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mweiss said:
In the end, though, it all sounds like "can't discredit the message, so let's discredit the messenger." Cordle's actions in the past don't change the facts at present, nor do they make his statements false.



I'm mostly live-and-let-live myself. Cordle may certainly have his say, and he could even be right.

But if he is a scab, that too, speaks volumes to me.

You know I have taken issue with unions myself. But if I were a dues paying member, and the call came to strike, I only have two choices. Strike. Or resign.

Fair enough. But is it not reasonable to expect one to be able to separate the message from the messenger? Sure, it's worth having some background in order to establish potential external influences, and therefore to be able to more critically examine the message itself, but still, it'd be much more interesting to discuss the message.
EyeInTheSky said:
mweiss, desparate times call for desparate commentary. Point blank, US Airways' is way past expiration date with all the other airlnes and quite frankly they have a 'sour' taste in their mouth. This (US Airways survival) is driving them nuts. A Delta pilot was talking with one of our pilots in the security line the other day and he says: "I don't know how you guys stay in business", the US Airways' pilot shot back, "For a company that lost 2.5 billion in one quarter I don't know how you guys stay in business either." The Delta guy shut up real quick.

The people who look like idiots really are the management of most of the legacies who since 9/11 have followed the adage about two hikers being attacked by a bear and one guy stopping to put on sneakers "I just need to out-run you" --i.e., just have to last long enough for someone else to go out of business, then everything will be all right. AA's near death experience I think took care of that attitude, ditto DL. UA still seems in denial believing the Ch. 11 can keep them protected for ever. I'm most disappointed in CO that prior to 9/11 seemed to do many innovative things but has trodden water since. Bethune's quotes about "winning being doing better than the others" look dumb now. NW is using its fortress hubs and remaining weight (trying to take out ATA) but I think the trick is getting old and frayed.
diogenes said:
But if he is a scab, that too, speaks volumes to me.


Too many are too quick to dismiss Cordle by simply saying the SCAB word, including the "lightweight" labor clueless USAirways MEC Chairman and many UAL pilots. But the fact is that for many years he has been on the mark, and they'd rather shoot the messanger than look at reality.

ua767fo said:
Too many are too quick to dismiss Cordle by simply saying the SCAB word, including the "lightweight" labor clueless USAirways MEC Chairman and many UAL pilots. But the fact is that for many years he has been on the mark, and they'd rather shoot the messanger than look at reality.


True... one can be dishonorable, and still be right on a particular subject.

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