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Trump's immigration proposal

Dog Wonder said:
You should have gotten a free education somewhere instead of staying dumb on principle.
Now that's a hoot, one-line libtard Wonder Mutt yipping about others edumacation. Time for a new chew toy Muttly.
Dog Wonder said:
Save your money for a new inflatable girlfriend.
Still waiting on the explanation of how the passport control guy distinguishes the Sikh from the Hindu from the Egyptian Christian from the White British Muslim from... Everone else, ad nauseum...
Ifly2 said:
Still waiting on the explanation of how the passport control guy distinguishes the Sikh from the Hindu from the Egyptian Christian from the White British Muslim from... Everone else, ad nauseum...
You should go ask Tree for that answer...
oh wait
You know what? We don't have enough refugees that will fill the void to overshadow our homeless. So lets listen to the die-hards who feel the US isn't doing enough....


Ahh, yes, the libtard solution is to pollute humanity, but not ecology!

Well look at what is heading your way, and remember I lived in Europe and I'm not going to run back like our resident Christmas TREE!!! I have a red passport too but it is invalid since I pledged allegiance to the United States of America!

Look at your future and vote for Trump!

Notice CBS didn't mention why?  
Damn, look at this:
STOCKHOLM -- Interior Minister Anders Ygeman says Sweden could deport between 60,000 and 80,000 asylum-seekers in coming years.
Ygeman told newspaper Dagens Industri that since about 45 percent of asylum applications are currently rejected, the country must get ready to send back tens of thousands of the 163,000 who sought shelter in Sweden last year.
"I think that it could be about 60,000 people, but it could also be up to 80,000," Ygeman was quoted as saying.
His spokesman, Victor Harju, confirmed the quotes Thursday, adding that the minister was simply applying the current approval rate to the record number of asylum-seekers that arrived in 2015. Harju adds: "That rate could of course change."
Report: ISIS fighters entering Europe disguised as refugees
Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) fighters have entered Europe disguised as refugees fleeing war-torn Syria, the head of Germany’s domestic spy agency (BfV) said on Friday, according to Reuters
“Then we have repeatedly seen that terrorists … have slipped in camouflaged or disguised as refugees,” Hans-Georg Maassen told ZDF television. “This is a fact that the security agencies are facing.”
“We are trying to recognize and identify whether there are still more [ISIS] fighters or terrorists from [ISIS] that have slipped in,” he added.
Maassen also said the BfV has received more than 100 tip-offs about ISIS fighters among the refugee groups currently staying in Germany.

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