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Trump's immigration proposal

Kev3188 said:
No, I don't, but it's not me cheering for Trump's plan to (ahem) "pause" all Muslim traffic into the U.S.


Nope, just offering a counter to all the xenophobia here.

That's cool. I'm too far left for most of the DWS crowd anyway...
I don't watch the show.
As an aside, because certain folk seem hung up on their middle school history class perspective on the world, arches were used in Mesoptamia nearly in the second millinum BC, Arab Astrolabes, Nautical Charts and Navigational tables were in regular use before Leif or Eric made their epic voyages, and Alexander the Great "discovered" the "East's" advanced knowledge of astronomy and mathematics and brought it / them into the Empire.
Another liberal narrative destroyed.

Democrats are pointing to the Immigration and Control Act of 1986 to draw a comparison to Obama’s intended executive order on immigration, amnesty, purported to affect more than 15 million illegals currently within the United States. Here’s the problem with that comparison:
  • The Immigration and Control Act of 1986 was a lawnot an executive action.
  • The Immigration and Control Act of 1986 was drafted by Rep Romano L.Mazzoli (D) and Sen Alan K. Simpson (R). In other words, it was a bi-partisan action of the House and Senate.
  • The Immigration and Control Act of 1986 granted Amnesty to illegal immigrants who entered the country before January 1, 1982, but it had harsh “control” mechanisms to make sure America didn’t have to face the illegal immigration problem in the future; said “control” mechanisms being firmly ignored in subsequent Congressional and Executive administrations.
Congress intended the Immigration and Control Act of 1986 to seal the border, stop future illegal immigration, stop future hiring of illegals, and make those here illegally pay penalties for their illegal entry. It insisted these new citizens possess knowledge of American history and speak the English language.
In other words, it insisted illegals become “American.

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