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Transport Workers and Machinist Union to Jointly Represent Ground Workers at the "New" American Airl

Not obsessed, curious?

Kevin McCormick is the owner of the McCormick Advisory Group, a real-estate management company from Laconia, New Hampshire. He and Delle go way back to the days when Delle was selling real estate. They are very good friends.

They are such good friends that while Delle was out trying to aid airlines in their divide and conquer strategy of weakening unions, Kevin took real good care of Delle. Kevin has provided Delle with housing, cash, and expenses for the last five years. Kevin even put him on his company’s payroll. We’re sure Kevin did this out of the kindness of his own heart, and the love of his friend expecting nothing in return.

It has to be just a coincidence that Kevin is now on amfa’s payroll. In a fraternity that continually praises how democratic they are, Kevin has been appointed to the sweetest job of all; National Administrator. There is no provision in the amfa constitution for a real estate manager, so Delle created the title of National Administrator because it sounds better than national real estate manager, but there actually is no provision in the amfa constitution for either position.

Kevin McCormick was never voted into his position, yet he is the man who handles all of amfa’s finances. Why does amfa have a National Treasurer if all the money goes to a real estate firm? And who is Kevin McCormick accountable to? He was never elected to any position. In fact, he isn’t even a member of any union.

Delle has amfa paying Kevin back to the tune of $12,000 per week! How could that be? He must be the world’s most overpaid administrator. But for that money amfa gets his superb negotiating skills. For some reason, Mr. McCormick has his signature on amfa’s contracts with Alaska and Mesaba airlines. Why is someone who was never elected negotiating contracts in a “democratic” fraternity? Is there any way for his role to be taken over by elected amfa members? Can he be removed from his position?

We urge you to ask your amfa representatives for these answers. There is no logical reason that you should have to pay Delle’s debts with your hard earned, recently raised, dues money. Kevin McCormick’s only role in amfa is to drain as much cash from YOU and put it into Delle’s, Lee Seham’s, and his own pocket. Delle’s past debts should be his own problem, not yours.

There you go showing your hatred towards AMFA and the AMT's that AMFA represents. What a loser.
WOW what a concept in unionism. Why can't the TWU International do the same?


Voting for all three APA national offices will require a runoff

American Airlines pilots will need a runoff to pick new national officers for their union,
Read on...
There you go showing your hatred towards AMFA and the AMT's that AMFA represents. What a loser.

All I did was type McCormick and Delle-Femine in wikipedia and this is what came up. Don't blame me for their sorry track record:

Wake Up, Press: Who is O.V. Delle-Femine?

I'm really perplexed, though not entirely surprised, at the press coverage of the Northwest strike--on many levels. The main one that I find fascinating is the failure to probe deeply into the motivations and background of O.V. Delle-Femine. Today, for example, we get The New York Times story of the labor leader going out to meet the troops--a number of who are grumbling about the strike.

I mean, who is this guy? He set up the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association for the sole purpose of raiding other unions. The press has not asked him, as far as I can tell:
  • To explain his relationship with a management firm, McCormick Advisory Group, headquartered in Laconia, NH, and with a law firm, Seham Seham Meltz & Peterson, based in Westchester County, NY, which has a long history of representing management in the airline industry.
  • to explain how The McCormick Group also founded the Professional Flight Attendants Association (PPFA), which successfully raided an AFL-CIO union at Northwest Airlines.
  • To disclose what the Seham law firm gets from AMFA and whether he knows that the Seham firm has long represented airline managements in opposing workers and their unions. According to a source inside the labor movement, Martin Seham and/or Lee Seham have represented Varig Brazilian Airlines on a continuing basis; the Sperry Gyroscope Company against the Engineers Association; Pan American Airways against the Seafarers International Union of North America; Vantage Steamship Corporation against the National Maritime Union of America; Maritime Overseas Corporation against the Masters, Mates and Pilots and the International Longshoreman’s Association; and Jackson Engineering Company against the Marine and Shipbuilders Workers. And The Seham firm also has represented El Al Israeli Airlines, Air Lingus, SAS Scandinavian Airlines, TWA. Mt. Vernon Tanker Company, Seatrain Lines, Inc., Delta Steamship Lines, Zapata Bulk Transportation, Inc., Wabash Transport, the Maritime Association, Airfreight Express Limited, A. Millner Company and the Owners Committee on Electric Rates.
None of this inquiry suggests that I still don't worry about the workers who are getting royally screwed. It's clear Northwest management feels pretty cocky--it hasn't asked for the Bush Administration to intervene in the strike and is already talking about permanently replacing the workers.

