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Amfa Organizers - Tulsa Distribution

I was at the first meeting and the second until 1:30pm. Ask Mike McDonald. I think he is the only McDonald brother that does not lie?
Buck said:
I was at the first meeting and the second until 1:30pm. Ask Mike McDonald. I think he is the only McDonald brother that does not lie?

And. . .???? :huh:

That's funny. . .I too saw Mike McDonald. . .in the TWU room in between the first and second meeting along with everyone else! 😀
I find it intresting how the twu pouts and cries whenever AMFA distributes on the property. Its like watching a child have a temper tantrum :shock:

Quote from the Dissident. . .
I find it intresting how the twu pouts and cries whenever AMFA distributes on the property. Its like watching a child have a temper tantrum

Quote from RUM@AA. . .
There's that old saying "takes one to know one" or "none are so paranoid as the guilty". Which fits you best?

You guys never cease to amaze me. Whenever your backs are up against the wall you change the subject and resort to personal attacks! Why don't you comment on what the post is about. . .like why KM makes $800,000 or even why your AMFA t-shirts are made in Honduras. . .or why your turnout to see Delle was so "high" (not!). This forum is a place to debate the issues not to throw stones.

Oh, and regarding your quote Dissident, the TWU takes a stand when threatened, by you and whomever may come along. (like a "union" is suppose to) Unlike AMFA. . .what's going on at NW with the stock stuff? I don't know the full story but what I do know is that AMFA is taking the back seat and letting the other unions do the hard work while they take up for and fight for their members. Nice quality in a union don't you think???

Just wondering if that some homegrown or some manufactered stuff you are smoking. How much do they pay you for talking this garbage? 8 hours of UB a day.
You sound like Captain Corporate Welfare Wells, or C.W.Wells for short.

"These guys[AMFA] are all about draining money from the airlines"
Kirk Wells - TWU Supporter

Tulsa World September 13, 2003

:stupid: :shock: :up:
Kevin McCormick makes $800K a year...SO WHAT! I'd rather pay McCormick $800K than have Pres. S. Hall and Co. in a $900K a year Office in NY.
At least if K.M. Doesn't perform per his contract AMFA will hire another financial adviser. WE CAN'T FIRE HALL OR YINGST...OR LITTLE!
His job is to get more members so he can get more money! That's why he was in Tulsa!

Well isnt that the same reason why the TWU had us take all these cuts? Dues!!!

According to the 2002 Local 33 LM-2 AMFA paid the Seham firm approx $350,000.

Well thats less than what the TWU spent on cars for International officers last year. Why do union officials that represent Transit workers and Airline workers need union membership paid for cars? Do you think that the members would rather see their dues spent on Lawyers fighting for the members or new cars for unaccountable union officials?
TWUER said

Oh, and regarding your quote Dissident, the TWU takes a stand when threatened, by you and whomever may come along. (like a "union" is suppose to) Unlike AMFA. . .what's going on at NW with the stock stuff? I don't know the full story but what I do know is that AMFA is taking the back seat and letting the other unions do the hard work while they take up for and fight for their members. Nice quality in a union don't you think???

Taking a stand is not throwing a temper tantrum. If you call that POS contract that got voted in taking a stand maybe you need to go to leadership training. Taking a stand is not giving the company back a weeks vacation. Taking a stand is not giving back 5 sick days. Taking a stand is not giving back 5 holidays. Speaking of stocks where the hell is my stock options. The company already has distrubited them to the twu. Whats the holdup on getting them issued????? :shock:
The Dissident said:
TWUER said

Oh, and regarding your quote Dissident, the TWU takes a stand when threatened, by you and whomever may come along. (like a "union" is suppose to) Unlike AMFA. . .what's going on at NW with the stock stuff? I don't know the full story but what I do know is that AMFA is taking the back seat and letting the other unions do the hard work while they take up for and fight for their members. Nice quality in a union don't you think???

Taking a stand is not throwing a temper tantrum. If you call that POS contract that got voted in taking a stand maybe you need to go to leadership training. Taking a stand is not giving the company back a weeks vacation. Taking a stand is not giving back 5 sick days. Taking a stand is not giving back 5 holidays. Speaking of stocks where the hell is my stock options. The company already has distrubited them to the twu. Whats the holdup on getting them issued????? :shock:

Now who's cryin'??? 🙁

I bet you weren't calling it a "POS contract" when we first got it !! You ought to be glad you even have a job the way you complain!!

You mean you get stock options?? Imagine that. . . :shock:
twuer said:
I bet you weren't calling it a "POS contract" when we first got it !! You ought to be glad you even have a job the way you complain!!

You mean you get stock options?? Imagine that. . . :shock:

Are you ever going to post something worth while reading. This contract has been a P.O.S. since 1983. Your beloved twu/AA comment about having a job cracks me up. Is this the best you have to offer? 😱 Stock option that the company paid $3.52 a share for and is selling to us for $5.00 plus commissions. Wow if the stock hits $400 a share I might break even. Keep up the good work, you guys add to our card count everyday by talking your garbage. :censored:
twuer said:
Now who's cryin'??? 🙁

I bet you weren't calling it a "POS contract" when we first got it !! You ought to be glad you even have a job the way you complain!!

You mean you get stock options?? Imagine that. . . :shock:

By the tone of your rethoric I can tell you voted yes and helped destroy the gains of the past. I find it intresting that I point out the shortfalls of the twu and I am told by some twu officer that I should be lucky I have a job the way I complain. Its pretty hard to try and defend the indefensable isnt it? Youll have to dust off your tool box pretty soon when you get forced back to the floor after AMFA gets in.

Who represents more aircraft mechanics twu or AMFA?


Its funny how only paid opposition to AMFA post on these BB's. They seem to come out of the woodworks to save their little extra pay and keep thier little power trips intact. All that at the cost of the membership. Maybe twuer should cut off his foot to save himself. :lol:

I read this entire thread and did not see one thing in here that promoted the TWU. Instead it's all name calling and dumping down AMFA. Why is it these people can't find at least one good thing about the TWU and promote it?

Oh well this has to be good for AMFA so carry on twuer. Couldn't do it without your kind of support!!! Thanks 🙄
I take back part of what I said 'little extra pay' my mistake. What is it now days 400$ a month? Did you guys loose a percentage of that? Well anyway that is a very considerable sum at our wages today, now isn't it!!! :shock:
TWUer "...You ought to be glad you even have a job the way you complain."
This isn't the first time we've been told by someone from Pine St., "Yur lucky ya got a job". J-A-W-B, job.
twuer said:
I bet you weren't calling it a "POS contract" when we first got it !! You ought to be glad you even have a job the way you complain!!

You mean you get stock options?? Imagine that. . . :shock:

Are you ever going to post something worth while reading. This contract has been a P.O.S. since 1983. Your beloved twu/AA comment about having a job cracks me up. Is this the best you have to offer? 😱 Stock option that the company paid $3.52 a share for and is selling to us for $5.00 plus commissions. Wow if the stock hits $400 a share I might break even. Keep up the good work, you guys add to our card count everyday by talking your garbage. :censored:
AMFAMAN if the 1983 contract was such a POS, why did you either hire under it, which I suspect you did, or else quit. Back then there were lots of other airlines around and all doing well.

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