If I were to ask you 15 years ago would you agree to lose half your pay, your Pension, Retiree medical, pay on average around $7k a year out of pocket for medical and coverage, allow the company to pick crew chiefs, pick who works OT by calling it "job continuance", eliminate 5 holidays and work the remaining holidays at half pay, one week of vacation for the first five years, five sick days with the first two at each occurrence at half pay, etc etc etc, you would undoubtably say no way would anyone agree to this, yet here we are aren't we? Where was the uproar of epic proportions then? Instead we had our International running around saying we had to give all this up or we would end up with no job and ZERO income and removing elected representatives that did try to fight it.
The company is making BILLIONS in profits and we are making less than ever before.
So don't try and spin this to what Gary would agree to, the die has been cast, if every TWU member there votes NO and every IAM member votes yes then the IAM, being the chair for the first two years decides. Then comes the spin to an extremely disenfranchised membership that has been conditioned by their Unions to have very low expectations despite the unbelievably high profits of American Airlines.
If Harry, John and Alex did nothing to stop this Association then I don't see them doing much to stop any of the other things that Little, Gless and Videtich agreed to either.
I could see the Association, by a 7 to 6 vote coming back with a proposal to adjust our Holidays to 8 at Doubletime, restore two weeks vacation for the first five years, and Delta plus 7 along with the promise that now our pensions would be restored, they will claim that we will get close to what we expected prior to our AA plan being frozen and omit a lot of details. look, we were lied to for at least 30 years about our AA plan, we were told we had the best in the industry because of the higher multiplier, even given graphs and charts that showed how much we would get vs our peers with the same years "in the plan" , what they omitted was that we lost the first year and that first year more than offset the higher multiplier for IIRC 45 years.
As you said, theirs wasn't frozen. They couldn't even pretend to be promising something better. The value in this transaction lies with the fact that we can retire at 60 55 and only get a max penalty at 15% vs the 45% at 60 with the IAMNPF. This adds a lot of money to the table that the IAM can use to try and sell it. That money would be used to pay for things like Holidays, vacation, sick time and in reality be zero cost for the company. With our members so desperate for money many would not look down the road and grab it, we have over 3500 members in the TWU that aren't even getting the full match and giving money back to the company. So you have those 3500 plus all the US guys who would to see billions rolled into a plan they are already stuck with.