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las vegas hub to close

The bottom line is does LAS make money?

It is a negligible crew base-at least for US/HP. I recall UAL had a crew base to but does it make money?

It seems that WN has a big presence so in their model it must work does it work for us?

Does anyone have any yield numbers?
All I can remember is that Doug Parker has been quoted as stating that both PHX & LAS were "Marginally Profitable" hubs. That said I gues you have to decide if you think Mr Parker has any credibility or is trustworthy. Over the last few years we've heard both legally and anecdotally that he is neither.
Didn't he also say in the recent webcast that most domestic flying is not profitable with todays fuel prices? I seem to remember that from the 5 minutes I listened to....
Didn't he also say in the recent webcast that most domestic flying is not profitable with todays fuel prices? I seem to remember that from the 5 minutes I listened to....
If true, then logically, one would have to say that they are pricing themselves below their cost of operation. Not that it is true because, are there not fuel surcharges?

Heck, the only things innovative I've seen in the last fifteen years are the excuses used to justify bad management.
LAS always did well for America West when fuel prices were in the 50-60 dollar range. The idea behind the LAS Hub was to utilize the a/c as much as possible with lower fares, but you would still make money. Now, it's over, fuel is too high to waste. This is probably another reason why China will not be started next year, but delayed until the right airplane is obtained.
LAS is a small pilot base and strictly a "hot RSV" base for FAs for the West. IOW, FAs rarely get assigned trips. There's about 11 Rsvs and they only sit HOT (OPR), board flights for delayed crew and "rarely" get trips.
yep, it will happen! You laughed at the closing of PIT when Dougie stated that it wouldn't a month earlier. Grow up and smell the coffee!
LAS is losing 22 flights. The total will now be 92 combined with mainline and express. A few cities lose a flight or 2 and some completely lose nonstop LAS service like COS, OAK, and TUS.
And maybe 2 gates also......SWA supposedly going to take 2 more "B" gates when the walkway is done. It is extremely hard to shrink into profitability. just my thoughts..........
And maybe 2 gates also......SWA supposedly going to take 2 more "B" gates when the walkway is done. It is extremely hard to shrink into profitability. just my thoughts..........
Very sad to see LAS shrink before our eyes.. 🙁 America West was the pioneer for "all" nite flying in and out of LAS. I wonder what United will do when we merge?
All I can remember is that Doug Parker has been quoted as stating that both PHX & LAS were "Marginally Profitable" hubs. That said I gues you have to decide if you think Mr Parker has any credibility or is trustworthy. Over the last few years we've heard both legally and anecdotally that he is neither.

He also said PIT was "Marginally profitable" and look what happened to it!!!!

I think PHX is history too if we merge with United. United has Denver, why would they need a "marginally profitable" PHX??

PHX vs. DEN = PIT vs. PHL.... We know who lost and who will...... Sad to say but.....
PHX vs. DEN = PIT vs. PHL.... We know who lost and who will...... Sad to say but.....

And to a certain extent, the same would go for LAX vs LAS. LAX has too much International and business traffic and would probably trump LAS.
This industry will continue to ebb and flow with the dynamics of the nation. The economy, demographics and technology all change the dynamics of this business. What might seem powerful and solid today can and will change in the blink of an eye. Nothing is for certain and anything is possible.

Yet we all should be------->

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