No go; that keeps vegetarians out too... 😀
No, you never didtownpete said:Hey Tree, already answered you many times. And apparently had happen to several Muslims.
What part are you getting tripped up on?
Ifly2 said:No, you never did
They have stopped some people who happened to be Muslim, for other reasons.
That is obviously not the same as stopping all Muslims, based on their being Muslims.
Especially the very people who would lie about being Muslim in order to gain entry.
Not even a nice try
No trophy for you
700UW said:
You couldnt write this stuff if you tried.
The one big screw-up in Donald Trump’s first ad
700UW said:
You couldnt write this stuff if you tried.
The one big screw-up in Donald Trump’s first ad
townpete said:Its easy.
They present passport/visa to passport/visa control.
Passport officer looks at passport.
Passport officer denies entry.
See how easy that is?
At what part of the process are you struggling with?
Ifly2 said:The part where the passport officer determines who is Muslim and who is not, as I said.
How does he do that, looking at their passport?
You have yet to explain this
And can't
Ifly2 said:The part where the passport officer determines who is Muslim and who is not, as I said.
How does he do that, looking at their passport?
You have yet to explain this
And can't
700UW said:So if there are Jews that eat pork, dont you think their are Muslems who eat pork also?