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Trump's immigration proposal

And of course we all know that  none of those things were ever enforced.
So let's make a new set of immigration laws not to enforce. 
It is also well known that Ronald Reagan was not comfortable with amnesty. He was pro-enforcement, and he admitted to Edwin Meese that the biggest mistake of his presidency was to sign the 1986 amnesty. 
townpete said:
  • The Immigration and Control Act of 1986 granted Amnesty to illegal immigrants who entered the country before January 1, 1982.
townpete said:
he admitted to Edwin Meese that the biggest mistake of his presidency was to sign the 1986 amnesty. 
Another programming glitch?
He signed it, so he did approve amnesty, he could have Vetoed the bill.
700UW said:
He signed it, so he did approve amnesty, he could have Vetoed the bill.
Reading comprehension failed you yet again buttercup.
Congress intended the
Immigration and Control Act of 1986
seal the border,
stop future illegal immigration,
stop future hiring of illegals,
and make those here illegally
pay penalties for their illegal entry.
Make up your mind, wait, how can a bot have a mind?  Is your programmer selling Amway now?
townpete said:
Reading comprehension failed you yet again buttercup.

Congress intended the
Immigration and Control Act of 1986
seal the border,
stop future illegal immigration,
stop future hiring of illegals,
and make those here illegally
pay penalties for their illegal entry.
Seal the border? Where would future LIBTARDS come from, wanting government to take from those who have earned it and give to those who didn't ?
Dog Wonder said:
At the Georgia line.  Can't have Georgians dumbing up Alabama.
Look! There's one of the Libtards looking for free stuff!
Kev3188 said:
No, I don't, but it's not me cheering for Trump's plan to (ahem) "pause" all Muslim traffic into the U.S.


Nope, just offering a counter to all the xenophobia here.

That's cool. I'm too far left for most of the DWS crowd anyway...
So, being concerned about American lives being taken on American soil by MUSLIM EXTREMIST is xenophobia?
Sorry if Profiling is against your PC rhetoric but, last time I checked, ALL Muslim EXTREMIST are MUSLIM!
So, once again, explain how one goes about enforcing a ban on Muslims entering the country.

Or radicalized Americans re-entering.

Wouldn't any intent on doing harm just lie about their religion?

Dress, act, appear "white", arrive from a "safe" country?

Deception is allowed, after all, in pursuit of Jihad.

Waiting on a cogent, practical, pragmatic response outlining "how" one bars entry due to religion. Not why, and I am not even saying why not.


Ifly2 said:
So, once again, explain how one goes about enforcing a ban on Muslims entering the country.

Or radicalized Americans re-entering.

Wouldn't any intent on doing harm just lie about their religion?

Dress, act, appear "white", arrive from a "safe" country?

Deception is allowed, after all, in pursuit of Jihad.

Waiting on a cogent, practical, pragmatic response outlining "how" one bars entry due to religion. Not why, and I am not even saying why not.


Hey Tree, already answered you many times. And apparently had happen to several Muslims. 
What part are you getting tripped up on?
Ifly2 said:
So, once again, explain how one goes about enforcing a ban on Muslims entering the country.

Or radicalized Americans re-entering.

Wouldn't any intent on doing harm just lie about their religion?

Dress, act, appear "white", arrive from a "safe" country?

Deception is allowed, after all, in pursuit of Jihad.

Waiting on a cogent, practical, pragmatic response outlining "how" one bars entry due to religion. Not why, and I am not even saying why not.


See if they've been trained to eat pork without vomiting.

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