Managment has change many, many times the employees attitudes have not!
That's pure BS, or, as kindly as I can state it = completely incorrect. Each time a major switch in management occurred... a window of opportunity opened, via employee optimism and even actual hope. I doubt you were around for many of the change-outs, or you would know that. That the optimism (and even honest hopes) were usually shredded within fairly little time can't be assigned to the employees' lack of faith or hope. Heck!..I even had actual hopes for enhanced operational efficiency..all the way up until the infamous "Res Migration" :blink:
The opportunities for wholesale cultural changes, within ANY organization, occur with every "change of command". The pathetic sidestepping of any "management" in addressing their own responsibilities therein, versus providing even any semblance of actual Leadership, is a very tired little trail of tears indeed.
Among the advice given me by my late father, as to how to command, was the following: "Provide an example. Always Lead from the front. Do it decently and honorably. Believe in those you command...and they will follow you."
PS: On Leadership; What'd impress me would be to see the little cache of already multimillionaires at the top, during these trying times, take but a dollar a year honorarium, and base their future compensation purely upon company successes....and I can almost immediately see the look of utter incredulity instantly result 😉