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To Usa320pilot

mweiss said:
With all due respect, you're taking the statements too literally. Yes, pilots can be trapeze artists as well, but the point really is that there is not a readily transferrable set of skills from the pilot profession.
mweiss, you know damn well what he meant in his post, sounds like your a little jealous LOL

He post nothing that is valuable.

It has been 6 or 7 months and we are still waiting for his explanation of the threat of the IAM Mechanic and Related "Painful" clause.
USA320Pilot says: "I was recently offered the opportunity to become the head hitting instructor"

I think you already are !
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
CAV, C'mon!!!!! This quote is pure Bull#$$@!!!!!! They are pilots, we are IAM. They make more!!!!! It's been that way for 50 years!!! Why fall prey to the class envy thing????? They make more, so they can afford to give more????? That is the most ignorant thinking. You said you were not going to respond to 320 anymore. The reason you continue to do so is your dislike of EVERYTHING he says. You and 700!!! I happen to think he posts some viable info. You ( and me) may not like what he has to say, but when someone on this board posts info that needs to be talked about, they are attacked as a "company" person, or someone who is out of touch. Cav, whether you like it or not, the pilots have been slammed hard! To think that they can accomidate Mngt easier because of what they make is NOT rational thinking!! You told me about your son before, Whats to say he deserves everything he may EARN in the future?????? STOP this class envy bullshit!!! GOOD DAY!!!!!
You know what. I DON'T CARE, then let Lakefield SLAM them harder because this management is done using the IAM as their whipping boy.

I don't feel sorry for ANY pilot, just like they sure in the hell didn't in 92!

Another thing. I don't give a rats behind what you think of my opinions either, it simply doesn't matter to me, understand!?
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
mweiss, you know damn well what he meant in his post, sounds like your a little jealous LOL
No, not in the least. I hope that every pilot lands on his/her feet. If they do, though, it's going to be through their own foresight rather than simply being shown the door and pounding the pavement.
cavalier said:
I don't give a rats behind what you think of my opinions either...
Well, bully for you. 🙄 For someone who doesn't care, you sure act like you care a lot. :blink:
cavalier said:
Another thing. I don't give a rats behind what you think of my opinions either, it simply doesn't matter to me, understand!?[/SIZE][/color] :angry:
Cav, calm down!! My opinion is just that, my opinion. If your going to disagree, fine, disagree. At least try to control your anger. It's not healthy, ya know?? UNDERSTAND!?????? :angry:
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
Cav, calm down!! My opinion is just that, my opinion. If your going to disagree, fine, disagree. At least try to control your anger. It's not healthy, ya know?? UNDERSTAND!?????? :angry:
What? Now you're my head doctor!

I lived this long without your input or suggestions.

If I was really worried about my health I sure as hell wouldn't be working for this GOD for forsaken outfit! 🙄
cavalier said:
What? Now you're my head doctor!

I lived this long without your input or suggestions.

If I was really worried about my health I sure as hell wouldn't be working for this GOD for forsaken outfit! 🙄
No, not your doc, just some friendly advice, thats all. As to your last point, thats why i'm trying to get the hell out of here!!!!!! GOOD DAY!! :shock:
mweiss said:
In fact, it does. Did UA232 land itself?
hmm what CAT is it rated? Fair enough UA232 didn't land itself.. Ok the charlotte DC9 US5481 did the pilot land it safely? Do you want to see who can cite more? Thought not.
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
No, not your doc, just some friendly advice, thats all. As to your last point, thats why i'm trying to get the hell out of here!!!!!! GOOD DAY!! :shock:
Martha Stewart type treatment is what every employee including low level management is subjected to the only difference is the U employees don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, unless they make a personal choice to just walk away from years of service, years of their life's effort.

Any sane person is angry, upset and just frustrated. The airline industry like everything else is being buffeted by a global economy and wal*mart-ization which brings up everyone on the planet while bringing down USA working class.

What galls me more that anything is the fact that this management team chooses to use to their advantage the woes of the airline industry to bring us all down instead of fighting back with a real honest to goodness business plan and model. This airline has been reinvented every six months since I have been here and all for naught only costing billions of wasted dollars and energy and many jobs affecting many families.

If they continue attacking the employees moral will be such that this franchise will self destruct from within and it already is happening.

It's like a cancer patient trying to cut out his own cancer and while driving his car, he’s about to wreck.

Lakefield is just another talking head put in place to placate the employees. I hope to the good Lord above that the IAM walks the walk until the bitter end! I am personally ready for whatever occurs and want to see a stance made once and for all, whatever the outcome, whatever.
usairways_vote_NO said:
hmm what CAT is it rated? Fair enough UA232 didn't land itself.. Ok the charlotte DC9 US5481 did the pilot land it safely? Do you want to see who can cite more? Thought not.
Ahh, so your point is that pilots' only use is in crashing airplanes. OK, so let's get rid of them all together, shall we? It'd save the airlines a huge amount of money.
usairways_vote_NO said:
hmm what CAT is it rated? Fair enough UA232 didn't land itself.. Ok the charlotte DC9 US5481 did the pilot land it safely? Do you want to see who can cite more? Thought not.
usairways_vote_NO, that was a real cheap shot. Really stupid on your part, just stupid. :angry:
You have not given a straight answer. Therefore I must assume that you don’t care what I make or anybody else for that matter. I do not have financial padding you say you have but I will survive no matter what. What I will tell you is that I don’t want to see U survive paying poverty wages to me or anybody this company has been poorly run for a long time and rewards poor performance from its upper management and now it wants me and you to pay for it. I believe that if any of these so called CEO’s would have had some vision we would be a very competitive opponent.
It already is being proven that all of our CEO’s had no skill because look at LUV they now have the payroll and still turn profits. CAN YOU EXPLAIN THIS.
Remember when we needed a bigger express operation and your pilot group would not allow it…… I guess you showed them……….

It is not the pay that is killing this airline it is all the poor decisions one after another.

I will say it one more time to you…. I don’t want to see this airline survive paying poverty wages to anybody.
Grow to prosperity or go away I will move on…………..
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
Not true...... Plenty of pilots are college educated with a DEGREE, and if they needed to, could go to another line of work
My statement is that the profession has perhaps the least transferrable skillset, not the people who work in the profession. There are pilots in the industry who have graduate degrees and therefore have even more flexibility.

The bottom line is that the market will dictate the salary that each employee can get; based solely on their ability to fly airplanes, airline pilots are very vulnerable to decreases in salary and in the US are likely to see much lower paychecks for years to come; although airline pilot jobs will continue to appear, they will not pay the same as the legacies paid up until a few years ago, if ever. The skills required to do other airline jobs are much more transferrable into other industries where the salary is reasonably comparable, aside from the historical premium which airline employees have received when compared with comparable jobs in other industries.

Most airline pilots are pretty resourceful people and will do well but they will likely take a financial hit from which they will never fully recover and the change necessary to continue making a comparable salary will be much greater than for other airline employees.

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