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To Usa320pilot

N924PS said:
I believe your expectation, along with many others, is that it's perfectly fine for
the Pilots to take it in the shorts so you won't have to. Not this time.
FIRST I don't hate every pilot we have! BUT, and ask ANY line mechanic, some pilots walk around as GOD'S, SOME, it's FACT and that I can't stand!

NOT this time, NOT this time you say, hell when has it been any another way?????

The way things are going plus with this BOD and management U will probably become another story in aviation history, this I really truly believe.
BoeingBoy said:

I don't usually jump on you, but the flights to BFM didn't require crossing a picket line (though I'm not saying the planes wouldn't have gone anyway).

Where do I say it did?

And when 700 was flown down to BFM, the pilots were confronted by IAM mechanics and could not even look them in the eye.

The pilots that CHOSE to fly those planes to BFM are just as guilty in labor's eyes.
In this day and age I don't think a pilot should make more then 80 or 90K, let them see what it is like for a while? And that is being generous!
mrfish3726 said:
In this day and age I don't think a pilot should make more then 80 or 90K, let them see what it is like for a while? And that is being generous!
Hey Charlie Tuna-

Why not head back over to the UAL Lagoon where 89% of your posts lie in repose.
Let me guess your a UAL mechanic still mad at the UAL Pilots for their Summer of Discontent and subsequent pay rates.

Careful, there are BIGGER fish in the sea. Flamebait.
Worse. He's a furloughed UA mechanic who has gone to work for F9...and feels compelled to flamebait the UA employees.

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