact checking and no supporting evidence get back to me.

P.S. I think an SM-2 wieghing 1500lbs with a proxfuse is going to do a whole lot of damage that is not going to be easily hid.

Prox fuse woulda had lots external skin damage so you can toss that out the window.

Reports were dummy warhead though.....21" dummy would make an impact hole similar in size to the one highlighted.
Is this the year CT's become reality?

Filmmaker asserts new evidence on crash of TWA Flight 800

"Of course, everyone knows about the eyewitness statements, but we also have corroborating information from the radar data, and the radar data shows a(n) asymmetric explosion coming out of that plane -- something that didn't happen in the official theory," Tom Stalcup told CNN's "New Day."
A number of people have come forward, "all saying the same thing: that there was an external force -- not from the center wing tank, there's no evidence of that -- but there is evidence of an external explosion that brought down that plane," Stalcup said.
He cited "corroborating information from the radar data" and complained that "not one single eyewitness was allowed to testify -- that's unheard of."

Skeptics have long theorized that TWA Flight 800 was brought down by sinister forces.
They include Hank Hughes, who served as a senior accident investigator with the NTSB and helped reconstruct the aircraft. Others include Bob Young, a TWA investigator who participated in the investigation, and Jim Speer, an accident investigator for the Airline Pilots Association.
"These investigators were not allowed to speak to the public or refute any comments made by their superiors and/or NTSB and FBI officials about their work at the time of the official investigation," a news release announcing the documentary said.
"They waited until after retirement to reveal how the official conclusion by the (NTSB) was falsified and lay out their case."

The documentarians said they have a "trifecta of elements" that will "prove that the officially proposed fuel-air explosion did not cause the crash." That trifecta includes forensic evidence, firsthand sources and corroborating witnesses, and the new statements from retired investigators.
The evidence proves that "one or more ordnance explosions outside the aircraft caused the crash," the producers said. But it does not identify or speculate on the source of the ordnance explosions.
I used to fly the whale years ago. Nobody in the 747 community ever bought the center fuel tank story. It is inconsistent with the operation of the tank, and the AD that was published really did not make sense to anybody familiar with the system.

I remember watching the live shots of the wreckage burning on the ocean that night and hearing the initial reports coming in. One of the early items was ATC recordings made by some amateur aircraft hobby type folks. Several other crews in the area reported definite hits from an external source. One of the pilots was reported to be a Vietnam vet of two tours in combat over the north. A paraphrased version of his statement was "I spent two years over north Vietnam having SAM's shot at me" "I know exactly what they look like in flight"

About 2 or 3 days after the initial crash and several sources all reporting a SAM seen track and impact 800 there was a sudden "black out" of sorts and these reports were not heard from again in the media or any official report.

Take it for what its worth, but at least initially there were several that say they saw it and at least one of those knew exactly what a surface to air missile looked like in flight due to personal experience in combat.

I always found it very odd that there was so much coverage of the reports early on and now 17 years later you cannot hardly find mention of them in the official documents etc.

Theories range from terrorist to a US Navy missile frigate doing live fire operations off the Virginia coast at target drones and one went haywire. Somebody I suspect knows what really happened, but I don't think you will ever see anything officially other than what we have now.
How do you get thousands of people involved in an investigation to all keep quiet?
I remember watching the live shots of the wreckage burning on the ocean that night and hearing the initial reports coming in. One of the early items was ATC recordings made by some amateur aircraft hobby type folks. Several other crews in the area reported definite hits from an external source. One of the pilots was reported to be a Vietnam vet of two tours in combat over the north. A paraphrased version of his statement was "I spent two years over north Vietnam having SAM's shot at me" "I know exactly what they look like in flight"

About 2 or 3 days after the initial crash and several sources all reporting a SAM seen track and impact 800 there was a sudden "black out" of sorts and these reports were not heard from again in the media or any official report.

Take it for what its worth, but at least initially there were several that say they saw it and at least one of those knew exactly what a surface to air missile looked like in flight due to personal experience in combat.

I always found it very odd that there was so much coverage of the reports early on and now 17 years later you cannot hardly find mention of them in the official documents etc.

Start on page 229 (1.18.4 Witness Information) of the NTSB Aircraft Accident Report PDF. There are no less than 8 pages of witness testimony and FBI and CIA footnotes.
How do you get thousands of people involved in an investigation to all keep quiet?

I knew and flew with one of the crew members, Ollie Krick. He was on IOE (training) as a flight engineer on the doomed flight. I had experience as a FE on the B-727. I never bought the official story. Keroseneuser, who has experience on the aircraft does not buy it either. The cartoon of an aircraft climbing thousands of feet after exploding is exactly that, a cartoon. It looks like some people bought the story which was the goal.
They had just a couple of reasons to cover it up.

One, the opening ceremonies for the Atlanta Olympics were two days later. Terrorists go for maximum impact and exposure. What a better event than to disrupt this event? The World Trade Center bombing was 3 years earlier, we were already being targeted.

Two, if the aircraft was shot down by accident, the government may have an interest in keeping this quiet.

Bottom, line the government has secrets which they prefer to keep quiet. All I have to do is point at a fella in Hong Kong which made the government explain a few things.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Limit access to the facts............
Did you see your old buddy John Goglia say that he could never be part of any cover up. And he also said that as a member of the board with all the facts, the missile theory was discounted.
Did you see your old buddy John Goglia say that he could never be part of any cover up. And he also said that as a member of the board with all the facts, the missile theory was discounted.

Guess the three retired guys who were involved in the investigation, have different opinions.

And GoGo's facts.....who says he had it all? He had what was prepared and presented to him. Think about that.
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