Not obsessed, curious?
Kevin McCormick is the owner of the McCormick Advisory Group, a real-estate management company from Laconia, New Hampshire. He and Delle go way back to the days when Delle was selling real estate. They are very good friends.
They are such good friends that while Delle was out trying to aid airlines in their divide and conquer strategy of weakening unions, Kevin took real good care of Delle. Kevin has provided Delle with housing, cash, and expenses for the last five years. Kevin even put him on his company’s payroll. We’re sure Kevin did this out of the kindness of his own heart, and the love of his friend expecting nothing in return.
It has to be just a coincidence that Kevin is now on amfa’s payroll. In a fraternity that continually praises how democratic they are, Kevin has been appointed to the sweetest job of all; National Administrator. There is no provision in the amfa constitution for a real estate manager, so Delle created the title of National Administrator because it sounds better than national real estate manager, but there actually is no provision in the amfa constitution for either position.
Kevin McCormick was never voted into his position, yet he is the man who handles all of amfa’s finances. Why does amfa have a National Treasurer if all the money goes to a real estate firm? And who is Kevin McCormick accountable to? He was never elected to any position. In fact, he isn’t even a member of any union.
Delle has amfa paying Kevin back to the tune of $12,000 per week! How could that be? He must be the world’s most overpaid administrator. But for that money amfa gets his superb negotiating skills. For some reason, Mr. McCormick has his signature on amfa’s contracts with Alaska and Mesaba airlines. Why is someone who was never elected negotiating contracts in a “democratic” fraternity? Is there any way for his role to be taken over by elected amfa members? Can he be removed from his position?
We urge you to ask your amfa representatives for these answers. There is no logical reason that you should have to pay Delle’s debts with your hard earned, recently raised, dues money. Kevin McCormick’s only role in amfa is to drain as much cash from YOU and put it into Delle’s, Lee Seham’s, and his own pocket. Delle’s past debts should be his own problem, not yours.
There you go showing your hatred towards AMFA and the AMT's that AMFA represents. What a loser.