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Top AA executives visit Tulsa base. AA/USAIR Committed to staying in Tulsa.

What aircraft is AA management planning for TULE after the 80s, 757s and the 767s go to the desert? Is AA planning on bringing
in the Scarebus fleet and the 787 for TULE? Seriously doubt it. So all TULE will have is left is the 737? Don't think that is gonna
maintain 7000 headcount in Tulsa. AA shut down the state of the art AFW hanger and outsourced the 777-767 to China
and now TAESL looks to be next on the chopping block with AMTs bailing out if they can. AA looks to be continuing the exit of the aircraft
overhaul business and the worthless TWu-IAm is powerless to stop them.

This is nothing but a ploy to placate TULE into thinking the "New" AA management wants their continued services, they would rather
outsource everything they can, looking at recent history. With Useless Air management and a former NWA scab master included,
I am not believing the hot air promises management or the Tulsa mayor is selling...not for a minute.

It is curious timing as the AMFA cards are flying that they have this "we are keeping TULE for decades to come"
dog and pony show to keep the TULE sheep from getting nervous as the butcher sharpens his blade.

But hey, maybe the "New" AA management isn't lying this time like the former one did....keep on believing TULE.
dfw gen said:
time will tell. still waiting on my share gain, prefunding , 14% of stock. yep i think time will tell.
oh and the 4% and delta + 7% and my holidays holiday pay, vacation a cap on medical...

Yep I beleive them.
Hackman said:
What aircraft is AA management planning for TULE after the 80s, 757s and the 767s go to the desert? Is AA planning on bringingin the Scarebus fleet and the 787 for TULE? Seriously doubt it. So all TULE will have is left is the 737? Don't think that is gonnamaintain 7000 headcount in Tulsa. AA shut down the state of the art AFW hanger and outsourced the 777-767 to Chinaand now TAESL looks to be next on the chopping block with AMTs bailing out if they can. AA looks to be continuing the exit of the aircraftoverhaul business and the worthless TWu-IAm is powerless to stop them.This is nothing but a ploy to placate TULE into thinking the "New" AA management wants their continued services, they would ratheroutsource everything they can, looking at recent history. With Useless Air management and a former NWA scab master included,I am not believing the hot air promises management or the Tulsa mayor is selling...not for a minute.It is curious timing as the AMFA cards are flying that they have this "we are keeping TULE for decades to come"dog and pony show to keep the TULE sheep from getting nervous as the butcher sharpens his blade.But hey, maybe the "New" AA management isn't lying this time like the former one did....keep on believing TULE.
Why not the 737? LOL. We have 180 737's and 160 MD-80's...smh also the 767 is here in Tulsa.
AA Tulsa Mechanic said:
KRMG local radio and American Airlines said the 7,000 jobs will remain in Tulsa.
I remember something very similar was said about Kansas City. I remember when afw was announced the same thing was said. American is here to stay and provide good paying jobs. Where are all those great jobs today at Kansas City and afw? What's going to happen in other maintenance bases that we have outside of Tulsa? Look at the past. Look at our operation today. Tulsa may keep 7,000 jobs but when Tulsa loses work they will shift the work from other bases. Remember what happened in Kansas City? Work went to Tulsa and Kansas City ended up being a ghost town. Of course they made promises to the ex twa guys that their work is safe just in time to vote yes on a contract to save jobs. Ask any twa guy about this that worked in Kansas City. I'm not saying Tulsa will close up shop but you will see a big shift in work from other bases going to Tulsa. AA is committing big bucks in upgrades and improvements for the new fleets and future work. Are they doing the same elsewhere? Think what might happen when the economy takes a downward trend. Don't believe everything you hear on the news. Study the past here at AA. Nothing is secure.
And don't forget everyone in Tulsa has or is going to Airbus gen fam. They will be coming here in some fashion.
I see Charlotte and Philadelphia bases in jeopardy. If promises are made to preserve the work just think of Kansas City and afw.
dfw gen said:
time will tell. still waiting on my share gain, prefunding , 14% of stock. yep i think time will tell.
oh and the 4% and delta + 7% and my holidays holiday pay, vacation a cap on medical...

Yep I beleive them.
AA Tulsa Mechanic said:
Why not the 737? LOL. We have 180 737's and 160 MD-80's...smh also the 767 is here in Tulsa.
Keep laughing, we are being set up to lose some serious pay and benefits if the past is any indicator..
OldGuy@AA said:
Yeah it's called OSM or AMTO.  That is what they have planned I'll bet.  Higher percentage of them in Tulsa.
Actually the OSM, is at 17% out of 25% allowed.  I am speaking of the B- Scale of 1983 being repeated. The TWU has used this tactic for many years. Cut your union brothers throat before he arrives.
AA Tulsa Mechanic said:
And don't forget everyone in Tulsa has or is going to Airbus gen fam. They will be coming here in some fashion.
YES, Airbus are coming to Tulsa.
AMTs, AMTOs and related have had and are currently in Gen fam for these future fleets.
Painters took Gen Fam last year for the new fleet.
Buck said:
Actually the OSM, is at 17% out of 25% allowed.  I am speaking of the B- Scale of 1983 being repeated. The TWU has used this tactic for many years. Cut your union brothers throat before he arrives.
I'm talking about the same thing.  An increase in the percentage of OSM to where that is all they hire for years to come while forcing others into that position.  They don't need a B scale, they already have it.
Boy if I was at any of the LUS heavy stations like PHX CLT PIT I'd be wondering how this OSM crap is gonna be worked against Them or pushed on them. If I was them I'd be signing a card. Does anyone know if they have unlicensed people there working on A/C?
Steve Goeyvaerts
SFO A/C Maint.
Come on guys I'm getting a complex here. Is it because I actually sign my name to my posts or am I just an idiot? Ok how about this I really believe the majority of TUL is blind and oblivious to the fact that EVERY time they have tried to save jobs in lieu of wages it has failed miserably. I challenge anyone one this board to prove me wrong. As far as I'm concerned we are doomed with this alliance shiite.
Steve Goeyvaerts
SFO A/C Maint.

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