But, maybe the AMFA workers, in addition to calling for solidarity, should throw Delle-Femine over the side. After all, for what seems like an agenda based on raking in money for his backers, he lead the workers into a disastrous strike.
Seems to me someone is butt-hurt over afl-cio unions getting "raided" by AMFA. Since when did an afl-cio affiliation absolve a union from doing their job. If you are failing your customers you should fully expect them to look elsewhere. ALL of the afl-cio industrial unions have FAILED the AMT. VOTE AMFA @ AA!!!!!!!!
All I did was type McCormick and Delle-Femine in wikipedia and this is what came up. Don't blame me for their sorry track record:

Wake Up, Press: Who is O.V. Delle-Femine?

Wikipedia? Really?

I don't know whats more pathetic .... the fact that you'd quote wikipedia, or that you've LIED about your search.

Typing "McCormick and Delle-Femine" into wikipedia gets you ..... NOTHING.

However simply plugging it into google, low an behold your dated missive is the very first hit.

Nevermind that its nearly 8 years old.

Nevermind that its nothing more than a biased BLOG entry

Nevermind that the author was never an aircraft mechanic.

Nevermind that the author was never even in the airline industry.

Nevermind that Delle has been retired for over 5 years.

Nevermind that McCormick doesn't work for AMFA any more.

I know you guys are getting truly desperate if you think quoting years old blog entries from a failed wannabe politician is gonna get you anywhere.

Nice try.
Wikipedia? Really?

I don't know whats more pathetic .... the fact that you'd quote wikipedia, or that you've LIED about your search.

Typing "McCormick and Delle-Femine" into wikipedia gets you ..... NOTHING.

However simply plugging it into google, low an behold your dated missive is the very first hit.

Nevermind that its nearly 8 years old.

Nevermind that its nothing more than a biased BLOG entry

Nevermind that the author was never an aircraft mechanic.

Nevermind that the author was never even in the airline industry.

Nevermind that Delle has been retired for over 5 years.

Nevermind that McCormick doesn't work for AMFA any more.

I know you guys are getting truly desperate if you think quoting years old blog entries from a failed wannabe politician is gonna get you anywhere.

Nice try.
Desperation is and has been setting in. Notice how all "internet researches" for negativity reasons have to go more than a decade back. When their own and all 3 of the industrial unions are continuing to screw their members many, many times within the last decade and beyond up to 3 decades back. It is so funny to sit back and watch the desperation grow. It will get even worse (yes, worse) after AMFA files...
Wikipedia? Really?

I don't know whats more pathetic .... the fact that you'd quote wikipedia, or that you've LIED about your search.

Typing "McCormick and Delle-Femine" into wikipedia gets you ..... NOTHING.

However simply plugging it into google, low an behold your dated missive is the very first hit.

Nevermind that its nearly 8 years old.

Nevermind that its nothing more than a biased BLOG entry

Nevermind that the author was never an aircraft mechanic.

Nevermind that the author was never even in the airline industry.

Nevermind that Delle has been retired for over 5 years.

Nevermind that McCormick doesn't work for AMFA any more.

I know you guys are getting truly desperate if you think quoting years old blog entries from a failed wannabe politician is gonna get you anywhere.

Nice try.

My mistake, it was the Google site.

What's interesting though is you list all kinds of excuses but no proof they aren't true.
Since when did an afl-cio affiliation absolve a union from doing their job. If you are failing your customers you should fully expect them to look elsewhere.


I'd also have to say that working class Americans have also (for the most) part failed ourselves by accepting sub-standard leadership, and allowing ourselves to be lulled into complacency...
All I did was type McCormick and Delle-Femine in wikipedia and this is what came up. Don't blame me for their sorry track record:

Wake Up, Press: Who is O.V. Delle-Femine?

I'm really perplexed, though not entirely surprised, at the press coverage of the Northwest strike--on many levels. The main one that I find fascinating is the failure to probe deeply into the motivations and background of O.V. Delle-Femine. Today, for example, we get The New York Times storyof the labor leader going out to meet the troops--a number of who are grumbling about the strike.

