First, we have had this whole debate before... So I am not going to go through it all again, specifically, the what are <job> worth...
Two comments, though...
Point 1: Its clear that USA320Pilot does not understand the "LCC Model." He can't, because there isn't one. The LCC's have two things in common: CASM below 8.25 cents and a rational fare structure...
USA320Pilot said:
I do not like the fact that LCC and Express employees are willing to work for less pay and benefits than you and I, but they are. Therefore, how can any legacy carrier compete when most of their other costs are fixed?
I recognize the LCC business model is different with point-to-point flying, one fleet type (this is about to change), no expensive hubs, and no heavy aircraft maintenance, but every company must compete across-the-board or the high cost operator will fail.
"All LCC's have low employee costs..." generally true, but not absolutely... LUV's wages, according to folks in here, are higher than UAIR's in similar positions...
"All LCC's are profitable..." I am sure the folks at ATA and Frontier wish this were true.
"All LCC's have point to point networks..." Somebody should explain this to ATA, America West, Frontier, and AirTran
"ALL LCC's have coach-only aircraft..." Again, AirTran and America West are the exception... Spirit and ATA have recently announced First/Business Class seating.
"All LCC's have one aircraft type..." Not ATA, America West, and AirTran.
"LCC's don't have Express..." Tell this to Frontier and America West
"LCC's don't participate in CRS..." America West, AirTran, and Southwest do, although they also push potential passengers to the internet.
Point 2: US Airways will not be saved by reducing employee costs... What US Airways really needs is more productive assets at all levels... Very little, in terms of redefining what each employee group does, seems to have changed. Very little new technology has been introduced to make employees/assets more productive... US Airways needs employees to turn airplanes in 25minutes, and a 12 hour average aircraft utilization (and profitable places to fly them) in order to be successful.
Wage cuts only alienate employees... Asking employees for help (i.e. we need you to find a way to do <X>) empowers them... US Airways has a culture of top-down management and employee alienation. This will only continue to result in unhappy workers and underutilized assets (and employees).