I mean, who is this guy? He set up the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association for the sole purpose of raiding other unions. The press has not asked him, as far as I can tell:
  • To explain his relationship with a management firm, McCormick Advisory Group, headquartered in Laconia, NH, and with a law firm, Seham Seham Meltz & Peterson, based in Westchester County, NY, which has a long history of representing management in the airline industry.
  • to explain how The McCormick Group also founded the Professional Flight Attendants Association (PPFA), which successfully raided an AFL-CIO union at Northwest Airlines.
  • To disclose what the Seham law firm gets from AMFA and whether he knows that the Seham firm has long represented airline managements in opposing workers and their unions. According to a source inside the labor movement, Martin Seham and/or Lee Seham have represented Varig Brazilian Airlines on a continuing basis; the Sperry Gyroscope Company against the Engineers Association; Pan American Airways against the Seafarers International Union of North America; Vantage Steamship Corporation against the National Maritime Union of America; Maritime Overseas Corporation against the Masters, Mates and Pilots and the International Longshoreman’s Association; and Jackson Engineering Company against the Marine and Shipbuilders Workers. And The Seham firm also has represented El Al Israeli Airlines, Air Lingus, SAS Scandinavian Airlines, TWA. Mt. Vernon Tanker Company, Seatrain Lines, Inc., Delta Steamship Lines, Zapata Bulk Transportation, Inc., Wabash Transport, the Maritime Association, Airfreight Express Limited, A. Millner Company and the Owners Committee on Electric Rates.
None of this inquiry suggests that I still don't worry about the workers who are getting royally screwed. It's clear Northwest management feels pretty cocky--it hasn't asked for the Bush Administration to intervene in the strike and is already talking about permanently replacing the workers.

But, maybe the AMFA workers, in addition to calling for solidarity, should throw Delle-Femine over the side. After all, for what seems like an agenda based on raking in money for his backers, he lead the workers into a disastrous strike.

Well you may consider them all good reasons to Vote out Delle, and that's the point isn't it? They can. When do the mechanics at AA get to vote out Videtich, who just got a big raise by the way, or Gless who has been reassigned, again? They may have had a disastrous strike, but its been probably even more disastrous for mechanics at AA to have those two appointed clowns in charge of their careers. They moved on, most likely recovered, were paid to look for new employment or had government assistance training for a new career and are doing better than those who stayed at AA.
All I did was type McCormick and Delle-Femine in wikipedia and this is what came up. Don't blame me for their sorry track record:

Wake Up, Press: Who is O.V. Delle-Femine?

I'm really perplexed, though not entirely surprised, at the press coverage of the Northwest strike--on many levels. The main one that I find fascinating is the failure to probe deeply into the motivations and background of O.V. Delle-Femine. Today, for example, we get The New York Times storyof the labor leader going out to meet the troops--a number of who are grumbling about the strike.

I mean, who is this guy? He set up the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association for the sole purpose of raiding other unions. The press has not asked him, as far as I can tell:
  • To explain his relationship with a management firm, McCormick Advisory Group, headquartered in Laconia, NH, and with a law firm, Seham Seham Meltz & Peterson, based in Westchester County, NY, which has a long history of representing management in the airline industry.
  • to explain how The McCormick Group also founded the Professional Flight Attendants Association (PPFA), which successfully raided an AFL-CIO union at Northwest Airlines.
  • To disclose what the Seham law firm gets from AMFA and whether he knows that the Seham firm has long represented airline managements in opposing workers and their unions. According to a source inside the labor movement, Martin Seham and/or Lee Seham have represented Varig Brazilian Airlines on a continuing basis; the Sperry Gyroscope Company against the Engineers Association; Pan American Airways against the Seafarers International Union of North America; Vantage Steamship Corporation against the National Maritime Union of America; Maritime Overseas Corporation against the Masters, Mates and Pilots and the International Longshoreman’s Association; and Jackson Engineering Company against the Marine and Shipbuilders Workers. And The Seham firm also has represented El Al Israeli Airlines, Air Lingus, SAS Scandinavian Airlines, TWA. Mt. Vernon Tanker Company, Seatrain Lines, Inc., Delta Steamship Lines, Zapata Bulk Transportation, Inc., Wabash Transport, the Maritime Association, Airfreight Express Limited, A. Millner Company and the Owners Committee on Electric Rates.
None of this inquiry suggests that I still don't worry about the workers who are getting royally screwed. It's clear Northwest management feels pretty cocky--it hasn't asked for the Bush Administration to intervene in the strike and is already talking about permanently replacing the workers.

But, maybe the AMFA workers, in addition to calling for solidarity, should throw Delle-Femine over the side. After all, for what seems like an agenda based on raking in money for his backers, he lead the workers into a disastrous strike.

Ok, fair is fair, you may consider them all reasons to vote Delle out, and that's the point, they can. They don't have to get rid of AMFA to get rid of Delle, but if the mechanics want to get rid of Gless and/or Videtich (who just got a big raise in thanks to selling out the mechanics) the only way is to get a super majority, one where they can overcome all the dead people, management, laid off people with recall rights to places that will never reopen and people that never existed and vote out the entire TWU.
Teamsters, American Airlines Mechanics Plan Announcement

The laws were different in 1983 than they are now. The fiasco at CO with Lorenzo was why Section 1113 and 1114 were passed by Congress.

Before that any employer could wipe out a CBA and union certification without any fight when they filed chapter 11.
But we could strike.

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